There is still half a year left before the opening of the World Championship.

Because of the special training, Modu University gave Jiang He a fake note for half a year.

Then, with the help of the masters in the World Championship group chat and his mentor Luna Die, Jiang He formulated a detailed training plan for himself and the beasts.

For the next three months, Jiang He and his imperial beasts strictly followed the arrangements in the training plan, and did not slack off.

Jiang He: Get up at 6:30 every morning, do morning exercises after washing, and start meditating after breakfast.

After meditating for 2 hours, watch the previous World Championship battle videos to improve your fighting awareness.

After lunch, take a one-hour lunch break.

If the date is singular, then in the afternoon, I will train with my beast.

The content of the training is that after he is possessed by the Ice Ghost King, he conducts friendly discussions with his own beasts.

Even numbers means making all kinds of extraordinary food.

After nearly a year of study, Jiang He's craftsmanship has steadily improved, and now he has reached the level of a mid-level extraordinary chef, but he just didn't go to the research.

He also used the [Extraordinary Cooking Knowledge (Advanced)] obtained from the first four-stage reward.

Now Jiang He has a fairly complete knowledge base about extraordinary foods in his mind, and there are thousands of recipes alone.

In addition to Ziyue's internal digestion of these extraordinary foods, some Jiang He was given to the beast-mongering instructor of Magic Capital University.

At first, these monarch-level beast masters thought that Jiang He was courting them in order to obtain the privileges of certain courses. But over time, they discovered that Jiang He was really just enjoying the process of feeding them.

Every time they enjoy the food, the student will have a happy smile on his face.

It seems to be more enjoyable than them.

This made them a little embarrassed, and from time to time they would give Jiang and some treasures in the new world.

Looking at the rapidly rising pleasure value, can Jiang He be unhappy!

The daily pleasure value given by the beast master tutor of Magic Capital University, plus Ziyue's "burst" wave from time to time, and the pleasure value of the stable income of the wandering creature rescue center.

Now, the three-stage rewards can be withdrawn in about a week.

That is, one high-level skill and two high-level skill fragments, plus a medium-sized energy pack. If you are lucky, there will be some rewards related to the special evolution of beasts, runes and the like.

In addition to the knowledge of runes, Ziyue's training content is mainly about the in-depth use of life energy.

At present, Ziyue's use of life energy has developed the second stage, and can use life energy to increase her physical quality and skill power.

However, in the second stage of the application, it is still a relatively elementary stage, and the degree of increase is not high, only 2 times.

In three months, it increased the enhancement of life energy from 2 times to 4 times!

Equivalent to using the life energy boosting skill, the power of the skill is twice as strong as before!

Combined with the blessing of the Moon God and the increase in the skills of the immortal beast, the current Ziyue can completely explode the attack of the monarch's mid-level imperial beast!

Takizuki: In the morning, the two newly acquired spiritual skills, Demon Arrow and Spirit Storm, are trained, and the afternoon and evening are spent learning water dragon chants.

The main purpose of learning water dragon chanting is to understand the origin of water and trigger the qualitative change of energy.

There are two ways for the leader-level imperial beast to understand the power of the source.

One is the inheritance of immortal and above extraordinary imperial beasts.

The other is to continuously improve the perception and understanding of one's own attribute energy, and to upgrade a high-level skill of this department to master-level proficiency, you can comprehend the original energy.

But it's easier said than done to train a high-level skill to the master level, and it usually takes decades of polishing to achieve it.

This is also the only way to become a monarch.

However, Jiang He can totally use the help of general skill fragments.

As long as Takiyuki raises the mastery of Shuilongyin to the proficient level, and then uses the general skill fragment to directly upgrade to the master level.

Now he can extract the three-stage reward almost every week, which means that he can obtain a complete high-level skill (after being decomposed into a high-level general skill fragment) and two high-level skill fragments.

10 high-level general-purpose skill fragments can be combined into one high-level skill.

In theory, it takes two and a half months to upgrade a high-level skill by one level.

In fact, the speed of obtaining high-level general-purpose skill fragments is even faster. In addition to the original reserves, Jiang He obtained 10 high-level general-purpose skill fragments in just one month.

Under Takiyuki's hard training day after day, in the second month, which is the first day of the new year, it successfully raised the proficiency of Shuilongyin to master.

Jiang He immediately used 10 high-level general-purpose skill fragments on [Water Dragon Roar].

In an instant, Takiyue felt a lot more in her heart, and at the same time, the water energy in her body began to transform, gradually compressing into the source of water.

Next, Takizuki's goal is to understand the origin of ice and the origin of illusion.

Yiyi's training content is to exercise the ability to control flames and the use of two high-level fire skills.

Also prepare for the comprehension of the original fire.

As for the fairy beast in the new contract, Jiang He didn't ask for it too much.

After all, the positioning of fairy beasts is support and tank, it can buff and absorb damage to teammates.

Of course, in addition to the day-to-day training, the Dongxia team also went to the gym under the leadership of Master Zhuying.

Oh, no, it's to go to various countries for friendly exchanges.

It can also be regarded as a "lookout moment".

The results are naturally self-evident. They challenged gyms in 4 countries one after another. The Dongxia team did not lose a single defeat and successfully won 5 badges.

This means that in the World Championship in June this year, the Dongxia team can directly skip the preliminaries and walk to the top 8.

However, it is said that the teams from other countries in this World Championship are also outrageously strong.

The captain of the Bald Eagle National Team, Steve, the main beast, the Seraphim, has entered the realm of monarchs, and the beasts of the other team members also have the strength of a quasi-monarch or close to a quasi-monarch.

And besides Steve, there is another beastmaster who needs special attention.

Kaxiu, who was originally just a substitute team member, showed amazing combat power in the second invasion of the Shadow Abyss, beheading an abyss monarch.

Strength cannot be underestimated.

Of course, Jiang He didn't take it to heart.

At this moment, all his fighting powers of the beasts have reached the monarch rank, and the actual fighting power of the fairy beasts has reached the level of the sixth rank of monarchs.

At his age, it can be said that he is the best, no one.

However, Jiang He was very low-key and did not reveal his strength as a beast.

He is not complacent either, he understands that the real enemy is the existence in the abyss.

In the past three months, Jiang He and his imperial beasts have had a very fulfilling life.

He likes this kind of plain but warm life very much, and if he can, he hopes to continue it forever.

But accidents always come unexpectedly.

One afternoon in early spring, when he was meditating, the phone beside him vibrated.

Most of his group chats are do-not-disturb messages, and only Bai Ge and a few group chats have he opened a message reminder.

The news comes from the Abyss Investigation Bureau.

[Bai Feng]: "@All members. An abyss passage suddenly appeared in the Meishan area of ​​Tianfu Province, and a large number of abyss species poured out of the passage! Investigators who are free, please go to support quickly! Light-based beasts and healing beasts are urgently needed. "

In the Eastern Xia territory, the abyss has also begun to invade.

Jiang He was not surprised when he suddenly saw the news.

With the opening of the major caves on the blue star one after another, the spiritual energy began to recover, and the invasion of the abyss was only a matter of time.

"Get ready, it's time to fight!"

Jiang He said to his imperial beast.

He couldn't stand by and ignore the invasion of the abyss when he was capable.

However, he didn't set off in a hurry, he just sent the white pigeon his current position.

Of course, the fastest way to get there is to shuttle through the space of Gugu~

After a few seconds, the space above his head shattered like a mirror.

The white pigeon appeared out of thin air riding the snow-white wind chaser.

"Junior, come up!"

Bai Ge didn't say much. The two had a tacit understanding on the matter of going to MS City for rescue.

Sichuan Province, MS City.

A blood-red scar suddenly appeared between the mountains, like a scar from the sky.

Densely packed, all kinds of monsters poured out of the abyss passage.

Abyss Invasion!

Because the opening of the abyss passage was so fast this time, the MS City Supervision Bureau, the Beastmaster Association and other garrison forces rushed over immediately when they noticed the abnormal spatial fluctuation.

But it's still too late!

Countless abyss species have already rushed to the nearby villages and towns, and there are still abyss species emerging like a tide.

Boom! boom! boom!

With the whistling sound, several bright sparks suddenly lit up at the abyss passage.

Human missiles began the first round of ground bombing.

Countless weak Abyss Seeds were swallowed by the flames and turned into ashes, but more Abyss Seeds did not die, dragging the burning flames to the nearby cities.

And what greets them is the baptism of various energies such as storm, thunder, fire and glare.

This is the first line of defense organized by the Meishan Supervision Bureau.

It is difficult to deal with the abyss species that have already escaped. All they can do is to control the abyss passage and not let more abyss species escape.

However, with the limited madness of the abyss, the missiles and the Beastmaster's attacks are somewhat stretched.

There is a serious shortage of people right now!

Whether it is the front line or nearby towns, a large number of beastmasters are needed.

"As long as you persist for another ten minutes, powerful beastmasters from all over the country will take over the battlefield."

The director of the Meishan Supervision Bureau thought so.


A town not far from Meishan.

At this moment, this town has become a **** on earth.

Black sharks that walk upright, mosquito swarms the size of **** human heads...

All kinds of ferocious Abyss species are raging here.

At this moment, the ten-meter-high building was as fragile as a piece of tissue paper, and it took less than a minute to be hit.

From time to time, a group of violent flames or lightning would erupt over the town or on the ground.

A beastmaster launched a counterattack.

But in the blink of an eye, he and his imperial beast were swallowed up by the abyss.

The power is too disparate.

The strongest beasts in the town are only the high-ranking warriors, and there are even monarchs in the abyss.

There are also people who want to escape to the distance by driving the flying beast, but countless blood-colored bats flashed in the sky, like a blood-colored cloud.

The eyes of the blood-colored bat showed greed, watching every prey in the air.

The end has come.

In the center of the town, a fat shark walking upright ripped apart a man's body, swallowed it whole in a few mouthfuls, and showed a hideous smile, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

There are more than a dozen living humans beside it, all of which are blood food it just captured.

One of them was a mother who covered the child with her body while covering his eyes with both hands.

Although she knew it was futile, she still hoped to bring a sense of security to her children.

"Jie Jie~ This world is our paradise! The resources are so rich, I can finally eat a full meal!"

The resources in the mouth of fat sharks naturally refer to fresh human flesh and flesh and blood of extraordinary creatures.

This is countless times more delicious than the abyss!

"If I stay in this world for a month, I should be able to complete the promotion and become the median monarch."

Next to the fat shark, the other abyss, who looked like a lion and a tiger, opened his mouth and said.

The saliva dripped frantically from the corner of its mouth, almost forming a pond on the ground.

"Don't think about it, this world also has a Lord-like Dominion Realm (Immortal Rank), so I'll retreat as soon as I finish collecting the information!"

In front of the two abyss species, a 5-meter-long giant blood mosquito pulled its mouthparts out of a human body, and said cautiously.

They are all lowly abyss monarchs.

He is also the commander of the abyss invasion legion, but the abyss legion that invaded this time is not even a vanguard, it is just a vanguard to investigate the intelligence of this world.

Blood mosquitoes can read the information they want by sucking the blood of other creatures. UU reading

"What are you afraid of! The sea of ​​blood soul beads given to us by the Lord can sense the strength of the breath of creatures in a radius of thousands of miles. At present, the strongest creatures are only existences of the same level as us. Let me eat a little more, such an opportunity is rare."

The fat shark said.

Blood Mosquito nodded, and stopped saying anything, but continued to read information on the human body pierced by its mouthparts.

A minute later, the red-red compound eyes of the blood-colored giant mosquito showed a look of joy.

"After eating this blood food, let's go back quickly! I didn't expect this world to be the Great Thousand World! The Lord will definitely be very satisfied with this information, so he will reward us."

The Daqian World in its mouth refers to the world that is connected to many other worlds, which is the main world in the Blue Star population.

Before completely sinking this world into the abyss, before the star curtain is completely extinguished, they can use this world as a springboard to invade more worlds.

With such important information, they are ready to return.

The high-end combat power of this world is coming fast, if they don't leave, they will stay here!

The black shark opened its **** mouth, trying to swallow the remaining humans.

But at this time, it suddenly found that the space not far away began to shatter strangely, and then came out a white dove and... two humans, a man and a woman!


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