Beast Taming: I Can Extract Pleasure Points

Chapter 284: Ice Ghost King, unite!

Following this voice, Jiang He saw another ancestor spirit beast.

The surface of this ancestor spirit beast was covered with crimson lava, and its abdomen and upper limbs had golden lines that looked like gods. The overall shape is somewhat similar to Godzilla, with a pair of ferocious and sturdy demon horns on top of his head, burning with raging flames, and surging purple thunder flashes in his eyes.

His brother is the lord of the ocean, forest and earth, symbolizing the gifts of nature, and he is the lord of fire and storm, symbolizing the destruction of nature.

The eyes of the two ancestor spirit beasts looked at the sky, as if they were staring at something.


The next second, the sun in the sky seemed to suddenly go out, and in an instant the whole world was shrouded in an oppressive dark gray.

It seems that there is a huge dark gray curtain covering the entire planet, and this curtain is getting closer and deeper from the ground!

Jiang He saw sparks from the giant curtain rubbing against the atmosphere, and the creatures that had been eating leisurely for a second on the ground began to flee in panic, as if a deadly threat was imminent.

"what is this?"

Jiang He continued to stretch his perspective, and then saw an extremely shocking scene:

In the dark space, there is an azure blue planet similar to a blue star.

Not far from this planet, a giant creature about the size of the planet next to it is standing quietly in the void. It has countless tentacles like transparent ribbons, and in the center is a huge vertical Hitomi.

A proper image of the evil god.

At this moment, he stretched out his dense tentacles to the planet next to him, like an octopus feeding.

The huge curtain that covered the sky before was just one of its tentacles.

And there are countless similar tentacles.


Takiyue and Yiyi, who had synaesthesia together, both shrunk into Jiang He's arms in fear.

To be honest, Jiang He was also horrified when he saw this chaotic and evil giant, but when the two imperial beasts threw himself into his arms, he was no longer very scared for some reason.


The Ancestral Spirit Beast, which had destroyed its form, let out a roar of rage.

And with its roar, the earth shattered, and endless lava poured out from the depths of the earth's crust.

The volcanoes of this planet erupted at the same time, and the ejected lava rushed to the sky under the manipulation of a certain force, and finally converged into a crimson "waterfall" that stretched for an unknown number of kilometers.

This "waterfall", which is purely condensed by flames and lava, is hundreds of kilometers in diameter and immeasurable in length.

God-level Skill: Destruction Fire

This blow can even set a planet on fire!

A nuclear bomb or something, it's weaker than it!


The sky was dyed by the molten lava like a fiery cloud, but it was far more gorgeous and magnificent than the fiery cloud.

The attack of the Ancestral Spirit Beast of the Destruction Form did not end, only to see its front feet slam on the ground, and lightning shot out from its pupils.

A storm that almost turned into reality and a purple lightning dragon suddenly appeared around the flame waterfall.

God-level Skills: Wind, Thunder, Lightning, Lightning

The ancestor spirit beast in the form of gift also began to mobilize the power of natural law, and the plants on the entire planet began to soar, and then turned into a little green light and merged into the flame waterfall.

God-level Skill: Natural Awakening

Increases the strength of any nature skill by a hundred times.


The flame waterfall formed by the fire of the world has been strengthened and directly expanded by a hundred times, and the color has become deeper.

At this moment, the temperature of these flames has reached an astonishing hundreds of thousands of degrees.

This temperature is enough to instantly vaporize any living thing!

Seen from the distant space, when the touch of the evil **** reached this planet, a giant red flame column suddenly appeared on the surface of the planet, wrapped in thunder and storms, and suddenly blasted all the tentacles of the evil god!


The moment the two came into contact, the tentacles of the evil **** were instantly vaporized.

Even if it is as strong as it, it cannot withstand such high temperature!

The evil **** was in pain and wanted to take back his tentacles.

But it's too late!

The flames spread rapidly towards the body of the evil **** along the tentacles of the evil god, and a gray mist appeared on the evil god's body, as if he wanted to stop the burning of the world-annihilating fire.

Unfortunately, it didn't work at all! These gray fogs built by the power of the law actually started to burn!

Once the fire of extinction begins to burn, it will not stop unless the target is burnt out.

The evil **** with a body as huge as a planet burned for an unknown amount of time, during which time it exhausted all means, but to no avail.

In the end, the evil **** burned out and completely turned into the dust of the universe.

"Doesn't the supernatural beasts of the undead rank possess such power?"

Seeing this scene, Jiang He couldn't help muttering.

However, after killing the evil god, the state of the two ancestor spirit beasts was extremely poor, their figures became extremely illusory, and their mountain-like bodies could no longer support their weight and fell down.

In the battle with the evil gods, they exhausted all the energy in the body.


The ancestral spirit beast in gift form looked around. Because of the previous battle, the land had been completely shattered, and the ocean on the planet had also evaporated. As long as a few creatures survived.

But if they don't fight back, the planet will be devoured and all life will die.

"Woo!" (Come back!)

"Roar!" (Okay!)

The two ancestor spirit beasts glanced at each other, and then their bodies began to disintegrate, turning into crimson and faint blue spots of light respectively, and dandelions flew towards the earth and the ocean.

Original return.

And as the two-colored light points scattered all over the planet, the rain fell, the green trees sprout, and the devastated earth began to regain its vitality...

They are born of nature and will return to nature.

At the last moment when their consciousness was about to dissipate, the two imperial beasts carved runes and laid out their spiritual veins. In the end, only one red and one blue soul crystal remained.

The rain kept falling for several months, and finally the place where their soul crystals were located became a lake.

That is the current Jinghu.

After the synaesthesia was over, Jiang He's mood was still difficult to calm down.

With this synaesthesia, he truly felt the power of the mythical creatures at their peak.

There really is an extraordinary creature with a body as huge as a planet!

But it was finally defeated by the two ancestor spirit beasts and completely turned into the dust of the universe.

If you have that kind of power, you might be able to resist the erosion of the abyss, right?

However, many doubts arose in his mind.

The planet where the ancestor spirit beasts are located is obviously not the blue star, but another planet.

The last place where the soul crystal was buried should be the current mirror lake, but the new world of Avalon can only be regarded as a half plane, not a planet at all.

Mirror Lake is all there is to it.

So where did the rest of the planet go?

There is also a doubt that the "evil god" with a body as large as a planet is the "true murderer" who ended the age of mythology?

What is the relationship between Blue Star and this planet?

"Forget it, no matter how much you think, it's meaningless. You still need to think about how to become stronger. Strength is the guarantee to solve these mysteries."

Jiang He no longer thought about these, but looked at the giant soul crystal beside him with anticipation.

It seems that this time I really found a treasure.

Not to mention the potential of the ancestor spirit beast as a mythical creature, just in the synaesthesia screen, Jiang He saw the [Natural Awakening] skill it displayed was invincible.

There is no need to enhance the power of natural skills a hundred times, and it is already very satisfying to be able to strengthen Jianghe ten times.

The applicability of natural awakening is very wide, Yiyi's flames, and Yunqiu's waves can all be amplified.

Any skill whose power is increased tenfold will undergo a qualitative change!

"I wonder when you will hatch?"

Jiang He touched the surface of the soul crystal and felt an icy coldness.


Seemingly feeling Jiang He's expectation, the giant soul crystal swayed slightly, and the faint blue light suddenly flickered.

"Soul Crystal" is very close to this human who saved it and has a good smell.

In its heart at this moment, Jiang He is undoubtedly a role similar to "mother" or "father".


In the next few days, while waiting for the soul crystal of the ancestor spirit beast to hatch, Jiang He continued to train hard with his beast to develop and improve his abilities.

Ziyue, Takiyue, and Yiyi's training content and growth route have basically been determined.

Jiang Yuan does not need training at all. As a mechanical beast, its strength is completely dependent on the improvement of metal source energy and fire energy.

Skills or something, it is a master of all attributes.

At present, the only thing that needs to develop a growth route and training plan is the Ice Ghost King.

In fact, Jiang He has never been too concerned about the cultivation of the Ice Ghost King.

Before the commander-level, it was always carried by the senior sister, and she learned a lot of undead and ghost skills, but she did not develop her own system.

Now Jiang He has a general idea in his heart, and the position of the Ice Ghost King is the battlefield commander.

He wants the Ice Ghost King to improve the use of the natural disaster field and learn related skills to enhance the undead, so as to cultivate a group of his own undead relatives.

It is best to build a undead army of your own.

In the next war with the abyss, the power of the individual is limited after all. If the undead souls are thrown into the battle, it may have unexpected effects.

"Jiang 嘤嘤, what do you think?"


The Ice Ghost King naturally has no opinion on this.

Commander of the First Army of the Undead, I feel excited when I think about it!

After confirming the growth route, Jiang He began to search for relevant information in the database of the mechanical cube.

He also asked several necromancer masters from Modu University and other prestigious schools for advice on training undead relatives and commanding the undead army.

But in the process of inquiring and consulting the information, Jiang He had an unexpected result.

A undead master told Jiang He:

The ice ghost king in human form like Jiang Yan is not the only one.

In the more than 400 years after human beings entered the age of beast masters, several beast masters once contracted the ice ghost king in human form.

One of the beastmasters developed the special potential of the ice ghost king in human form!

The strongest point of the ice ghost king in this human form is not to summon the undead army, but to possess himself!

Integrate with the beastmaster to burst out even more powerful power!

When the Ice Ghost King possesses a weak human body, he can burst out with a power that surpasses his own strength by a few small ranks!

Jiang He was instantly moved.

It doesn't matter if you are strong or not, the main thing is... handsome!

And don't delay commanding the undead army!

So Jiang He started training with the Ice Ghost King after learning about possession skills.

The process of possessing is difficult and difficult, simple and simple. The most important thing is that Jiang He and the Ice Ghost King need to be united.

It is somewhat similar to the Beast Master talent [Integration].

In a week, one person and one beast tried hundreds of times, but all ended in failure.

This week, Jiang He and the Ice Ghost King ate together, trained together, slept together, and had a deeper understanding of each other.

But there is still a long way to go before real success.

128th time.

"Ice Ghost King, unite!"

Jiang He shouted loudly.



Ziyue on the side glanced at its beastmaster in disgust, why did the reserved cat choose such two owners.

Shaking his head, he stopped paying attention to Jiang He, and started the training of life energy.

Jiang He didn't care about this.

Anyway, in my own home, it doesn't matter at all in middle school.

Aren't people in the middle of nowhere?

Following his loud voice, the Ice Ghost King slowly walked in front of Jiang He, the figures of one person and one beast began to overlap, and the Ice Ghost King slowly merged into Jiang He's body like a faint fire.


The next second, Jiang He opened his eyes again, but it was with dazzling golden pupils. At the same time, a mist-like blue flame ignited on his body, and a powerful force surged through his limbs.

It worked! ?

After the Ice Ghost King was possessed, the world in front of Jiang He changed dramatically. The multicolored colors faded quickly, as if a gray filter had been added, and everything he saw now turned gray.

And it can clearly "feel" three distinct energies surging in its body.

A kind of coldness, a kind of dead silence, a kind of icy cold.

They are ghost, death, and ice energy.

"Ah, is this the world in your eyes?"

Jiang He couldn't help asking.

"Hey!" (Yes!)

The Ice Ghost King responded in his heart.

At this moment, Jiang He and the Ice Ghost King are in a state of unity, and their minds are connected, so they instantly understand the meaning of the Ice Ghost King. UU Reading

Jiang He smiled at the corners of his mouth.

I have to say, this feels really good.

He moved his body a bit, and soon discovered that after possessing himself, he could easily mobilize the three kinds of energy in his body, and the various skills mastered by the Ice Ghost King could also be displayed like instinct.

Frost energy condensed in his hand into a frost sword that exuded a forest of cold air.

Frost Sword Art!

"Ziyue, let's have a match!"

Jiang He is going to test his current combat power through a battle.


Ziyue turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards him.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Jiang He, his claws fell, but he simply waved his claws without using any energy.

At this speed, before possessing the body, Jiang He was even hard to see clearly.

But now, not only can I see clearly, but I can also dodge before Ziyue's claws fall!

This is simply incredible.

After the battle, Jiang He roughly estimated that when the Ice Ghost King possessed himself, his combat power was equivalent to that of a ninth-order imperial beast.

This is also the first time he and the Ice Ghost King have been combined. He has no experience and cannot exert his full strength.

Jiang He estimated that after they get to the point of running in, they should be able to reach the combat power of the quasi-monarch class, right?



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