Lock the target point of North District and the others on the minimap, then Yang Lin and Fang Xiaoqiao directly abandoned the shuttle and chose to approach on foot.

in the sky is an obstacle-free cover, if the distance is too close, it will be directly noticed by the other party. So if you want to know what they are doing, it is the safest way to approach them silently from the ground.

Whether it's Yang Lin or Fang Xiaoqiao, their current strength is like a rocket. double the speed.

In order not to make too much noise along the way, even if they encounter a polluted beast, the two who can kill them try to one strike a certain kill, and if they encounter a group, they will detour away, and soon, They are close to the target point.

The goal of the entire group in the North District is an island in a lake, but it is not complete, at least there is a forest passage connecting it. As for what they are going to do here, only ghosts can guess.

"Xiaoqiao, let's approach carefully, this island in the lake doesn't look too small, and they have all landed on the island now, we can't be left behind."

This place Although deserted, the overall environment is very good. There are forests, islands and water. If it weren't for the all around polluting beasts, which were more powerful, and their roars came and go, this place would definitely look like a tourist destination.

Yang Lin took Fang Xiaoqiao to the island through the forest passage, all around is fertile land and some grotesquely shaped vegetation. However, most of these vegetations are mostly thorns. It should be created by the environment. Some thorns have grown into polluting beasts like piranhas. If you are not careful, you can even be surrounded by a group of thorns.

"The scenery here is good, but the murderous intention is quite strong. Within a thousand miles, there are very few monsters who can reach level 30, but beyond a thousand li is not certain, so don't be careless!"


"Well, brother, if you feel tired, let me check. As an assassin, I think this is my strength!"

Fang Xiaoqiao didn't say, Yang Lin Forget about this, this girl's main occupation is still an assassin, although at her own request, she can also act as a warrior.

Seeing Yang Lin's nod

Fang Xiaoqiao came to the front of Yang Lin with a whimper.

She walked in front, and Yang Lin followed behind. At the same time, she used the minimap to continuously index the surrounding dangerous situations, and by the way, verified Fang Xiaoqiao's perception ability and recognition ability when she encountered the enemy.

After a period of travel, Yang Lin felt that this girl was a good girl. She could notice everything she should be aware of, including some hidden dangers.

Agile, capable, alert, and steady, she is indeed a good girl.

"Brother, it seems that we are not far from them, and I can faintly hear the sound of fierce fighting ahead!"

"Okay, let's follow them secretly!"

Arrived at a remote location, looked towards the spot through the bunker, and saw the No. 100 people in the North District hunting. Their actions are methodical and well-trained, and their scale and strength are many times stronger than ordinary Squads.

And the level of the polluted beast is not low, beyond a thousand li, the lowest is 20, it is difficult to see a seventeen level 8.

Wait for the North District No. 100 to deal with a group of polluted beasts that suddenly appeared in front of them, and then move on.

"Brother, judging from their appearance, the trajectory of their movements seems to point directly to the center of the island in the lake!"

"Is it the center?"

Yang Lin muttered. , looked up and saw nothing but the towering tree. Also because the distance is still a little far, there is no abnormality displayed on the small map for the time being.

After that, it was still the same as before. The people in the northern district acted, and they followed in secret. The people in the northern district stopped hunting the polluted beasts that came out, and they just waited. For the time being, they didn't have the habit of beating the grass to scare the snake.

I originally hoped to hear some small talk from the crowd to get some information, but unfortunately, although there are 100 people, the discipline is quite strict. If you can't say a word of nonsense, then don't say a word, so until now, their action target is still a mystery.

After another trip, I suddenly heard roars one after another, and then I saw a large number of green pollution beasts rushing out of the woods on the island in the lake.

The monster in the cloak, Level 26, gregarious, has a certain wisdom, and is good at Earth Element spells.

Those hooded monsters have dry straw-like hair on their heads. At first glance, they have a hat on their heads, and their bodies are green. Because they have a certain amount of wisdom, they normally use some polluting beasts' hair. The fur is buckled on the body to keep warm and so on, hence the name.

But this is not the most important, the most important is their level and battle strength.

Yang Lin has hunted down so many tainted beasts, and I haven't seen any introductions that say that they can use spells. Yang Lin is very concerned about them being good at Earth Element spells.

If you want to talk about how much these minion-clothed monsters move, don't look at their short stature, they are only one meter tall. But their running and bouncing abilities are not bad at all, and after discovering that there was an intruder on the island in the lake, a dull horn sounded immediately, and then dozens of minion-clothed monsters rushed out.

Some of them are holding the sharp teeth of the pollution beasts, and some are holding wooden sticks. When they see these intruders, it is like seeing delicious food.

As for the people in the northern district, they were well prepared. They brought out all the powerful crossbows. With Zhou Tianqi's order, hundreds of arrows and locusts were usually shot out.

Some of the weak and weak monsters were shot to death on the spot, and some of the strong ones were like steel, and they simply didn't care about this powerful crossbow. After two more rounds of fierce crossbow, the two sides have completely caught fire, and the killing is inextricable.

Right now, Yang Lin is staring at the field, his attention is on the scorpion monster, or the doubt, he just wants to see what the Earth Element spell is going on.

Finally, he saw it.

At the back of the Mino-clothed monster, there is a Mino-clothed monster with a sacrificial appearance. It keeps shaking the wooden stick in its hand and seems to be talking about something. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and sharp earth and rocks burst out of the ground. Several people who could not dodge were pierced on the spot, making Divine Immortal difficult to save.

“so that's how it is, this is the Earth Element spell, is emotion a spell!”

There are many kinds of spells, and the conditions of use are after becoming a Martial Master, but Dong Juncai said that these abilities are generally acquired in large places such as Heavenly Star City and Heaven Domain City. Just like the mechanic that Yang Lin used in accordance with Dong Juncai's request before, he used a simple technique.

There is still a melee in the field. Although the level of the scorpion monster is not low, how can it compete with the well-trained North District in combat operations? After half an hour, after leaving a place of corpses, the rest A small part of this is going back.

"Xiaoqiao, it's getting close to the center of the island, they're leaving, we'll keep up!"

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