What the hell is this island in the lake, the secret is about to be revealed.

Yang Lin has followed Fang Xiaoqiao until now. Even when the monster in the cloak attacked, he didn't make a move, just to verify what Zhou Tianqi wanted to do.

Now that the scorpion-clothed monster has been killed and retreated, Zhou Tianqi leads the crowd forward, and Yang Lin, needless to say, is also followed along.

Looking at the field again, and under the order of Zhou Tianqi, the number 100 under his command began to act more cautiously. They were divided into various squads. Slow but productive.

After being forced out of the net, they were not given a chance to resist, and they were immediately beheaded by these people.

Soon, we have reached the center.

"Brother, they have set up camp here, and it seems that the front is open space, and the big lake is in front. If you guess correctly, this is their target point!"

Hearing what Fang Xiaoqiao said, Yang Lin was even more puzzled. He didn't feel anything unusual on the minimap. Why did all these people stop moving forward and just stood guard on the spot?

“is it possible that they want to develop this island in the lake?”

Thinking of this reason, Yang Lin thought it was ridiculous, so he had nothing to do and traveled thousands of miles to come here. A place where birds don't shit to open up an island in a lake.

"Xiaoqiao, don't act rashly for now. I think this may be a little strange. Let's go, you are from an assassin background, use stealth to inquire about news in the past and see if you can find any useful clues!"


"Okay, I'll act now."

Seeing Fang Xiaoqiao leaving, Yang Lin didn't tell her to be careful, because it wasn't necessary. From Yang Lin's point of view, Fang Xiaoqiao's strength has reached a very strong point. She is basically invincible now, not to mention herself in Lin City. If even this trivial matter has to be repeatedly explained by himself, then what is the point of nurturing her?

The time is now in the afternoon, with the ebbing of time, the sunset has begun to appear on the horizon.

Fang Xiaoqiao is back with important information.

"Brother, I heard some situations, that Zhou Tianqi seems to be explaining to the people around him that he should keep an eye on his surroundings and say that this operation is incomparable important. Although the specific things have not been said, it can be completely confirmed now. , this is their destination. Moreover, the reason why they are not moving now is that they are waiting for the moonrise!"

"Waiting for the moonrise?"

Yang Lin looked at the sky , if that's the case, it will take a while. Since they can't guess their purpose, they simply calm down and wait for the moon to rise, when the time comes their plan obvious at a glance.

Time passed minute by minute, the sun slowly set in the west, dusk came, and then the sky darkened and the moon rose.

And just above the island in the lake, above the old tree in the center of the station from Zhou Tian Qi and the others, gradually began to flicker faintly.

This scene made Yang Lin stunned. This ancient tree looks very ordinary during the day. How can it begin to receive the power of the moonlight at night?

And as the moon's rays of light are getting stronger and stronger, the whole tree begins to become dazzling, and there are still countless stars flying around the tree, the brilliance is not as good as fireworks, but Under the reflection of the sparkling lake, it is simply beautiful to the extreme.

Also, Yang Lin gradually felt a wave of life.

"This feeling comes from the ancient tree!"

Yang Lin's eyes suddenly lit up, which means that the goal of Zhou Tianqi and the others is this ancient tree . Although they don't know how they discovered this place and discovered the secret of this ancient tree, but now, everything is theirs!

Using Heavenly Eye to see, in the center of the big tree, something seems to be bred, a chaos, but the power contained in it makes Yang Lin happy.

"Since that's the case, I'll accept this gift rudely!"

The idea is certain, and Yang Lin is also starting to do it now, "Xiaoqiao, your The mission is officially here!"

"Brother, what do you want me to do?"

"This time Zhou Tianqi has brought a total of 100 people, and with your strength, one-on-one Shan, Lin City can hardly find any opponents. The people under the opponent's Martial Master can't pose a threat at all, but there are still 20 Martial Masters. Your task is to defeat these Martial Masters one by one. And our ultimate goal, that tree I've ordered the things that are bred in the ancient tree, they don't want to take it away!"

"I understand, do I have to do it now?"

Yang Lin looked at the sky. , nodded, "Starting now, I feel that the things in the ancient tree are about to come into existence, I can't guarantee that something like a treasure will be recognized as Master. If I can't get it immediately, it is very likely... that this operation will fail. ."

Fang Xiaoqiao didn't say anything, next moment, disappeared without a trace.

As for the field, Zhou Tianqi was very excited surrounded by twenty Martial Masters. He is now like a king of stars and moon, surrounded by Martial Masters, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World . His eyes were also fixed on the ancient tree, his eyes were burning, whether it was his expression or his expressions all were filled with pride, joy and excitement.

"Who knows that there is still a ruin outside the small Lin City. If you didn't accidentally get lost and found it, who would have thought that there would be such a treasure here. Now my chance has come, Everyone, give me strict control all around, and don't let any negligence. At this time, the polluted beast is in a frenzy, and it is impossible to guarantee that this Young Master's major event will be broken!"

" Yes!"

"With my aptitude, if I can get this treasure support again, and receive the envoy's favor in another day, the future will be boundless. When the time comes I will get benefits, and naturally there will be no shortage of you. Give me a little bit of care, there must be no accident in this matter!"

Zhou Tianqi attaches great importance to ancient trees, but after all, this place is sparsely populated and there are many polluting beasts, so he brought so many people to prevent the violent night. pollution beast. Because the movement of the polluted beast could be heard not far away, and the people who brought it started to prepare to deal with the polluted beast.

During this period, Yang Lin also slowly approached the ancient tree. In the current situation, killing Zhou Tianqi is secondary to him, and getting the treasure of the ancient tree is the first major event. Because even he himself is not sure when the treasure of the ancient tree will appear in the world. Judging from his feeling, it may be in the next second, or it may take another ten minutes, twenty minutes or even an hour or two. In this situation where it is possible at any time, he must be single-minded and not delay the recognizing Master of treasure because he is busy dealing with his opponent.

But Fang Xiaoqiao is different. She is her own sword. She is looking at the ancient tree here. The bigger the noise on her side, the better.

In the dark night, a silhouette suddenly appeared behind a Martial Master who was guarding the surroundings. The Martial Master was just alert, and then a cold light wiped his entire neck directly.

"The enemy...the enemy attacked..."

At the last moment, he wanted to shout with all his strength, but the voice was stuck in his throat and couldn't come out at all. , his entire body fell down like a broken sack.

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