Let's talk about Yang Lin, he got a message from Hao Meng in the past two days. It is said that the North District is preparing manpower these days, as if he is going to do something.

Hao Meng mentioned this before, but the information was general at the time, and there was no action in the North District, so Yang Lin didn't pay much attention. But now, after hearing Hao Meng mention the news again, Yang Lin began to take heart unconsciously.

"What is the purpose of this North District convener?"

Yang Lin can't guess, but it doesn't matter. Although they can hide the news, there is one thing they absolutely ignore not.

That's Heavenly Gate!

Heavenly Gate City Hall and Lin Shan are there. Yang Lin also asked Lin Shan to pay attention to him by the way. As long as there is a big move in the North District, he will definitely know about it immediately.

On the fourth day of the date, news came from the political office that the North District organized a large number of people to rent flying shuttles to go out. It's not clear where they went, but the total number reached hundreds, and among them, there are 20 Martial Masters. The most important thing is that this time operation is still led by Zhou Tianqi, the Young Master in the North District.

"Young Master personally led the team, and there are 20 Martial Masters under one hand, which is really not a small effort!"

Yang Lin greeted Fang Xiao directly while sighing with emotion. Happily go together. Originally, I planned to visit Shi Niang today, but since the North District has all taken action, this matter can only be put on hold for now.

He hurried to Heavenly Gate with Fang Xiaoqiao. A large number of people in the North District just rented 24 flying shuttles to go out. Yang Lin also rented a flying shuttle and followed him. go with.

The sight of sailing in the sky is wide, Yang Lin does not intend to follow too closely for the time being, so as not to reveal his whereabouts. As long as you know the direction, it is enough. Anyway, there are so many of them, and they can be found by just sweeping the pretense, and they are not afraid of being lost.

On the flying shuttle, when Yang Lin faced Fang Xiaoqiao, his expression became more solemn than ever.

"Brother, your face is suddenly so solemn, is there anything you want to say to me?"


Yang Lin put his palm up Putting it on Fang Xiaoqiao's hair, he said, "Xiaoqiao, you have been with me for so many days, how do you feel about me treating you?"

Fang Xiaoqiao didn't understand what Yang Lin was going to say, but still Nodding: "Brother treats me very well. Apart from my mother, brother is my only relative in this world."

Yang Lin raised his eyebrows and said, "I treat you well, but it's not Simple. If it is mixed with other things, can you accept it?"

Fang Xiaoqiao deeply exhaled: "Brother, if you have something to say, please tell me, normally everything in life, including my growth, is It is my brother who supports me, if I can help my brother, I will do whatever I want!"

"What if there is mortal danger?"

"Then I will also go there. Just do it, as long as you tell me."

Yang Lin's expression gradually became gentle, "Okay, I didn't hurt you in vain, but I'm not joking, it's really dangerous to act. In short Come on, Xiaoqiao, I want you to be my sword, would you like it?"


Yang Lin: "...you can understand me What do you mean? And what are you doing so excited about?"

Fang Xiaoqiao's beautiful eyes flashed brightly and she said: "Brother, I'm not stupid, how can I not understand what brother means? teacher. I once said that a scholar dies for a confidant, but in my opinion, my brother’s kindness is now more than everything. I have been thinking that I need my brother to support me in everything, but I seem to be useless and can’t help my brother. So, if I can become my brother's sword, Xiao Qiao is willing!"

He is quite sensible, and he really did not give up his painstaking training. Hearing this, Yang Lin was very satisfied.

"Okay, I've received your determination, so now I'll assign you the first official task!"

Fang Xiaoqiao sighed "um" nodded.

"You know me and the North District have been struggling, and following them today means I want to get rid of their foundation. As far as I know, there are about fifty Martial Masters in the North District. I have destroyed a few, and now I have dispatched 20 more. If I can kill all of these 20, it means that half of the foundation of the North District will be destroyed first.

With my strength, in fact, in Lin City can do it directly, but you are still standing in the middle, the elder sister, and the City Lord's mansion. If I do too much, they will not be able to pass. In this operation, I want you and me to get rid of those twenty Martial Masters and Zhou Family Young Master Zhou Tianqi. In addition to breaking their foundations, I also want to thoroughly verify your strength, and I am very impressed with them in this operation. Care!"

"I understand, brother's enemy is my enemy, and I will act together with brother to kill Zhou Tianqi and his Martial Master!"

"Actually I am very confident about your strength, but you have to understand one thing. In the past, you were facing a polluted beast, but now you are facing a human being. Xiaoqiao, if you can't do it, then to me, you are a Defective products will be completely abandoned by me in the future."

"I will definitely live up to my brother's expectations, I will work hard to hone myself and let my brother recognize me!"

Fang Xiaoqiao said here, stared at Yang Lin's eyes, and said word by word: "I want to be with my brother all the time, and I don't want to be abandoned!"

"Okay, then it's up to you. Then I showed it!"

After Yang Lin and Fang Xiaojiao explained a series of instructions, the flying shuttle they were riding continued to follow the North District troops far behind, starting from Heavenly Gate in the morning, They didn't stop until the afternoon.

This situation made Yang Lin even more curious.

What exactly is the North District trying to do? All of a sudden, so many people are mobilized to go out. Could it be that they found some source power point?

It is rumored that you can get a lot of treasures from the source power points, but generally speaking, no matter how good the source power points are, it won't make a district so expert all move the crowd, right?

He continued to follow him from the afternoon to the evening, but he still didn't see the other party stop, and as time went by, Yang Lin's curiosity became stronger and stronger.

As for the night, although the line of sight is not very good, thanks to Yang Lin, he can mark the enemy he thinks on the data minimap, so he is not afraid of losing it. Then, it was the morning of the second day, a full twenty-hour trip, but the other party still didn't mean to stop.

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all, is this group of people having a hole in their brains, and now they are obviously out of the range of a thousand miles?!"

Generally go out hunting, Ordinary hunters can reach at most two-three hundred miles outside the center of Lin City, so that they can come back in the afternoon after the action. But now this North District is better. They just use the flying shuttle to fly one day and one night directly to the outside of Lin City. What are they going to do?

Finally, just when the morning sun was shining brightly, the North District and the others finally stopped on their way. At this point, Yang Lin is finally relaxed, or else he has been following them all the time, not to mention boring, he feels like he is going to be stupid.

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