
golden clothes women browse tightly knit, without any hesitation, immediately squeeze strikes the colorful cage barrier in front of them.

The moment his fist touched the barrier, he uttered a mournful scream.

I saw that her body was corroded by the terrifying power on the colorful ripples, and only half of the Divine Soul and Fleshy body remained.

Witnessing this scene, the other two Quasi-Immortal Emperors who came from the future time and space together with the golden clothes woman immediately instinctively stepped back two steps and stood in the middle of the prison, looking scared for fear of touching To the color barrier all around.

They are Quasi-Immortal Emperor, standing on the top of the cultivation path.

In their eyes, Immortal Kings are all ants. I can feel the breath released by the flow of colored light spots on the barrier, but it is out of instinct to feel fear and depression.

Although the imperial power in their bodies has disappeared, the fleshy body strength is still the physique of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Even so, in the first moment, the woman in golden clothes not only exploded, but even Divine Soul was eroded by half, terrifying extremely.


Seeing Chu Bei looked towards himself, Shi Hao looked very excited, immediately cup one fist in the other hand and shouted loudly.


Hearing Shi Hao's shout, Chu Bei finally expressed something this time, slightly nod complied.

After that, he looked towards the direction of Emperor Hong.

In response to Chu Bei’s indifferent gaze, Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang, and Yu Di trembled at the same time, subconsciously condensing the power of Darkness and the power of Emperor to the extreme, and they were extremely vigilant. .

Obviously they could not feel the breath fluctuation of Chu Bei, but a chill rose in their hearts inexplicably.

"Shoot together!"

Like the three women in golden clothes, Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang, and Yu Di also shot together.

Perhaps because of the lessons learned from the three women in golden clothes, Emperor Hong did not attack separately, but combined the attacks to form a Supreme killer move.

next moment, Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang, and Yu Di burst into immortal light at the same time, distorting the space, the chaos collapsed, and condensing the power of Darkness took out an extremely large Darkness long sword.

This sword Yin-Yang Energy circulates, the black glow released from the tip of the sword evolves Kunpeng, True Phoenix, Lei Di and many other Divine Beast unusual forms.


Darkness long sword shoots out, carrying the power of monstrous darkness, entraining the emperor’s breath, the mighty power!


Darkness long sword appeared in front of Chu Bei in an instant, but when he saw that it was about to smash into Chu Bei's body, it suddenly stopped, as if frozen and motionless.

Then, in the crisp sound of ka-cha, the Darkness long sword shattered and turned into countless small fragments.

puff puff puff!

At the same time, Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang, and Yudi turned pale, and blood spurted from their mouths, releasing dazzling light.

Not waiting for their disordered breath to stabilize, a colorful rippling giant palm was photographed, accompanied by rumbling sound, and they were directly photographed into the colorful rippling cage where the three women are in golden clothes. .

"The three Quasi-Immortal Emperors from the lower reaches, as well as Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Yu Di, they all lost!"

"There weren’t even in front of Senior Chu The slightest resistance!"

"Speaking of which, what has happened to Senior Chu? What strength is he now!"

"Maybe Senior Senior’s current cultivation base strength is already It’s like the first emperor of Chaos!"


Looking at the bloody Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Yudi who were slapped with a palm, in different time and space. Powerhouse, Yuan Ancient Immortal King, Butcher, Hongtian and other Powerhouses were shocked one by one, and their faces showed joy.

The sudden strength of Chu Bei changed the situation in the original field and gave them hope again.

"It's your turn."

Chu Bei cast his eyes on the gray robed old man, his face was calm, and his voice did not contain the slightest emotion.

Hearing the sound, the gray robed old man frowned, his expression was extremely solemn, and he could faintly see the allow some vigilance in his eyes.

The nine-cornered pill furnace that can refining Quasi-Immortal Emperor, but his preaching Emperor Treasure, he used the power of Emperor and Darkness to smelt thousands of epochs, no one is better than him Learn more about the terrifying of the nine-cornered pill furnace.

Not to mention the Third Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor, even the 8th layer Quasi-Immortal Emperor is difficult to resist. The difference between the former and the latter is the length of time that's all.

Of course, what he couldn’t believe was that such an emperor that he had sacrificed for countless epochs was shattered by an invisible force inexplicably, and there was no debris left behind. .

What makes gray robed old man the most incredible, naturally, is Chu Bei's horrible strength that has suddenly increased countless times.

"The real...the emperor?"

Finally, the gray robed old man said, with temptation in his voice.

To meet the gray robed old man's gaze, Chu Bei laughed. There was no response, but he raised his hand and patted it out.

"Let Darkness come early!"

Seeing Chu Bei's right hand raised, the gray robed old man's gaze condensed, and as his mouth broke, his body is full of richness The Darkness Source Power surged out.

Suddenly, this Chaos Realm sea riot broke out!

The endless Darkness breath peeled from the sea, moved towards gray robed old man rushed.

Sometimes, a wooden box appeared in the hands of the gray robed old man, which is the source of the power of Darkness.

"Not good!"

cry out in surprise, the face of the distant Powerhouse and the ancient Immortal king changed drastically at the same time.

The whole world is flooded with Darkness. The various terrifying and weird rune shrouded in Darkness are better than they feel palpitations inexplicably.

This is not only the power of Darkness that can erode their hearts, but also the power of terrifying imperialism. Under this breath, they can't afford any resistance.


gray robed old man coldly glanced at Chu Bei, as he coldly shouted, the wooden box that was the source of Darkness banged, carrying mighty of Heaven was suppressed to Chu Bei.

At the moment when the wooden box blasted out, Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi had their expressions condensed. Even after the long river of years, they were also affected by the power in the black wooden box. The circulation of the power of the emperor became slow.

Butchers, chicken farmers, fake medicine sellers, Hongtian, Willow God, and many other Immortal Kings, in this brief moment, are extremely suffocated. It is a kind of instinctive fear and cannot afford any resistance. heart.

"The so-called chasing the road to emperor in Darkness, he is just using you that's all."

Chu Bei spoke again, his voice was still calm, and his words seemed like Speaking to the gray robed old man is like speaking to everyone including Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong.

With a buzzing sound, the colored rays of light burst out of Chu Bei's body surface, and the Darkness that covered the entire sea of ​​circles suddenly disappeared, replaced by a bright light.

The black wooden box slammed into it. Chu Bei reached out to greet him, and casually picked it up.

After that, with a slight force, peng sound, the black wooden box exploded, and a cloud of turbid air flew out.

However, before the turbid air escapes, a colorful giant palm wraps it, and the sound of chi chi wipes it out into nothingness.

chi chi chi!

As the cloud of turbid air collapses, gray robed old man, Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, Yudi, and the countless in the world are contaminated with Darkness. In the powerful creatures, a billowing black mist leaked out of the body until it dissipated.

Almost at the same time, the eyes of the creatures lost in the sea began to become clear, as if they had self-consciousness, and they splashed in the sea.

Some creatures with higher realm, as if they knew something, jumped out of the sea, moved towards Chu Bei and made a sound of gratitude.

"This is..."

"Darkness has been solved!"

Looking at the changes in the creatures in the world, butchers, chickens, and fakes The three people of medicine were taken aback for a moment, then looked at each other, and when they reacted, they were extremely excited.

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Willow God who turned into flames in the era of Emperor Fall, and Willow God, after seeing Chu Bei, couldn't help muttering to themselves, as if they felt a sense of relief.

"haha, Senior Chu did it! The Darkness Era will never come again!"

"We no longer have to worry about those Darkness substances invading the immortal domain! They come from the roots Senior Chu solved the problem!"

The hundreds of millions of cultivators in the immortal domain also understood, and looked at the scenes in Tianyu with their heads up, and shouted in excitement.


Looking at the black wooden box collapsed, the gray robed old man seemed to have lost some of the most important things, and went crazy all at once .

He roared, and moved towards Chu Bei again. The incomparable power of the terrifying emperor evolves the dividing ability of all parties, hiding the sky and covering the earth, flocking to Chu Bei, to drown it.

"Don't say it is Ninth Stage, even if it is Great Perfection, in front of this seat, it is no different from ants."

Faced with the crazy attack of gray robed old man, Chu Bei There was no trace of fear on his face.

The indifferent voice fell, and between Chu Bei's fingers, a divine rainbow intertwined with colored light spots shot out. Wherever it passed, the gray robed old man's attack turned into nothingness, and everything collapsed.

hong long!

Without any obstruction, the colorful divine rainbow appeared in front of the gray robed old man, evolved into a palm, picked it up, and threw it into the Emperor Hong, In the colorful prison where Emperor Cang and the others are.

Seeing this scene, whether it is the Immortal King or the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the expressions froze for a moment!

Especially the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors, Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi, who have personally experienced the horror of the gray robed old man, are even more stunned, and they don't know what to say for a while.

The gray robed old man who almost made them body dies and Dao disappears, under that colored palm, there is no resistance at all, just like a chicken, he was thrown into prison by his neck. In prison.

This process was so sudden that they couldn't react a little!

Originally, they wanted to come, between Chu Bei and gray robed old man will be a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering fierce horror battle that will destroy the heavens. They don't know that it will end like this in the end.

"Leaf, you Master, is it really the impossible existence in the legend!" Wu Shi sucked in a breath of cold air, looked towards Ye Fan beside him.

All this, Chu Bei's strength is really too terrifying, even the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in Ninth Stage has no resistance.

I am afraid that only the Immortal Emperor in the true sense of the legend can do this!

"Every time I think I can see through the Master and his Senior, he always surprises me, time and time again, I really don't know when I can catch up with his Senior."

Ye Fan looked at Chu Bei's back, shook the head, as if laughing at himself.

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