"Senior him...Is he an Immortal Emperor!"

"Maybe he really does not belong to our time and space."

"Yeah, when it comes to his realm, who knows what exactly is the method? Maybe it can really travel through the years and rewrite the history of time and space, so that there is no big cause and effect."

"Think about it now, how can someone who can teach the existence of Heavenly Emperor Ye be just a Quasi-Immortal Emperor."


Including Butcher, Hongtian and The Ancient Immortal King and the Powerhouse of the Other Time and Space, including the others, came back to his senses from the trance, and their mouths were full of shocked words.

In the color prison, Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang and the others, after seeing the defeat of the gray robed old man, their faces were suddenly hard to see the extreme.

Gray robed old man is their biggest support. They didn't expect even the other party to lose, and just like them, they defeated thoroughly!

"It would be a shame for you to cultivation to this realm, and kill directly."

Chu Bei appeared in front of the color prison, lightly glanced at the gray robed old man and the others. , A finger pointed.

Chu Bei's indifferent and calm voice sounded in his ears. It was better than a gray robed old man. He couldn't help but shudder inexplicably, let alone Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong and the others.

"What do you want to do to me!" The gray robed old man said, allowing some fear in his voice.

weng weng weng!

Just as Chu Bei a finger pointed, the originally peaceful colored prison suddenly trembled.

next moment, the colored light spots flowing inside shoot like bullets to gray robed old man, Emperor Cang, Yu Di and the others.

gray robed old man, Emperor Cang and the others seem to perceive the terrifying energy contained in the colored light spots, but the power of Darkness and Emperor's power in them all disappeared, and they can only let the colored light spots disappear. Penetrate into the body.


The sound of mournful scream came from the mouths of gray robed old man, Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang, Yu Di, and the three downstream Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

Their expressions began to be hideous and distorted, and under the traction of colored light spots, mysterious light clusters flew out of between the eyebrows.


Looking at the emperor's origin that flew away, gray robed old man, Emperor Hong and the others changed their faces at the same time, shouting with panic .

That is the essence of countless epochs they have condensed. It is the source of the power of the emperor, but it just flew away like an unfathomable mystery.

The passing of the origin of the emperor, whether it is gray robed old man or Emperor Hong or Emperor Cang, they can clearly notice the decline of their cultivation realm.

"Disciple, these are the opportunities for your teacher."

Chu Bei glanced at Ye Fan's direction and waved his hand to gray robed old man and Emperor Cang. The origin of Emperor Hong and Emperor Hong were sent into the time and space of the era where Ye Fan was.

The origin of these emperors is pure and can be directly refined for the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"dísciple many thanks Master!"

Ye Fan took over the origin of the gray robed old man, moved towards Chu Bei, bowed deeply, and then began to refine.

"Junior many thanks Senior!"

Wuji and fierce person took over the origin of Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong respectively. First, they were startled and felt the pure power. Later, they looked at each other, and there was excitement on their faces.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Soon, the time and space where Ye Fan is located began to buzz, and after smelting the origin of the emperor, the breath of the emperor in their body became more and more Surging, there is a trend of skyrocketing.

"It's a breakthrough!"

I noticed the crazy growth of Emperor's power in the body, whether it is Ye Fan or Wu Shi, fierce person, his face began to be filled with excitement.

When they arrived at this realm, it was so difficult to go further. It would be a few epochs to say nothing.

Especially staying in the third stage environment, it is even more difficult to enter the fourth stage environment. A cultivator that can set foot in this realm, which is not a well-known figure of hundreds of millions of years, but still has at least half of the Powerhouses that can never enter the Fourth Stage forever. It can be seen that it is difficult for the Third Stage to enter the Fourth Stage.

But now, with the integration of the origin of other emperors, their bottleneck, which has been staying for countless years, is loose.

Of course, refining is also the only way to rapidly grow the cultivation base of Quasi-Immortal Emperor this realm.

But if you want to directly refine the origin of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it is almost impossible in the same realm. Even if it is as strong as the gray robed old man in the Ninth Stage, he can't do it, and can only increase cultivation base by practicing the human body great pill. However, the effect that the latter can play is far incomparable with directly refining the origin of the emperor.

"You are the Number One Person who calms down the calamity source, and this seat will also give you a chance and reshape your origin."

Chu Bei looked towards and only one thread remained The Quasi-Immortal Emperor whose Remnant Soul turned into flame, with a wave of his sleeve robe, there are countless colored light spots all around shrouded on the latter, releasing the dazzling emperor.

In an instant, under the eyes of everyone in the field, the flame that might disappear at any time began to grow and burn.

The avenue is roaring, and in the flame, a human silhouette becomes more and more solid, until it is completely formed.

Gradually, those colorful light spots are also integrated into the body of that silhouette along with the flaming flame, and he looks no different from ordinary people.

The emperor's origin of Emperor Yu flew in front of him. After he took it, he moved towards Chu Bei and bowed deeply and began to refining.

Chu Bei looked towards Willow God, not much to say, the colored light spots shrouded it, rejuvenated it, and gave it to the source of the emperor of the downstream Quasi-Immortal Emperor golden clothes.

"The three of you are only short of distance to breakthrough, and this seat will help you a little bit."

Chu Bei will take another downstream Quasi-Immortal Emperor The origin was divided into three, which were presented to the butcher, the chicken farmer, and the three Peak Immortal Kings who sold fake medicines.

"Many thanks, my lord!"

The three butchers took over the origin of the emperor. Although they got the incomplete, it was enough for them!

"Disciple, you keep this last group of emperor's source, save it for future use when you need it."

After giving the opportunity to others, Chu Bei looked towards After Shi Hao, he swung the origin of the last Quasi-Immortal Emperor to Shi Hao.

"many thanks Master!"

Different from others, Shi Hao has not yet reached the qualifications of refining the origin of the emperor, and has included it in the Small World developed by him.

After doing all this, Chu Bei looked towards the direction of the colorful prison again, his eyes condensed.

Just as the two beams of gaze shot out, the color prison shrank rapidly, and at the end, with a bang, it exploded into countless colored rains.

Above the sea of ​​bounds, colored light rain is falling, and various emperor elephants are formed.

Along with the color prison disappeared, there are also silhouettes of gray robed old man, Emperor Cang, Yu Di, Emperor Hong and the others.


"Is this all dead!"

Looking at the falling colored light and rain in the distance, and The gray robed old man and the others who disappeared, Powerhouse and Yuan Ancient Immortal King of Different Time and Space reacted and exclaimed.

For a long time.

Countless Immortal King Powerhouses came back to his senses.

In an instant, the sea of ​​bounds was noisy.

"The knot... is over! It is really over!"

"The Quasi-Immortal Emperors of Darkness creatures are all dead! We are truly safe!"

"From then on, the Darkness Era will never come again!"

"I can't imagine that Senior Chu will be the Immortal Emperor in the true sense!"

"As far as I guess, Senior Chu was born before the beginning of Chaos!"

"Too terrifying!"


of immortal domain The cultivator stared at the scene in Tianyu, fixed his gaze on Chu Bei's body, and started to run and cheer one by one, his eyes filled with respect.

Over time, in the unusual form of heaven-shaking and earth-shattering, Ye Fan, Wu Shi, fierce person, Willow God and many other refining powerhouses of the origin of the emperor have breakthroughs.

Ye Fan, Wu Shi, fierce person, and the Quasi-Immortal Emperor of the Emperor's Fall have all passed the Third Stage realm, especially Ye Fan, and directly stepped into the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Fifth Stage environment!

Willow God, butcher, chicken farmer, and counterfeit medicine, the four Peak Immortal Kings also stepped forward and set foot in the realm of the emperor, achieving the position of Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"many thanks Master!"

"thanks Senior!"

These beneficiaries looked at each other, making eye contact, and at the same time Moved towards Chu Bei bowed, his face was full of gratitude.

Chu Bei slightly nod gestured, then looked towards Chaos Realm, he went on the road again.

"Didn’t the source of Darkness have been resolved? Those Darkness Emperors have also been killed. Isn’t this over?"

"Why does Senior Chu continue to move forward?"

Isn’t this chaotic sea area the end of the boundary sea!"

Looking at Chu Bei's fading back, the Immortal King Powerhouses were shocked and looked at each other in blank dismay.

After they came back to his senses, they followed immediately one by one.

"Could it be that this is not the end of the sea?"

A crowd of Immortal Kings and Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouses followed Chu Bei behind Chu Bei, murmured.

wu wu wu ——

As we got deeper, the terrifying whistle resounded in this chaotic sea, like a demon crying, and then the calm sea blew again. .

This is not an ordinary wind, but a hurricane formed by the road rune, sweeping.

It is an amazing force, terrifying to the extreme, as strong as Ye Fan, Wu Shi and the others have to release the power of Emperor to resist.

As for those Immortal King Powerhouses, if it weren't for Quasi-Immortal Emperor protection such as butchers, counterfeit drugs, Willow God, etc., it has been impossible to move a single step.

"Don't go any further."

Just then, a low and indifferent voice sounded out of thin air, and the source of the voice could not be found.


Hearing the sound, a crowd of Powerhouses frowned.

Click, ka-cha!

In a short while, there were bursts of crisp sound in everyone's ears, and Tianyu, which had been repaired by Chu Bei, collapsed again.

Not only that, looking towards all around, this chaotic sea area containing Supreme terror energy turned out to be all split up and in pieces.

Seeing this scene, a group of Immortal Kings and Quasi-Immortal Emperors trembled. The scene in front of them was too shocking and too frightening.

"This means..."

Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi looked at each other, their faces becoming more solemn.

This Chaos Realm sea is so terrifying, even with their current strength, it is absolutely impossible to split it into several pieces. In their opinion, even the gray robed old man in the Ninth Stage environment can't do it.

"Could it be that there is a real Immortal Emperor ahead! It is the same as Senior Chu!"

Thinking of this possibility, fierce person, Wu Shi and many other Quasi-Immortal Emperors , Frowned deeply and couldn't help being vigilant.

hong long long!

At the time when countless Powerhouses were suspicious, the Chaos Realm sea, which turned into hundreds of dollars, suddenly rioted.

They seemed to have received some kind of instructions, and they were blasted from all directions moved towards a group of Powerhouses.

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