
Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

As the gray robed old man spit out a word, an incomparable destroying heaven extinguishing earth-like power of Darkness erupted in the nine-cornered pill furnace, and both time and space oscillated at the same time.

In the next moment, the Immortal Kings in the Darkness cage are even better than the Quasi-Immortal Emperors such as golden clothes women. At this moment, they were shocked by the power of Darkness, and they were inexplicably palpitated.

Looking intently, the Source Power in the nine-cornered pill furnace has condensed into a huge sphere, which is madly devouring Ye Fan, fierce person, Divine Soul and fleshy body of the three people without beginning.

With the passage of time, Ye Fan, fierce person, and the endless breath began to become disordered, and the body became more and more transparent.

Even in a dangerous situation, their three people are still using the emperor technique to fight against the Darkness power in the nine-cornered pill furnace, but it has no effect.

Third Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Ninth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor are the same Quasi-Immortal Emperor, but the former is like the Supreme, while the latter is like the Immortal King. Gap.

"As long as you are refining into pill, maybe I can hope to hit Great Perfection!"

Gray robed old man laughed while bearing the big cause and effect, and his eyes lit up Full of enthusiasm and expectation.

"Dísciple, your path has come to an end, how can you go further?"

Just in the gray robed old man's excited tone barely fell, a very peaceful atmosphere Immediately afterwards, the voice rang and overwhelmed the former, floating in the long river above the boundary sea.

Although this sound is not loud, it shook the deepest part of everyone's heart, like a bronze bell shaking in the mind.

After that, the two space-times, which were violently trembling, became quiet.

Whether it is the era where Ye Fan is in, or the era where it is now, all have fallen into dead silence, everything seems to be still.

At this moment, Chu Bei opened his eyes, as if to untie some kind of restraint.

The 20-level products in the system mall are different from the previous Level 19 products.

This level of goods can be opened in two stages; when only the first stage is turned on, the use time is longer, but its formidable power is greatly reduced; when the second stage is turned on, the use time is shortened to the limit , But the formidable power can be unlocked to Peak.

At the moment, the Emperor Pill, a twentieth-level commodity redeemed by Chu Bei, has the strength of the Ninth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor when it opens the first stage, which is roughly equivalent to the gray robed old man.

But when you turn on the second stage, you have truly stepped into the realm of Immortal Emperor!

ka-cha, ka-cha!

Without waiting for everyone to react from the lack of consciousness, the Darkness sphere in the nine-cornered pill furnace was like a strike that had suffered a terrifying force inexplicably, and it suddenly split. Afterwards, the strong Darkness power within it dissipated, and the pill furnace exploded, turning into nothing in dead silence.

next moment, Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and fierce person, who are about to dissipate completely, are wrapped in a colorful halo, their bodies become solid again, and their breath gradually stabilizes. Until Peak is restored.

"The old man's pill furnace has disappeared!"

"That is the Supreme treasure that can refining three Quasi-Immortal Emperors!"

" What's going on!"

"What happened again!"


Immortal King came back to his senses from the trance, forbearance Can't help but exclaim.

In the era of time and space where Ye Fan was, the nine-cornered pill furnace collapsed. This scene really shocked everyone.

Strong like Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang, Yudi, and the golden clothes woman from downstream, all of them showed incredible expressions, and they couldn't help but startled.

Not long ago, they saw with their own eyes that the nine-cornered pill furnace suppressed the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors, Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and fierce person, and even saw that they were about to be completely refined into the Medicinal of the emperor. Pill.

But this is such an extremely terrifying Emperor Treasure, the unfathomable mystery cracks into light rain, until it completely turns into nothingness.

As for the Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi three who were originally on the verge of dissipating, they recovered their origins at an extremely fast speed, and breath returned to Peak.

What happened in a flash one after the other makes it hard for them to accept and dare not imagine!

weng weng!

In the rumbling sound, the pill furnace completely disappeared, and the Immortal King and Quasi-Immortal Emperor were awakened.

When they recalled the extremely calm voice that sounded directly in the depths of their minds, they all turned their eyes to Chu Bei's direction.

At this look, all of them changed their complexions, and they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. They were dumbfounded and shocked, like thunder and lightning, like a clay-plastic wood-carving person.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Chu Bei's body, and they all fell into a trance and numb.


A crowd of Immortal Kings and Quasi-Immortal Emperors whispered in their mouths, unable to speak the whole thing.

At this moment, when they looked at Chu Bei, they looked a little bit unreal.

To be precise, the other person looked like an illusion in their eyes, giving people an illusion that they were constantly changing.

Immortal King saw him, all around the flame was burning, there was the law of the emperor, the color of the flame was constantly changing, and he was like the source of the flame, directly burning the sea below into nothingness.

Immortal King saw him. He was dazzling, without a body, as if it were made of light, and it also contains the Supreme Law. These light atoms are like wicked children, constantly evolving everything. There are Ancient Divine Beast, Ancient Immortal soldiers, Qionglou and jade pavilions, all in unusual forms.

Immortal King saw him and moved the sea with his fingers to evolve the All Heavens Myriad Laws, accompanied by the rolling of years.

Immortal King saw him, accompanied by Nine Heavens thunder, black, purple, green and other lightning are all over, and some lightning has evolved into the appearance of the ancient Divine Beast. Can't help but bow and worship, like a higher-level Heavenly Emperor Ye.

Immortal King saw him, all around the rays of light permeated the white rays of light, extending like a spider web in the emptiness Primal Chaos Space, causing it to split apart and then heal, and the cycle continues.


In the sea of ​​bounds, a group of Immortal Kings and Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouses in different time and space widened their eyes and looked at Chu Bei in a daze, and fell into a daze. in.

This scene is so weird!

The person is clearly right in front of them, but no matter what divine ability they display, they can't break the illusion that is constantly overlapping and intertwined.

"What the hell is going on!"

Just as Emperor Cang frowned, he buzzed, the illusion disappeared, and the silhouette of Chu Bei was clearly revealed to everyone. In sight.

At this moment, he has no breath, no energy fluctuations, just a closer look, there are colored light spots beating all over his limbs and bodies.

Those colored light spots are unremarkable, but every time any one of them beats, they will bring up hundreds of millions of flowers on the avenue, as well as an endless interpretation of the Star Region and Star River.

Of course, whether it is the flower of the avenue, the Star Region or the Star River, they are all contained in that little light spot.

Even though it is better than Immortal King and Quasi-Immortal Emperor, if you don't perceive those light spots carefully, it will be difficult to detect them.

Chu Bei has no expression on his face, no mood swings can be seen on his face, calm and composed.

His eyes are extremely indifferent, as if nothing here can stir his heartstrings.

He looked towards the direction of the Darkness prison. He obviously didn’t do anything. The three Quasi-Immortal Emperor Quasi-Immortal Emperors condensed the Darkness prison and shattered with a loud noise. , Turned into light rain.

"The power of restraint has disappeared!"

A group of imprisoned ancient Immortal kings and Immortal Kings of different time and space, watching all around annihilate into a prison of nothingness, first one Frozen, then his face showed excitement, extremely excited.

"It's broken, the Darkness cage is broken!"

"Haha, let it out! We are saved, don't worry about being corroded by the power of Darkness, and becoming a Darkness creature !"

"Senior Chu! He saved us!"

"What happened to Senior Chu, it's like a different person!"

"Intuition tells me that he is stronger!"


The saved Immortal King Powerhouse came back to his senses one after another, began to exclaim, and then seemed to achieve At the same time, he bowed deeply in the direction moved towards Chu Bei, with deep gratitude and respect in his eyes.

Chu Bei glanced at the bowing Immortal Kings. After slightly nod responded, he looked towards the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors who were bound to kill Shi Hao from the future era.

crash-bang ——

Chu Bei still didn’t do anything, but the long river at the feet of the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors roared fiercely, followed by a loud boom , The long river of years collapsed and was annihilated into nothingness by an extremely terrifying force.

As for the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors from the future era, in this brief moment, they were dragged out of their time and space by an invisible force and descended on the gray robed old man and the Emperor. The time and space where Hong and the others are.

What's more terrifying is that the years have collapsed and they can't go back!

"This...this is impossible!"

"He cut off the time and space of our time. We can't go back, and we will be left in this time and space forever!"

"How did he do it!"

The long river of years collapsed, and the woman wearing golden battle clothes and her two companions looked at Chu Bei in horror.

As the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, they can freely swim the river of time and travel to the past, present and future.

But, just now, the long river of years that left their mark dissipated, and the connection between them and the time and space where they had been before was broken!

To put it simply, now they do not belong to the lower reaches of the Long River, but belong to this time and space era.

"Do it first!"

Golden clothes The three women are worthy of being Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouses who have gone through countless eras. After looking at each other, they quickly calmed down.

After that, the three of them simultaneously performed the Supreme Emperor Spell and blasted towards Chu Bei.

Nowadays, they belong to the same time and space, and they have no scruples about the backlash of big cause and effect, and they are the most powerful killer moves.

hong long long!

The sky collapses, the sea churning, various Supreme emperors are presented, gorgeous and dazzling.

However, the terrifying emperor technique of the three women in golden clothes has not yet struck Chu Bei's approach, and the other party suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if it had suddenly evaporated, as if it had never appeared before.

Looking at this scene, the three women in golden clothes have eyes suddenly shrank, their complexions changed drastically, and they are full of consternation.

But before they exclaimed, a bunch of colorful ripples swept over.

In an instant, the emperor’s breath in their bodies was purified, the emperor’s power completely disappeared, and the eternal Quasi-Immortal Emperor suddenly became an ordinary person.


Perceiving the disappearance of the power of the emperor in the body, the faces of the three women in golden clothes were so ugly that they were extremely ugly, and the eyes were even more revealing. Deep fear.

"What did you do to us!"

golden clothes The woman forcibly suppressed her inner fear and looked directly at Chu Bei in the distance, although the other party did nothing, but She can be sure that the disappearance of the imperial power in their bodies must be related to each other!

Chu Bei ignored the woman in golden clothes. When he turned and looked towards Shi Hao, the bodies of the woman in golden clothes and her two companions all around showed colorful light spots inexplicably.

The colored light spots flow, and the colored silk threads are swayed and connected to each other, forming an independent colored space in a flash, enveloping the three women in golden clothes.

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