In the battlefield, Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Yu Di, who are behind the gray robed old man, and the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors from the lower reaches of the Long River, seem to be aware of it. At this point, they looked at each other and frowned together.

"In any case, must kill the famine today! It has been here, there must be a result, even if you hide in this time and space, you must kill him!"

Then, the woman wearing golden battle clothes once again set her eyes on Shi Hao, and she roared, her beautiful face began to become ugly, and the thick killing intent was like she was facing the killing of her father. Like an enemy.

The other two Quasi-Immortal Emperors, also from downstream, looked at each other and their eyes became firm.

On this trip, they came here to hunt down the wild, even at all costs.

"Fellow Daoists, before we come, you guys are also fighting!"

The woman in golden clothes looked towards Emperor Cang Emperor Hong, and then pointed out Chu Bei: "You too I heard that he is Huang’s Master and your enemy. It’s better to help us first kill Huang, and then we will help you kill his Master across the river!"

" Kill him, I am enough!" Emperor Cang said lightly.

Although Shi Hao has weird colored ripples outside his body, in his opinion, they are in the same era. As long as they play killer moves close to their bodies, even the colored ripples will inevitably be unstoppable.

The indifferent voice fell, Emperor Cang shot without hesitation, and appeared above Shi Hao's head in an instant, condensing an extremely terrifying punch, shrouded by the thick and terrifying Darkness power on the surface of the fist, Straight down.

"You dare!"

Seeing that Emperor Cang's fist was about to strike on Shi Hao's head, a river of years rushed over.

Ye Fan made a move. He also squeezed his fist. The nine-colored thunder on the surface of his fist was intertwined, carrying the power of Emperor, and penetrating the barriers of time and space to face Emperor Cang.

hong long!

At the moment of collision, the two space-times of different epochs trembled at the same time, as if they were about to collapse.

In this brief moment, Ye Fan and Emperor Cang’s rune of the mysterious emperor appeared on the outside of their bodies, and then they were attached to their bodies and burned, seeming to be burned into nothingness by them. .


The two bleed at the same time.

They belonged to different time and space, but they fought each other, which caused great cause and effect.

Not only did I suffer a causal backlash, it also caused a violent shock in the time and space of the two parties, and the years went on to churning.

"Sure enough! At their level, when the people of the same realm fight against each other, there will be a big cause and effect, which will affect the stability of the two sides!" In the Darkness cage, the Immortal King Powerhouse was palpitated.

"Friends Fairy, please continue to smash the famine! As for Ye Fan their three people, we will stop here!" The voice fell, and the woman in golden clothes from different time and space took the lead in killing Ye Fan.

At the same time, the other two companions of the golden clothes woman also attacked Wu Shi and fierce person respectively.

hong long long!

The extremely fierce war in different time and space is staged again.

It's just this time, whether it's Ye Fan or fierce person, no beginning, they don't even have the intention to fight with the golden clothes and the three women, but always pay attention to Shi Hao's safety.

Emperor Yu took the shot, he came to Shi Hao's body and wanted to kill him.

But this time, Wu Shi drew out, and also shook Emperor Yu through the barrier of time and space.


With a muffled sound, Yu Emperor and Wu Shi coughed up blood at the same time, suffered a causal backlash, and their faces were extremely painful.

Emperor Hong’s attack arrived, and the fierce person pushed back the opponent and quickly blocked Emperor Hong for Shi Hao.

Another collision!

Emperor Hong and fierce person were backlashed by cause and effect, and the emperor's rune flame rose up all over the body.

Three times in a row, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor collided with each other across the long river of years. The time and space of the two parties became more and more unstable, and they were about to be annihilated at any time.

"Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Emperor Yu, you have all stopped. You can't bear the cause and effect, so let me solve them."

At this moment, The gray robed old man made a sound, and his cold and deep voice shook everyone's soul.

His breath is peerless horror, and billowing black clouds are scattered. That is the most original Darkness power, which makes the seabed of the sea collapsed.

After all, the gray robed old man has shot, and his first goal is no beginning.

A big hand wrapped in Darkness passed through the barriers of time and space, and directly grabbed the other side of time and space without beginning.


The bell rang, heaven falls and earth rends, the power of the years is permeated, and the Darkness hand is endlessly greeted.

The two collided!

chi chi chi!

Almost instantly, the two suffered causal backlash at the same time.

next moment, the beginningless face became painful, burned by the inexplicable rune of the emperor, and the breath was disturbed.

In contrast, the gray robed old man, shouting loudly, the black mist on the outside of the body formed waves, which forced the emperor’s rune to retreat.

"You intercepted the Immortal King across the years, and have the ability to bear the cause and effect. And I entered the Ninth Stage realm and killed the cause and effect caused by the third stage of you, and I can also bear it!"


gray robed old man's voice is cold, and he shoots out two dark eyes, with a sneer, it directly penetrates the endless chest.

After that, the gray robed old man shot again and another giant palm appeared.

Seeing this, Ye Fan and fierce person immediately appeared beside Wu Shi, and joined the latter to resist the falling monstrous giant palm.

Boom, boom, bang!

Ye Fan and the three of them joined forces, each performed the strongest imperial technique, and mingled together to face the monstrous giant palm.

"This cause and effect can be resisted by you in the Third Stage environment!"

The gray robed old man made up his mind to kill the Ye Fan trio. The Darkness Source Power was compressed to the extreme and blended into the giant palm, and shot out.

chi chi chi!

The terrifying and strange burning sound floats in the sea of ​​bounds.

Whether it is the Powerhouse in different time and space, or the ancient Immortal king of Butcher, Hongtian, etc., looking at Ye Fan, Wu Shi, fierce person and gray robed old man, the rune of the emperor rises inexplicably outside the body flame, one by one couldn't help but tremble, his heart tightened, and a feeling of fear and palpitations spontaneously.

This is the backlash of great cause and effect!

"This kind of cause and effect, how can it hurt me!"

The gray robed old man stopped drinking, and the rich Darkness Source Power in his body surged out, enveloping the emperor’s rune flame in an instant .

hong long!

With a loud noise, Darkness Source Power shook the emperor’s rune away, pushing back the power of terrifying cause and effect.

On the other hand, Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi from the other time and space cannot disintegrate these causal powers. Even with the whole body Emperor's Power, they still can’t obliterate the weird rune of the emperor, with incomparable expressions. pain.


gray robed old man coldly glanced at the three Ye Fans, a word of shout fell from his mouth, and the pitch-black man's hands were patted forward at the same time.

In an instant, Ye Fan, fierce person, and the place where no beginning is located trembled in time and space, and were flooded with endless Darkness origins.

As for the woman wearing golden battle clothes and his two companions, their expressions were startled first, and after looking at the gray robed old man in amazement, they looked towards Ye Fan and the three of them were full of faces. The color of joy.

long long long!

Looking intently, two extremely terrifying dark giant palms appeared above the heads of Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and fierce person.

Amidst the breathtaking buzzing sound, the palms merged to form a huge nine-cornered pill furnace.

In this nine-cornered pill furnace, the source of Darkness is gushing, as if it were the source of Darkness.


As the cold syllables of gray robed old man fell, the nine-cornered pill furnace suddenly fell down, the furnace mouth facing Ye Fan, no beginning Three people.

In this brief moment, the gray robed old man was once again eroded by great cause and effect, but he didn’t care, let the emperor’s rune burn, and at the same time filled the nine-cornered pill furnace. Darkness Source Power.

The three of Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wushi frowned, their faces were heavy, and various imperial skills were constantly evolving in their hands to face the darkness nine-cornered pill furnace.

However, the various Supreme imperial skills strikes powerful enough to easily kill the Immortal King on the nine-cornered pill furnace cannot bring any sparks, not even the rumbling sound.

Ye Fan’s Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, fierce person’s Heaven Swallowing Pot, and the endless imperial clock all have cracks. This nine-cornered pill furnace is really too terrifying, and it carries a This level of power beyond the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is irresistible.

"Heavenly Emperor Ye, fierce person, and Wu Shi, they didn't even have the power to resist!"

"The gray robed old man in Fang Jiyuan is already so powerful and terrifying Is it this way!"

"What's more terrifying is that he forcibly took over the power of causality!"

"So, if he thinks you can Kill me, don’t you have any fear?"


With a boom, the nine-cornered pill furnace covered Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi.

Also in this brief moment, the Powerhouse in the Darkness cage looked stiff, staring at the gray robed old man with horror, and his mouth opened wide.

Whether it is Ye Fan, fierce person or Wu Shi, they are invincible in the time and space where they are, but they are not the opponent of this gray robed old man.

weng weng weng!

The nine-cornered pill furnace vibrates, and the three silhouettes of Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi appear in the furnace. They are turned into a red flame by Darkness. It was burning blazingly, as if to train them into a Medicinal Pill.


Ye Fan and Wu Shi constantly strikes the furnace wall, various imperial arts are performed one after another, while enduring the burning pain brought by the red and black flame.


Shi Hao yelled anxiously, but his current strength can't help at all. Besides, he is still being strikes by Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong. It's not that colored ripples are blocking each other, he has been dead many times.

At this moment, he can only unwillingly watch the three Ye Fan in the Nine Corners Furnace being penetrated and refining by Darkness.

"Okay, it's very good!"

"Now it seems that we can not only kill Huang, but the trio of them will stay here forever!"


The woman wearing golden battle clothes and her two companions looked at the breathtaking nine-cornered pill furnace not far away, and then at the three silhouettes struggling with pain, her expressions became more and more joyful.

"Heavenly Emperor Ye, aren't they the opponent of this old man. What happened to Senior Chu, why didn't he make a move. If he doesn't make a move, then who else can pacify this darkness?"


The butcher, the chicken farmer, the fake medicine seller, etc. Ancient Immortal Wang glanced at Chu Bei, who was still closing his eyes, and muttered to himself, his face was extremely ugly.

For them, the Ye Fan trio were on the same front as them, and they are now defeated.

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