Seeing Xiao Ning open his eyes, Han Chi, who had been waiting for a long time, also came forward. As for Mr. Han Fei, after seeing nothing happened, he nodded slightly, disappeared into the void, and left immediately.

He has an indifferent temperament. If Xiao Ning had not had a good relationship with the Han family and he owed a lot of favors to the Han family, he probably would not have interacted with Xiao Ning.

Feeling the gaze from a distance, Xiao Ning also smiled slightly, and immediately his whole body was shaken, shaking away all the black and dry impurities on his body, and then with lightning speed, he took out a ring from the ring. Get some clothes on and change them quickly.

After Xiao Ning finished cleaning up, Han Chi arrived just in time. He smiled, cupped his hands, and said with a bit of shock in his eyes:

"Congratulations to little brother Xiao Ning for his breakthrough."

After hearing what Han Chi said, Xiao Ning accepted the congratulations with a calm smile, and immediately clasped his fists and raised his hands to Han Chi, replying:

"Thank you Uncle Han for your kind words."

Seeing Xiao Ning's appearance, Han Chi, who was still a little nervous at first, was briefly relieved. He was originally afraid that Xiao Ning would become arrogant due to his strength after breaking through.

But now it seems that Xiao Ning's character is still beyond his imagination.

"Since little brother Xiao Ning said this, I'll give it a try. There's just one thing I'm curious about."

As he spoke, Han Chi's eyes kept scanning Xiao Ning's body, and the latter didn't care at all. Not to mention Han Chi and others, even he himself was quite curious about his current state.

Now that I have broken through the cave world, what level is I at? What kind of strength can I be considered in the Dou Qi Continent!

The moment he broke through the cave and communicated between heaven and earth, Xiao Ning could feel that his fighting spirit was rapidly increasing. The fighting spirit in his body now was many times higher than before!

Xiao Ning has a clear understanding that Dou Qi is also a kind of energy of heaven and earth, but it is named after this in Dou Qi Continent.

After hearing Han Chi's words, Xiao Ning also chuckled and said:

"It's okay, Uncle Han, please tell me if you have anything to say."

Xiao Ning still has a lot of good impressions of the Han family. Although at first it was just because he had a relationship with Han Yue in the inner courtyard and wanted to use his power to help find traces of the other people, after getting along for a while , and then a big battle later, which made Xiao Ning have a good impression of the Han family.

"Then I'm not welcome,"

Han Chi swallowed involuntarily, rubbed his hands together, and immediately looked at Xiao Ning with enthusiasm and surprise, and asked in a low voice:

"Nephew Xiao, have you broken through to Dou Zun now?!"

After the words fell, he looked at Xiao Ning nervously, hoping to get the answer from his mouth.

Although judging from the vision of heaven and earth at the time of the breakthrough, even the peak Douzong could not reach such power, but they did not know what the actual situation was.

Hearing this, Xiao Ning was slightly startled, and immediately his face showed a hint of thoughtfulness. Then he raised his hands, feeling the power of space that could be controlled like flowing water, and finally shook his head.

"I'm afraid I'm still some distance away from Dou Zun."

Xiao Ning has something to say. With the energy reserves in his body now, he is still a certain distance away from Douzun. From a feeling point of view, he is on the same level as Elder Su Qianda, probably around the three-star Douzong, and he has the power of space. , the distance is not enough to open a space wormhole.

However, after breaking through the cave sky, the upper limit of the physical body has skyrocketed again. The original limit of one hundred thousand kilograms of strength has been expanded tenfold. In addition, with Douzong level fighting spirit, many of his methods will also be greatly increased in power, many of which were not used before. The treasure-killing moves and sword techniques he created can now be used completely.

With their comprehensive strength, I am afraid that they will be able to fight against a two- or three-star Dou Zun, and there is a high probability that they can defeat them!

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Han Chi also looked slightly startled, and then he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but on the surface he didn't show any emotion, but comforted:

"Yes, Dou Zun can break through that easily, but with nephew Xiao's talent, I'm afraid it won't take long."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Ning's words. He nodded slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a gentle smile:

"Although I have not broken through to Dou Zun, my current strength is no longer afraid of ordinary Dou Zun strong men!"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Han Chi, who was still somewhat understanding, suddenly stiffened slightly, and his steps were immediately disordered. With a bit of shock and hesitation, he looked at Xiao Ning, and it took him a long time to speak:

"Is this true?"

And Xiao Ning nodded without hesitation.

Han Chi was immediately ecstatic!

The Han family made the right choice. They directly established a relationship with such a young man with terrifying talent. With his favor, the future of the Han family will be bright!

As if sensing Han Chi's inner thoughts, Xiao Ning also thought a little, and an idea emerged in his mind.

I am in Zhongzhou, an unfamiliar place, and my eyesight is dim. Why not establish a subordinate force here to help me in my actions? !

After careful consideration, Xiao Ning's eyes lit up slightly, and he had this plan.

"Uncle Han, can you lend me a moment to speak? Xiao, I have an immature idea."

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Han Chi was slightly startled, then chuckled and said:

"Nephew Xiao, please tell me if you have anything to say. You have shown great kindness to my Han family and there is no need to see anyone outside."

As soon as Han Chi said this, Xiao Ning had an idea in his mind, and he whispered:

"It's like this. Xiao is a new arrival. He came to Zhongzhou from the northwest. He is not familiar with the place. He has already offended the giant Fenglei Pavilion."

"Under Xiao's influence, the Han family indirectly offended Fenglei Pavilion. Even if they didn't send anyone here in a short time, Fenglei Pavilion will definitely retaliate. I'm afraid they will send people here in the future. The future of the Han family will be uncertain. It must be uncomfortable."

After hearing the first two paragraphs of Xiao Ning's words, Han Chi also looked gloomy, and then let out a long sigh, with a bit of bitterness on his face.

How could he not know Xiao Ning's words? As the head of the family, he had seen much further and knew that it was time for the Han family to take sides!

"Nephew Xiao, please tell me what you have to say. What should we, the Han family, do?"

Xiao Ning nodded slightly. Hearing Han Chi's words, he also laughed dumbly and replied:

"What is Uncle Han thinking? Xiao just wants to ask for cooperation. Xiao plans to cooperate with Uncle Han and the Han family in Tianbeicheng to establish a force to help each other."

"In this way, the people's hearts are united. Even if the Fenglei Pavilion attacks, our strength will not necessarily be afraid of them!"

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