As time passed by, the wounds on Xiao Ning's body were slowly healing. His eyes were slightly closed, feeling the coolness coming from the wounds.

Just waiting for the moment when the wound was completely healed, at that moment, the power of space in Xiao Ning's body also disappeared. At this moment, suddenly, I saw the inheritance star suspended in Xiao Ning's sea of ​​consciousness. The room lit up, dragging Xiao Ning's entire consciousness into it!

"here it is?!"

With some doubts, Xiao Ning looked around, but he didn't see anything in this ancient forest.

Walking randomly in the dilapidated forest, Xiao Ning seemed to have some realization. Time flies, day after day, and he doesn't know how long he walked. Xiao Ning suddenly stopped and sat cross-legged on the spot.

Suddenly, strong winds blew, and dark clouds were seen high in the sky.

The drizzle was falling and rustling on the leaves. He sat cross-legged on a rock and remained unmoved, listening to the natural sounds of the world. He felt surprisingly peaceful.


Suddenly, in the gray sky, a bright light suddenly flashed across, with terrifying power, thunder roared, and lightning flashed across the sky, spreading across the sky, like a silver snake dancing, stunningly gorgeous, and making a deafening sound. Roar.


In the originally deserted mountain range, the roars of various animals suddenly came, and the long calls of birds continued, making it extremely noisy and terrifying.

But this has nothing to do with Xiao Ning, who is sitting cross-legged. At this moment, he has already entered a state of selflessness. He sits there cross-legged, letting the thunder roar and the animals roar, without any movement.

He is meditating, feeling the mysteries in his body, and opening up the connection between heaven and earth and himself. His life level is gradually rising to a new level of life.

If anyone was outside and could see Xiao Ning's current state, they would definitely be shocked!

I saw that Xiao Ning now maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged, floating naturally in mid-air, and the waves of space fluctuations rippling around him also set him off.

And on his body surface, there are also mysterious golden lines that appear, like array patterns, and like wounds like thunder, which appear to be extremely precise.

And among the inherited stars in Xiao Ning's sea of ​​consciousness, a bone as substantial as white jade slowly emerged, with mysterious words that were not from Dou Qi Continent engraved on it.

And the fifth lesson inheritance star also lit up just right at this moment.

"The God of War Catalog!"

It was shining brightly, exuding auspicious clouds, and filled with chaotic energy. Xiao Ning, who was in consciousness at this moment, suddenly felt something in his heart, opened his eyes, and his semen burst out!

"Cave Heaven Realm, break it for me!"

At this moment, in the outside world, Xiao Ning's body was brilliant, as if it were made of seven-colored divine gold. The precious light was flowing, and the fairy furnaces evolved into runes one after another shone in his flesh and blood, tempering the creation of heaven and earth. He was originally moving the rich blood in the blood realm. The accumulation turned into a foundation at this moment, laying a solid foundation for Xiao Ning to break through to the Cave Heaven Realm.

Cave Heaven is a realm and a means of practice. It is like reenacting a small world by absorbing the essence of the big world, understanding the true meaning of Taoist Talismans, and understanding the order of the world and the changes in rules.

This is the cave-heaven realm, which opens up an immortal passage, a pure land, or a world inside or outside the human body.

In the mysterious space of the Consciousness Sea, Xiao Ning's energy and blood rushed into the sky, like a stormy wave crashing on the table, the clouds on the cracked sky, and the roaring sound was like a volcanic eruption.

At the entrance of this volcano, there is majestic life energy and blood, which is extremely hot, just like real magma!

And the volcano cave also communicated with the outside world, plundering the energy of the world and turning it into the strength of its own smelting. At this moment, Xiao Ning broke through to the realm of cave heaven!

In the outside world, with Xiao Ning's movements, the red light around him rose sharply, and with a crisp clicking sound, every inch of space around him was shattered. The whole person was like a black hole, frantically absorbing the world around him. energy!

The original guest room collapsed violently under this energy fluctuation!

Such movement was so huge that it naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the Han family. Feeling the majestic energy gathering, many people looked frightened!

Several figures flashed past, and Han Chi and Han Fei arrived at the backyard of the Han family and the guest room!

"Grandpa, is this?!"

Han Chi was a little shocked by the energy of heaven and earth that was rolled into a tornado and gathered towards Xiao Ning!

Even with his one-star Douzong cultivation, he felt that under the majestic energy of heaven and earth, he would be completely overwhelmed if he could not hold on for more than a minute!

Watching this scene, Han Fei shook his head with a complicated expression, nodded again, and then sighed:

"Looking at this, little brother Xiao Ning must have made a breakthrough."

"Moreover, it is not just a simple breakthrough. Looking at the power, even the peak of Douzong is difficult to match."

Hearing these words, Han Chi's eyes widened, and he swallowed quickly, feeling extremely excited.

According to what the ancestor said, is Xiao Ning now trying to break through to the Dou Zun level? !

When he thought of this, Han Chi swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and his mind was filled with disbelief.

Twenty-year-old Dou Zun, what kind of concept is that!

Looking at the entire Dou Qi Continent, it is still unknown whether there has ever been a genius of this level!

It's stable, it's stable now!

If the Han family can embrace such a thigh, it will be completely stable!

At this rate, in a few years, Xiao Ning may have a chance to reach the legendary Fighting Saint position. The Han family who has signed up for this big leg may not be far away from becoming famous!

Xiao Ning didn't know what the outside world thought. Although he had made a breakthrough, his consciousness had not yet exited.

In the consciousness space, he was still feeling the mystery of this realm. Xiao Ning clenched his fists tightly, feeling the surging strength and the rising body line again, and nodded with satisfaction.

Above the head, the cave sky like a crater is constantly absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

"Once you reach the Cave Heaven Realm, you will be able to extract it continuously, continuously, and always to keep your body's vitality strong. As long as you don't engage in too fierce a battle, it will be difficult to exhaust your own strength and maintain it in its peak state."

Xiao Ning murmured to himself, and immediately tried to control it. The volcano-like cave above his head slowly dissipated!

At this moment, Xiao Ning felt a sense of rejection, his whole field of vision expanded infinitely, and in the blink of an eye, his consciousness returned to his body.

Suddenly opening his eyes, Xiao Ning saw a ray of light and saw a ruins, as well as Han Chi and Han Fei not far away.

There were also members of the Han family peeking from further away. (End of chapter)

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