Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Han Chi was slightly stunned at first, and then felt an inexplicable sense of absurdity.

He could understand every word of the words that came out of Xiao Ning's mouth, but when they were put together, his brain was overloaded.

It took a long time before Han Chi realized what he was doing. A look of shock appeared on his originally indifferent face. If Xiao Ning said it was true, then he was going to establish a force to compete with Fenglei Pavilion.

Is it possible for such a crazy plan to be implemented? !

For a moment, Han Chi swallowed his saliva and wanted to reject Xiao Ning's proposal. However, just as he was about to say his words of rejection, he saw Xiao Ning's gentle smile, which made Han Chi unexpectedly stop. The act of speaking the words out.

However, just after this hesitation, Xiao Ning's words were transmitted directly, with a little bit of analysis and persuasion.

"Uncle Han, you see, although I am not talented, I consider myself to be strong enough to be a fighting master. If I face the master of Fenglei Pavilion, I may not lose."

"As for the Han family, if they gather all the forces in Tianbei City, they will not be much inferior to the North Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion which has lost its four elders."

"And the threats that Fenglei Pavilion has to face are far more than just us. The other three square pavilions, as well as the three valleys and two sects, each of them cannot be underestimated."

After saying this, Xiao Ning paused slightly and stopped talking. However, Han Chi's heart was full of thoughts. As the head of the family, he was cunning and cunning. , looking further than Xiao Ning.

Although there were many loopholes in Xiao Ning's words just now, the most important threat was defeated by him, which was to kill the four elders of the North Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion at once, and completely wipe out all the people in Tianbei City. , this is a slap in the face of Fenglei Pavilion, and a big feud with it.

In this way, if the Han family is allowed to develop, they may be retaliated by Fenglei Pavilion. Although Xiao Ning has been repaid, Xiao Ning cannot stay in the Han family all the time.

In this way, Xiao Ning's current proposal may not be impossible.

Han Chi's eyes rolled and his thoughts drifted away. It took him a long time to come back to his senses. He nodded solemnly to Xiao Ning and said:

"I alone cannot make the decision regarding nephew Xiao's proposal. The entire Han family has to discuss it."

"Please wait for a while."

Hearing Han Chi's words, Xiao Ning also understood. He knew that such a complicated and large family could not be controlled by the head of the family. Any large-scale actions would require discussion by the entire family's top brass.

"Then I'll wait for the good news first."

Xiao Ning said with a smile. After the two of them continued to exchange a few words on this issue, Han Chi also patted his head and handed the four Na rings to Xiao Ning.

"These are the Na rings worn by the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion, except Shen Yun who was killed by you. As for the one on the edge, it belongs to Hong Tianxiao."

Xiao Ning understood and took it from Han Chi. Fighting energy leaked out of his body and poured into the Najie. He examined it and found that most of the items were conventional material elixirs and some Xuan-level skills and fighting skills. , of little use.

After taking out several simple jade slips and scrolls with a flick of his fingertips, Xiao Ning returned the ring to Han Chi.

"I can only keep these. The rest are of little use to me. They should be used as a guarantee to complete the cooperation. I hope Uncle Han will not refuse."

Hearing this, Han Chi was slightly startled, then shook his head, took it, and poured fighting energy into the ring and swept through it. After learning the amount of property in it, his pupils immediately contracted slightly.

This wealth is enough to be worth Tianbeicheng's harvest for several years, which can be regarded as a lot of money!


Han Chi nodded heavily and solemnly agreed.

In the next few days, the Han family held an emergency meeting to discuss whether to agree to Xiao Ning's proposal and establish a large force in Tianbei City.

However, on the other side, there is also shocking news, that is, the Tianshan Blood Pool is about to open!

Tianshan Blood Pool is located on the Tianmu Mountains. It can be said to be famous in the northern region of Zhongzhou. It is held every three years.

It is said that every three years, a volcanic crater on the top of the mountain range will experience a tide of energy from heaven and earth. After the tide, the Tianshan Pool in the crater will be filled with an extremely strange red liquid. This is the Tianshan Mountain. Blood pool, this blood pool will only exist for five days, and then it will disappear.

This red liquid has the function of washing the essence and marrow and improving the physical body. It can help the Dou Huang warriors break through to the Dou Zong level. Even the true Dou Zong warriors can rely on it to improve their body, which is already difficult to improve. Strength!

Every time the Tianshan Blood Pool is held, it will attract countless people. Even if they are not qualified to enter, they will get a glimpse of it in the surrounding Tianmu Mountains.

According to the Han family, this grand occasion lasted for a long time.

"I'm afraid the little medical fairy, as well as Xiao Yan and the others, will also go to see the Tianshan Blood Pool."

"It's time for me to go there, and it is said that there are many powerful monsters in the Tianmu Mountains, and there are even rare species."

"It seems that in the original work, Xiao Yan found the seventh-level Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast there and successfully obtained the magic core."

Xiao Ning murmured to himself, his thoughts whirling with longing.

On the same day, the Han family discussed and decided. Most people agreed with Xiao Ning's proposal and planned to establish a new force in Tianbei City, with the Han family as the main body. In addition to the destroyed Hong family, another Douzong from Tianbei City The other three Dou Huang forces that have good friendships each send one person as an elder.

As for Xiao Ning, who is the strongest, he is called the honorary leader and enjoys the title.

This force was named Butian Pavilion by Xiao Ning. When others asked with puzzled faces, he smiled and said nothing, with a bad taste in his heart!

A week later, before leaving Tianbei City, Xiao Ning took a deep breath, no longer suppressing his breath and the strength in his body. As he stepped into the sky step by step, his momentum increased with each step, and the volcanic version of the vision appeared above his head again. Up, the divine light takes a great shot!

The crystal bones exuded a series of divine patterns, and the terrifying pressure swept across the world. Xiao Ning took a deep breath and concentrated all his spirit, will, and fighting spirit on his fists. His muscles burst out, and his energy and blood pushed forward. Punch out!

In a scene that shocked everyone, the sky was completely shattered like a huge mirror!

One punch, shattering the sky!

"My name is Xiao Ning, the master of Butian Pavilion, and I would like to announce this!"

"If there are any intruders, they will be killed without mercy!"

Then under everyone's shocked eyes, Xiao Ning stepped out step by step, disappeared into the horizon, and rushed towards the Tianmu Mountains! (End of chapter)

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