Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1653: Discard your cards and win the match point!

A game came to an end, the Thunder defeated the Clippers on the road, rewritten the series of the two sides to a 2:2 tie, and did not allow the Clippers to get the match point.

And the day after the game ended, the fourth game of the 76ers and Bulls series officially started.

This game is very important. Many people are optimistic about the Bulls. They think that the Bulls have already adjusted. Not only will the series score be rewritten to 1:2, but they will also have the strongest combat effectiveness when they recover. At home, there is great hope for winning the fourth game.

In fact, the Bulls are also full of confidence in this game.

But when the game started, it was a bit unexpected.

From the beginning of the game, Qin Hao, Butler, and Xiaoka performed very fiercely. The advantages of the Big Three were undoubtedly revealed. Under the combined impact of the three, the Bulls could not prevent the 76ers from attacking. .

After more than one quarter, the Bulls have clearly fallen short.

"It doesn't matter, the other party can't always be like this. Let's follow our rhythm, play positional warfare, and be stable." Coach Thibodeau comforted the players.

"Yes." A group of players responded in unison.

After you come and go, the 76ers still have the upper hand.

Until the end of the first half, the 76ers led by 7 points.

When entering the second half, the Bulls further strengthened their defense, and their role players performed well. With team cooperation, they played a wave of multiple points and reduced the point difference to only 2 points.

But at this time, the Big Three of the 76ers began to exert their strength again, opening the point difference to 7 points.

Moreover, until the end of the third quarter, eight minutes have been played, and Coach Luke has not yet replaced Qin Hao, Butler, and Xiaoka.

This made Coach Thibodeau frowned. He was a little hard to get off. If he didn't replace the Big Three, how could he replace Rose?

For a time, coach Thibodeau did not dare to change easily.

As a result, Qin Hao, Butler, and Xiaoka all played the third quarter without a break, and Rose also played the third quarter.

This is not over yet.

When entering the last quarter, Qin Hao, Butler, and Xiaoka were sent on the court from the very beginning, which surprised everyone and was very surprised.

"How is this going?"

"Isn't this a rotation time? Qin, Butler, Leonard, how can it be that the three stars are on the court? Isn't it because you want them to continue to play the last quarter?"

"No, it's kind of crazy."

People are all surprised.

The Bulls were also very surprised. Rose frowned and looked at Coach Thibodeau, while Coach Thibodeau looked at Coach Luke with a gloomy expression.

"Damn it." Suddenly, Coach Thibodeau cursed, hesitated for a moment, and said to Rose: "Wait a minute, wait a while and say it later."

In a blink of an eye, more than three minutes passed, Qin Hao, Butler, and Xiaoka still remained on the court.

At this time, Rose was not on the court, and the two sides made the decision, and the point difference was further expanded to double digits.

At this time Coach Thibodeau couldn't sit still: "Damn, they won't really want Qin and the three of them to play this quarter?" At this time, he has no bottom in his heart and can't care about what the 76ers sell in the gourd. Medicine, can only send the main players Qi Qi.

When Rose returned to the court, the Bulls situation improved, but at this time the double-digit point difference is not so easy to catch up.

Moreover, when the two sides played for seven minutes in the middle of the fourth quarter, coach Luke still did not replace Qin Hao, Butler, and Xiaoka.

"Is the 76ers crazy? No such use, Qin, Butler, Leonard, the three played the entire second half."

"Are you kidding? The Heat have never done this before."

People are really surprised.

The Sixers had the Big Three before they had the Heat. In the Heat's game, there is no shortage of the Big Three who have played for a long time. For example, it is not uncommon for a certain player to play the first half or the second half.

But the Big Three played the entire second half at the same time, and they were on the court throughout the second half, which is too rare.

What's more, the 76ers' bench lineup is not bad. It seems that there is no need for the Big Three to play the second half.

"Huh, there are still a few minutes left, a dozen points difference, how do I see you chasing it?" Coach Luke narrowed his eyes and looked at Coach Thibodeau coldly.

In the previous three games, the Bulls showed great strength, tenacious fighting spirit, and desperate brutality.

The Bulls do, but the 76ers don’t?

Don’t you think that if the Bulls win a game and take a few more days off, they will be able to make a comeback after recovering their physical fitness?

Don’t you think the situation is beginning to turn to the Bulls, as long as the Bulls continue to do the third game, they can win the game step by step?

Oh, I don't play cards according to common sense.

Coach Luke is going to be so unexpected and disrupt the layout of the Bulls, and after three games, the 76ers should also show their crazy side.

Of course, there is one more point.

This is a key game. If the Bulls win, the big score is rewritten as 2:2 and everyone is back on the same starting line. It may be really hard to say behind.

So the 76ers must win this game. This is a crucial game to win this series. When will you not fight at this time?

Therefore, he directly allowed Qin Hao, Butler, and Xiaoka to play the entire second half, just to let the firepower of the Big Three cover the entire second half, and not to give the Bulls a chance to breathe. Your coach Thibodeau thinks that just like the third game, everyone plays well and keeps the score. In the last few minutes, Rose will make a final decision?

Dream it.

There are only the last few minutes left. Although Rose is back on the court, he has fallen behind by a full ten points. It is not easy to catch up at this time.

First of all, time is a big issue. It's too difficult to chase more than a dozen points in a few minutes. It's too difficult to face a team like the 76ers.

"Damn, damn..."

When the game time is getting less and less, coach Thibodeau's mood has become more and more irritable, and his heart is full of regrets. He should have gone to Rose earlier and should not wait and see.

At this level, the difference is widened, and time is not enough.

If you make a wrong move, you will lose every game!

Of course, there is one more point, that is, Qin Hao, Butler, and Kaka have plenty of energy, and there is no problem in playing the second half. At most, this game is a bit more expensive, but as long as you can win this key game, it's worth the cost.

With less and less game time, the Bulls gradually lost hope of a comeback...

In the end, the game ended, the 76ers defeated the Bulls 113:104 and won another victory, rewriting the series score to 3:1.

The 76ers won the match point and led 3:1 with a big score. Now the situation has completely fallen to the side of the 76ers.

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