Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1654: Never hit tiebreaker


This is a community court, a group of people get together, playing while chatting about the NBA playoffs.

A young man with an inch said: "I thought the Thunder was going to be finished, but they were beaten back."

"So what?" The other person sneered: "Don't you let the Clippers get the match point first and play 3:2? Tomorrow is the sixth game. Maybe the Clippers will get a 4 tomorrow. :2 I'm killed."

"Not so? After all, the Thunder are still very strong."

"Oh, if the Thunder were so strong, they wouldn't be beaten like this by the Clippers."

In a blink of an eye, the East and West finals have played several games, the Thunder and the Clippers have played 5 games, but the result is that the Clippers lead by 3:2, the first to get the match point.

Now the Thunder are on the edge of the cliff.

"3:2 in the West and 3:2 in the East. If you want me to say, the Thunder may not lose so easily, maybe they will come back." One person said, obviously a fan of the Thunder 0 team, and they also wore it. A Westbrook jersey.

Everyone stopped doing it now.

You talk about the Thunder and you talk about the Thunder. What are you doing in the Eastern Conference?

Ye Di, are you still looking forward to the 76ers being eliminated?

"Qiangzi, what do you mean by that?"

"That's right, Qin Hao is the pride of our Chinese basketball team. What do you mean by that, expecting the 76ers to lose?"

"Are you still from Huaxia?"

In the face of everyone's verbal criticism, Qiangzi persuaded, and said weakly: "I am not, I don't, I love the 76ers, Qin Hao is the best."

While the Clippers and the Thunder scored 3:2, the 76ers also scored 3:2 with the Bulls.

In the fourth game of the series, the 76ers won the match point at the Bulls' home court, but after the fifth game, returning to Philadelphia, the Bulls were forced to the edge of the cliff, bursting with huge energy, and regaining it. One city, winning the fifth game, let the series retain suspense.

at the same time.

More places and more people are also discussing.

Among people's discussions, the sixth game of the Thunder and the Clippers started quickly.

Qin Hao and the 76ers are also watching this game.

In the end, the Thunder defeated the Clippers with Durant's outstanding performance at a critical moment and dragged the Western Conference Finals into a tie-break.

"Unexpectedly, it was really dragged into the tiebreaker."

"It's a pity that the Clippers didn't seize such a good opportunity. It's still in the home court of the Thunder to enter the tiebreak. It's a bit bad for the Clippers."

"Do you think the Clippers don't want to win? Actually, the Clippers didn't play badly, especially Paul, with 28 points, 7 rebounds, and 10 assists. Is that bad?"

"Yes, it's just that the Thunder played better. Durant even scored 38 points. He is too incomprehensible. The Clippers can't prevent him at all. It's not surprising to lose the game."

Everyone was talking, and soon calmed down.

Because, can't help but think that tomorrow they will usher in the sixth game with the Bulls.

Today, in Game 6 of the Western Conference Finals, the Thunder and the Clippers played 3:3, and the Western Conference finals dragged into the tiebreaker. What about them tomorrow?

"Never play tiebreaker." Qin Hao said, with a firm tone.

Everyone couldn't help but shook, and then all nodded.

"Yes, you must never be dragged into the tiebreaker by the opponent."

"Tomorrow's game we have to win, six games to solve the battle on the line."

Everyone understands that winning the sixth game is the best, and if it is dragged into the tie-break, the result will be unpredictable.

Just like the previous tie-break between the Bulls and the Heat, it was extraordinarily tragic. No one could predict the result. Even before the game, many people were actually more optimistic about the Heat. After all, the Heat had a big three. It stands to reason that there are many stars in the tie-break. Dominate.

But in the end... the Bulls won.

"Okay, it's all gone." Qin Hao stood up, preparing to walk outside.

Tomorrow is the sixth game of the series, which will be played at the Bulls' home court, so the 76ers players are still in a Chicago hotel.

Seeing Qin Hao leaving, Lu Wei shouted: "Qin, if you go to the restaurant, I'm a little hungry."

"I'm going to train." Qin Hao replied without looking back.

"Training?" Everyone was stunned, a little dumbfounded.

It's already past nine o'clock in the evening, and this is still on the away court. The arena is temporarily rented. At this time, you go for training. Did you make a mistake?

Before everyone could react, Xiaoka had already stood up: "I'll go too."

Butler also said in unison: "Wait for me."

All of a sudden Qin Hao, Xiaoka, and Butler left.

The rest of Lu Wei and others stared at each other, staring at each other for a long time.

At last Lu Wei smiled bitterly: "Forget it, I'm not very hungry at the moment, I will also go to train for a while, wait until I get hungry and eat again."

"Then I will go too."

"What are you doing in a daze? Let's go."

For a time, everyone filed out.

When Qin Hao came to the outside of the hotel, he found Xiaoka and Butler chasing them out. The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and everything was silent.

But before the three of them left, a group of people hurried out, Lu Wei, Nene, Iguodala, Speights...

Among them, Curry didn't really need to train. In the sixth game, they probably won't have a chance to play, but they still followed.


A group of people came to the rented arena and started training.

Although it was almost ten o'clock in the evening at this time, everyone was still practicing in full swing.

Seeing his teammates, Qin Hao was a little helpless. The reason why he wanted to come was that he wanted to try again before the arrival of the sixth game to see if the mid-range shooting could change. In fact, his teammates had no need to follow.

But with so many people training together, it's not so lonely.

"let's start."

Qin Hao greeted Xiao-Ka. Xiao-Ka stood under the basket and pushed with both hands to pass the ball to Qin Hao. Qin Hao caught the ball and dribbled a step and shot a mid-range jumper.

With a "swish", the basketball hollowed into the net.

Then the second, the third...

At the same time, in the hotel.

Assistant Harry slammed coach Luke's door open, and said in a panic: "Coach, the ball... the players are gone."


"Yes." Assistant Harry smiled bitterly: "I just went to take a look, and it turned out that none of them were seen, and they were all gone. You said, did they..." He was worried about whether the players were running. Going out to fool around.

But it has never happened before, and I dare not talk nonsense for a while.

Coach Luke frowned, brought Assistant Harry to the lobby and asked the security guard in the lobby. When asked, both of them were a little dumbfounded: "Training?"

"Yes, I heard they said they were going to train." The security nodded and couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect to train at such a late hour. It deserves to be a champion team. It's really hard work."

"Huh." Assistant Harry breathed a sigh of relief, seemingly worried for nothing.

Coach Luke scowled: "It's just a nonsense to go to training so late." After speaking, he turned upstairs.

Assistant Harry scratched his head and hurriedly shouted: "Coach, do you want me to call them back?"

Coach Luke waved his hand without looking back: "It's not a kid, don't they know that they will come back? Let's wash and sleep."

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