Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1652: Accumulate strength


When the game ended, the score was fixed at 118:112. The 76ers defeated the Bulls by 6 points and won another victory.

Rose propped his knees, gasping for breath, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and in the end they lost.

"You have done well." Qin Hao walked over, breathing heavily, and said to Rose, "Really."

Today Rose scored 30 points, plus 6 rebounds and 8 assists. He really did a good job.

"But the game still lost." Rose laughed at himself, but soon adjusted his mentality. He fell in the Eastern Conference finals for several years and has experienced many setbacks. His heart has become extremely strong and will not be easily defeated. ,"See you in Chicago next time."

Qin Hao nodded and responded, "See you in Chicago."

Watching Rose leave, Qin Hao had a hunch that the next game would only be harder to play.

In the audience, the home fans celebrated happily. The 76ers won two games in a row, and the series score became 2:0. Of course it is worth the joy.


"It seems that the 76ers are stronger, and the Bulls still lost. With two games behind, it's too difficult to get back."

"In these two games, it feels like the Bulls played a little bit incomprehensible. Is Coach Thibodeau too restrained in how Rose is used?"

"I also feel that way, especially in this game. The role players of the Bulls played very well in this game. Roll Deng, Redick, Noah, etc., performed very well. If Thibodeau coaches Ross Some playing time may be able to win the game."

"that is......"

People were talking, and there were voices of doubts about Coach Thibodeau.

But it didn't take long for this question to disappear.

Two days later, the Eastern Conference finals ushered in the third matchup.

This time the Bulls returned to Chicago, came to their home court, and after another two days of rest, the players' physical fitness has been better recovered, and they have almost recovered from the tragic second round of the playoffs.

In this game, coach Thibodeau’s formation has changed a bit. It is no longer so rigid and more flexible. When and who is on, it no longer strictly follows his plan, but changes with the game. .

After getting enough rest, Rose showed a very good game state from the beginning today. He scored 10 points in the first quarter and also sent out 3 assists.

It is worth mentioning that the role players of the Bulls in this third game continued the excellent state of the second game, especially Rolle Deng.

In the second game before, Coach Thibodeau tried to let Roll Deng stand alone. As a result, when the 76ers saw Rose not present, Roll Deng led the team and immediately doubled him. Roll Deng was flattered. , The performance was greatly affected.

By this third game, Rolle Deng seemed to have found the feeling, even when he was personally leading the team, he played very well.

For a time, the Bulls had the upper hand. The Bulls took the lead in the first half of the game, and even opened the point difference to 10 points.

When entering the second half, the 76ers launched a counterattack under the leadership of Qin Hao, playing a small wave of gao, and then chasing the difference to only a few points.

But Rose quickly stepped up and stopped the 76ers' counterattack.

By the end of the three quarters, although the Bulls still maintained the lead, the lead was not big, only a few points.

By the fourth quarter, the two sides began to enter the decisive time.

This time coach Thibodeau did not suppress Rose's playing time. He replaced Rose with just over a minute in the fourth quarter and gradually replaced the main players.

After that, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

When the fourth quarter was halfway through, Qin Hao suddenly broke out, hitting two consecutive three-pointers and surpassing the score in one fell swoop.

This was also the 76ers' first overtake in this game, but after a while, Rose scored 2+1, helping the Bulls regain the lead again.

After that, the score between the two sides has been anxious, until the last minute, Rose continuously hit the basket, or made fouls, or scored by himself, helping the Bulls to keep the lead.

In the end, when the game was over, the Bulls defeated the 76ers 110:106 and regained a victory at home. The series score was rewritten to 1:2.

Although the big score is still behind, but after winning this game, everyone knows that this series has become different.

All the fans finally understood that although the previous two games were lost, Coach Thibodeau deliberately let the players recharge, especially Rose.

After all, it will not be easy to defeat the 76ers, it is difficult to end the battle in the first three quarters, and waiting for the last quarter, especially the last few minutes, Rose's role is too crucial.

The facts have also proved that Coach Thibodeau was right to do this. Although he lost the first two games, he won the third game.

And, the Bulls have recovered.

"Tsk tsk, Coach Thibodeau is really courageous and dared to give up the first two games. To be honest, with the Bulls in the previous two games, just finished seven games with the Heat, even if Coach Thibodeau doesn’t control Rose’s playing time. Without being so restrained in employing people, it may not be able to win the 76ers."

"Yes, although they lost the first two games, the Bulls players got a respite and successfully won the third game. It is enough to show that Thibodeau's coach's choice is correct."

"The next three days in the middle of the fourth game, the Bulls can rest for three days, physical fitness should be able to return to peak condition. And it is still at the Bulls' home court, the Bulls are also very hopeful to win the fourth game. ......"

For a while, people were talking about it.

Those who questioned Thibodeau before changed their tunes and began to tout the Thibodeau coach.


at the same time.

The Western Conference finals have also been played in three games, and the results of the three games are somewhat unexpected. It turned out that the Clippers led the Thunder with 2:1.

If the Thunder in the first game of the Western Conference finals were taken lightly and lacked preparation, so they won the second game altogether, then what about the third game?

In the third game, there is no problem of lack of preparation. Could it be because the third game was the home court of the Clippers and the Thunder lost?

This of course cannot be a reason.

For a time, people were a bit disinterested in the Thunder, thinking that after all, this group of people was still too young and lacked a champion.

Amidst the chaotic discussions, the Thunder were quietly accumulating strength.

At the same time, the 76ers who are still in Chicago are also quietly accumulating strength. Although they are on the away field, they have not given up training.

As the defending champions, they will not be disturbed because of losing a game or because of external discussions. There is no anxiety, no anxiety, no tension, they just silently train, adjust their state, and prepare for the forthcoming fourth game.

PS: Let’s talk about the update. There are only three shifts a day during this period, and the time is not very stable. Perhaps this is the frustration of older men, so I won't talk about specific things. In short, I will try my best to ensure daily updates and try to stabilize the update time. Thank you for your support. With your company, I will never be alone!

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