Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1641: A tragic match, a collision of superstars!

After a while, the pause ended.

Both sides returned to the court and the Heat attacked.

After arriving in the frontcourt, James opened his hands and asked for the ball. After the ball passed, he played Roll Deng directly. He dribbled the ball with two hips and then forced a breakthrough. Like a bulldozer, Roll Deng is 206 cm tall. , But the strength is not the same level as James, being pushed back steadily.

Two steps later, James had already squeezed Rolle Deng away, hit the inside line, and jumped up suddenly.

"And me." Noah also jumped up, he stood under the basket, firmly holding his position, stretched his arm, gritted his teeth and wanted to give James a block.


When the two collided, Noah's expression changed. He didn't expect James to knock him away after he squeezed Roller Deng, which was too horrible.

Now Noah can't block James.

But at this moment, a figure flew over from the side, causing an exclamation from the audience.

It is Rose.

The next moment, Rose's hand was pressed on the basketball, and only a "pop" was heard. The basketball was fanned and bounced off the backboard.


For a moment, the auditorium boiled, and everyone's eyes widened.

Blocked, James was blocked by Rose.


Although he blocked James, Rose also lost his balance in the air. After landing, he fell to the bottom line. But just after the fall, he supported with both hands and immediately got up, because his teammate had gotten a rebound and had already launched a counterattack.

I saw Rose rushing to the front field quickly, while James was stunned for a while, and then quickly reacted, stepping forward and pursuing.

In a blink of an eye, Rose came to the front court.

It was Redick who grabbed the rebound before. Although he grabbed the rebound, Redick's speed was not very fast. When he failed to get rid of the Heat, Wade followed him.

Redick is a shooter and is not very good at this kind of counterattack. What's more, Wade was chasing behind him. He wanted to stop and play a positional battle, but when he saw Rose followed up in a blink of an eye, he immediately hit the ground and passed the ball. Give it to Rose.

Rose grabbed the basketball, took two steps forward, and prepared for a layup.

"Be careful."

Suddenly, an exclamation came.

Rose picked up his heart and hurriedly speeded up his shot, but he still slowed down a little bit. He only heard a "pop" when he pressed a hand on the basketball, and he was blocked.

The palm of his hand was empty, Rose turned his head quickly after landing, his face changed slightly-it was James who blocked him.

He caught up so quickly.


The fans in the audience watching this scene were stunned.

Rose just staged a shocking block and gave James a block, but when he turned around, James gave Rose a block with color.

This came and went, which made people feel shocked. The fierce collision between the stars made them feel the blood boiling, and every cell was trembling.

In the end, the ball returned to the hands of the Heat, and when it came to the frontcourt, James once again singled out, hitting a withdrawal jumper.

But when he turned around, Rose ran back and cut, rushed inside after receiving a pass from his teammate, staged a drawbar, and scored.

"Returned another one."

"Too strong, both Rose and James are too strong."

People were amazed, all stunned.

The game was full of excitement from the beginning, and every fan couldn't help but feel tense and dare not relax.

And the duel between Rose and James is everywhere, from the beginning to this time, and it will continue.

Until the end of the first half, the Heat led by 1 point at 53:52.

"Huh, huh..."

The players on both sides returned to the field and silently returned to the dressing room. No one spoke, but the fans next to the players' channel could hear their violent gasps.

The fight today is too fierce.


"too crazy."

"Yeah, today's game was too intense. That Rose blocked James, and after that, James blocked Rose's ball again. I was shocked to see it."

"At the beginning of the 10-11 and 11-12 seasons, the two sides played in the Eastern Finals. At that time, Rose was not so strong. Although it was already a regular season mvp, he was still at a disadvantage against James. But now, it is no less inferior to James. Up."


People are talking and marveling.

Amidst people’s discussions, the second half began very quickly.

The game on the field became more and more fierce, and the fouls became more and more fierce. He would never give the opponent a chance of 2+1. Even James's physical fitness burst and those who could hang a personal layup were put on the ground more than once.

And Rose is naturally not much better.


With a muffled noise, Rose broke through and suffered a foul, was knocked out of the bottom line, and knocked the photographer over.

"Fak." Noah was furious and pushed Haslem away.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, the referee rushed over, and the players on both sides quickly separated the two.

Coach Thibodeau immediately called a timeout. When the players came down, he looked at Rose with a little worry in his eyes and asked, "Derek, are you okay?"

Rose raised his head and smiled: "I'm fine."

This smile was a little reluctant, even if it was not injured, the fall was not light. Coach Thibodeau opened his mouth, but he was hesitant to speak, and finally turned into a sigh.

After a while, the pause ended.

The two sides returned to the court, Rose stood on the free throw line and made two free throws. When the Bulls once again got the ball and gave it to Rose, Rose still rushed to the basket without hesitation, even if he just fell heavily. For a moment.


Rose scored to help the Bulls take the lead.

However, after a while, the Heat regained the lead again, and the two sides continued to cycle between this lead and being overtaken...


In a blink of an eye, at the end of the third quarter, there was a 3 point difference between the two sides and the Bulls took the lead.

Entering the fourth quarter, the two sides first put in a rotation, but Wade played on the court with the bench.

Three minutes later, the Heat caught up to the point difference with only 1 point left, but this did not satisfy Coach Spoelstra. He began to substitute and replace James.

"Coach." Rose immediately stood up and shouted at Coach Thibodeau.

James has already gone up, and he must go up too.

Coach Thibodeau looked at Rose. Even after a few minutes of rest, there was still sweat on Rose's forehead, which made him hesitate and difficult to make a decision. He hoped that Rose could rest for a while, even if it was only two more minutes.



With a soft sound, James scored.

James scored a goal as soon as he came on the field, originally behind by 1 point, after the goal was scored, the Heat once again surpassed the score.

"Okay." Coach Thibodeau shook his body and nodded, "Get ready, you go!"

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