Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1640: Can't afford to lose the game


Chicago was brightly lit at night, and the United Center Arena, home of the Bulls, was even more lively today.

The square outside the arena was crowded with people, and it is roughly estimated that there were as many as thousands of people under the dappled lights, almost all of the Bulls fans.

Only the **** Bulls fans will stay outside the arena instead of watching the game live at home.

The noise spread in the square.

What's interesting is that compared to the hustle and bustle outside the United Center Arena, some other neighborhoods seem strangely quiet, without the bustle of the past.

This is because many people come to the United Center Arena, either inside or outside the arena.

Of course, more people choose to stay in their own homes, or have a few friends, or sit on the sofa as a family, looking forward to today's game.

The streets outside were naturally deserted a lot.

Inside the United Center Arena, which can accommodate more than 20,000 people, the noise is deafening, and the audience is full.

Close to the stadium, there are many celebrities, the owner and general manager of the Bulls, as well as the legendary stars of the Bulls Michael Jordan, Pippen, and some former Bulls players also came to the scene.

Of course, there are also some business leaders and entertainment stars.

For example, singer Rihanna, JAY-Z couple, etc...

With so many spectators and so many celebrities present, it is hard to imagine that this is only an Eastern Conference semifinals.

Yes, this is only an Eastern Conference semifinals.

But this is not a simple Eastern Conference semifinals. It is the Bulls vs. Heat, the collision between two super strong teams, the duel between rivals, and it is also the tiebreaker, the battle of life and death, which is naturally attracting attention. .

"Can we win this game?" A fan clasped his hands and asked his friends around him. He was already nervous before the game started.

"Definitely." The friend beside him was also very nervous, biting his lip, but his tone was firm, "We have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Not only them, but many Bulls players are in the same mood as them.

When the Eastern Conference finals lost to the Heat for two consecutive seasons, even if two or three years have passed, fans still clearly remember that scene, and it still feels uncomfortable to think about it at this time.

Therefore, for today’s game, the Bulls fans are extremely nervous, expecting the Bulls to win and succeed in revenge, but they can’t help but worry, what if they fail?

Soon, players from both sides came to the court.

When the Heat players arrived, there was a loud boo in the audience. Although they knew very well that for a team like the Heat, the away boo didn't help, but they were still screaming. , A huge boo broke out.

It took a long time before the boos died down.

Players from both sides are ready to warm up on the court, Jordan, Pippen and other Bulls famous come to the Bulls rest area, talk to the players for a while, cheer for them.

Subsequently, the two sides went to the court to warm up.

The warm-up process seemed very ordinary, but from the expressions of the players on both sides, a depressing smell of killing can be seen.

At 7:30 in the evening, the game finally began.

The players from both sides came to the field, their eyes collided, and the atmosphere of killing instantly spread, permeating the entire stadium...


Philadelphia, 76ers training arena.

It was already night, and the extra training of Qin Hao and others had also ended, but the three of them did not leave the arena, Wood and Barry left, and Qin Hao sat on the court.

"Should the game begin?" Butler said suddenly.

"It should start." Xiaoka replied, uncharacteristically speaking, and he took the initiative to ask: "I don't know how the game is going, which side has the upper hand? In the end, is the Bulls winning or the Heat winning? ?"

There was another silence.

Qin Hao slowly said: "I really can't guess that the other side will win this game. The fact that the two sides can reach the tie-break is enough to show that the strength of each other is very close."

"Yes!" Butler and Kazi nodded together.

In the previous six games between the Bulls and the Heat, the three of them didn't fully watch them, but they also watched a few live broadcasts.

In addition to training these days, coach Luke also called players to participate in video analysis.

Regardless of whether the opponents in the final Eastern Conference finals are the Bulls or the Heat, watching the video analysis of the match between these two teams, there will always be something to gain.

Judging from the situation of the previous six games, the Heat is strong in the Big Three, and the star advantage lies there. Even if the competitive state of Wade and Bosh has declined compared with two or three years ago, it has really reached a critical moment and broke out. It still looks scary.

The Bulls' advantage is a balanced lineup, excellent bench depth, and the strength of Peak Rose is beyond doubt.

At the critical moment, it is precisely because of the peak Rose that he can compete with James and will not be dominated by James.

In six fights, both sides had all their cards and did not retain the slightest, but the final result was that the series was dragged into the tie-breaker.

This is enough to show that the two sides are really equal.

"However, I still hope the Bulls can win." Suddenly, Qin Hao spoke again, somewhat emotionally, "I hope Rose can win."

Butler and Xiaoka turned their heads: "Yeah."



United Center Arena.

"Huh, huh..."

Several Bulls players came to the edge of the court, leaning on their knees and gasping for breath. The sweat on Rose's forehead and face was like raindrops, lying on his eyelids, but he didn't wipe them, and he didn't even blink his eyes. Sharp, like a blade.

This time the game has reached the second half of the second quarter.

From the beginning of the game, the two sides are fighting, directly entering the state of fighting, without the slightest reservation, not hesitating to physical strength, not afraid of danger, just to grab every rebound, score every offense, and do every defense... ...

Because both sides understand that this game cannot be lost and cannot afford to lose.

The Bulls can't afford to lose.

If they lose, losing to the Heat in the playoffs three times, they can't face Chicago fans, nor can they face themselves. I am afraid that from now on, the Heat will become their demons, and the Heat will no longer be courageous.

The Heat can't afford to lose either.

If they lose, they will be eliminated and missed the Eastern Conference Finals. The Heat will miss the Finals for two consecutive years. So whether the Big Three lineup is still likely to win the championship will be a problem, and whether the Heat lineup can be maintained will also be a problem. Becomes unknown.

Therefore, regardless of which side they lose, it may not only be this game that awaits them. The end of this series may also be a huge change for the team.

Rose turned his head and looked at the Heat. James was also propped on his knees, panting and looking at him.

The eyes of the two intertwined in the air, as if two sharp swords were colliding, hitting a string of sparks...

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