Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1642: Can't be the same again


The Bulls requested a timeout.

Coach Thibodeau began to change, replacing both Rose and Noah. Since it is decided to change, there is no need to change only Rose. After all, it is the last quarter, and the moment of life and death cannot tolerate any reservations and flukes.

When the timeout was over and returned to the court, Rose took the ball from the baseline, quickly advanced to the front court, and then called a pick-and-roll, but instead of directly breaking through the interior line, he moved back and made a three-pointer.


The Heat players were a little surprised.


The next moment, with a soft sound, the ball was scored.

Ross is much more mature today than it was two or three years ago.

At that time, Rose lost to the Heat in the Eastern Conference finals for two consecutive seasons. At that time, Rose's strength was not weak, but after all, he was young and had a lot of shortcomings, his outside shooting was not stable, his skills were not comprehensive enough, and his offensive habit was biased towards breakthroughs.

This allows the Heat to deploy defenses targeted and restrict Rose.

But now two or three years later, Rose is no longer the same Rose, his skills have become more comprehensive, and his playing has become more calm.

Turn around, the Heat attacked.

James was in control of the ball, a few people moved quickly, pulled him away, James broke through, then divided the ball, passed to Ray Allen, Ray Allen received the ball as a three-pointer, but failed to make a hit.


The basketball bounced out of the box.

But Bosh jumped up quickly and grabbed the rebound. Just as he was about to jump up, he felt a pain in his wrist. Noah pulled the ball-handler directly and didn't give him a goal even for a foul.

"Damn it." Bosh rubbed his wrist, cursed inwardly, then walked to the free throw line, and only scored one of the two free throws...

In the next few minutes, the two sides are still incomprehensible.

On the one hand, James controls the overall situation, on the other hand, Rose mobilizes the whole team. Under the lead of their respective ace players, both the Heat and the Bulls have produced 120% of their energy and played very well.

But in the end no one was able to take advantage, and the score was still anxious.

At this time, the two sides replaced all the main forces.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the arena became extremely depressed, and people were surprisingly quiet, because they all knew that this was the final moment of victory.

"Huh, huh..."

Rose propped his knees, gasping for breath.

Each of the seven games was very hard. As the team leader, Rose needs to do too much and consumes a lot of physical energy.

However, he still insisted. With a perseverance, he still broke through again and again, tearing apart the Heat's defense with sharp breakthroughs, and scoring the ball again and again.

"The last few minutes." Rose gritted his teeth and whispered to himself, "This time, it can't be the same as before."


In the last few minutes, the game became more and more tragic.

At this point in time, the physical stamina of both sides has reached the limit, their feet have become sluggish, their movements are no longer agile, and their offenses have begun to strike frequently.

And at the end, the less time the game is, the more stars are needed, because it is already difficult for role players to score, too much pressure in the heart, and too much physical consumption, making it difficult for role players to stand up at this time.

Compared with the stars, the Bulls are at a disadvantage, after all, they are facing the "Big Three".

"Pull away."

James took control of the ball, made a gesture to signal his teammates to pull away, and then a singles breakthrough, a change of direction, the speed is not very fast, but the strength is too strong, he squeezed Rolle Deng away, and then rushed to the inside. At this time Noah has no confidence to block James. He is tired and his legs are weak. He wants to jump up, but can't do it.



Fighter, the whistle sounded.

The referee blew his whistle and gave Noah a foul. Noah looked helpless. He had no choice but to foul if he couldn't block.



There was a soft sound, and Noah's expression became stiff-he could even score?

Under Noah's foul, James still scored the ball, a 2+1, he stood on the free throw line, will make an extra free throw, the Heat lead by 4 points.

"Fack." Noah cursed in a low voice, annoyed.

He just wanted to foul and prevent James from scoring directly. Maybe James may not be able to make a free throw when he gets to the free throw line. Then I know it will be 2+1 in the end.

Originally, the Heat only led by 1 point, but now it has become 4 points.

You know, there are only more than two minutes left in the game. At this time, every point is important. If you fall behind by 1 point, you may lose the game, let alone 4 points.

"It's time for us to attack." Ross shouted in a deep voice.

Noah was shocked and nodded.

The Bulls attacked, but failed to score this time. Fortunately, the Heat did not score in the counterattack. One to two went, the game time was fast passing by, and there was only more than one minute left.

"Huh." Rose exhaled and took a deep breath. He suddenly felt a lot of coolness in his chest. He gestured to his teammates. The teammates pulled away and Rose singled Wade.

Yes, it is not Chalmers who is defending Rose at this time, but Wade. Chalmers is not playing at this time, it is Ray Allen.

I saw Rose continuously dribble under the crotch, and then his left shoulder suddenly sank. Wade's heart jumped. Rose's breakthrough was too sharp. He was extremely afraid, and immediately retreated and got into position first.

But at this moment, Rose suddenly jumped up and directly shot a three-pointer.


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

Wade turned to look at the basket, frowned, and finally shook his head. The point difference became 1 point again.

While retiring from defense, Rose secretly thanked Qin Hao. Without Qin Hao, his three-pointers would certainly not be as good as they are now. At this critical moment, he can only rely on breakthroughs. It is hard to say whether the effect is good or not.

Even if it is successful, it is a two-pointer. When the score is behind, the three-pointer is indeed a big killer.

In a blink of an eye, two more rounds passed, and the two sides fought together.

At this time, there were only dozens of seconds left in the game. Coach Thibodeau called a timeout, re-arranged, and let the players come down to take a breath.

In fact, the tactics are second. At this time, I still talk about tactics and just give the ball to Rose and it's over.

The main thing is to let the players come down to rest and take a breath.

If it hadn't been supported by a puff of air, it would have been long gone.

"Derek, leave it to you." Coach Thibodeau patted Rose on the arm.

"Yeah." Rose nodded his head heavily.

He has to win this game because if he loses, it is unclear whether the Bulls' lineup will be reshuffled, but Thibodeau’s coach is determined to dismiss the get out of class. He has been playing this way for several consecutive years. He has never been able to win the Eastern Conference championship. There will always be someone Back to the pan.

And Rose has always regarded coach Thibodeau as a teacher, and he didn't want to see coach Thibodeau being fired by the team.

So this game must be won.

As for the Eastern Conference Finals, at least it has to be considered after winning the game.

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