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Chapter 861: charity gala invitation

  Chapter 861 Invitation to the Charity Gala


  Breathing the morning air, Zhou Anan felt the fatigue in his body gradually eased as the motor cells in his body were awakened, and his running pace began to stabilize again.

  After three years of morning jogging, his current physical fitness is much stronger than that of his previous life, and even the rudiments of six-pack abs can be faintly seen on his stomach.

  Under normal circumstances, there is no problem for him to run five kilometers. It's just that he drank a lot of alcohol last night and did aerobic exercise for too long, which caused the exhaustion in his body now.

  The slightly drunk state is indeed the pinnacle of a man.

  At least for now, Lisa Rong, who used to be good at fighting, has not gotten up yet, saying that she will take a day off today and rest at home.

   This is also the greatest affirmation for men.

"Good morning."

  Backing to the room, Zhou Anan saw Ouyang Qiuci dressed in sportswear, greeted him with a smile, and couldn't help but sized him up for a few seconds.

  Because of the summer, the sportswear of the host of Huaxia Channel tends to be tight-fitting and a little thin, which makes the already good figure even more exquisite.

   One word, very informative.

  Combined with that intellectual atmosphere, she is definitely a perfect woman in the eyes of two generations of young and middle-aged men.

  Perhaps it is because she looks so good that the other party is still single, because men with the ability to chase are not available, and men who are not capable are not attractive to the other party.

   Over time, some high-quality women became single.


  Seeing this man who just came back from a morning run, Ouyang Qiu resigned, and then couldn't help but blushed slightly.

  Under normal circumstances, she would not change her face when she greeted a strange man, but it was a bit hard to say that she heard the song next door last night in the room for a long time.

  Young people, are they all so physically strong?

   "If you want to run, it is better to run along the lakeside for air."

"Okay thank you."

   Waiting for that beautiful figure to disappear at the door, Zhou Anan went back to the room, washed up briefly, and then left.

  Lisa Rong was still recovering from her beauty sleep, and she had an appointment for breakfast, so Zhou Anan didn't stay here too long, and even declined the rich breakfast made by sister Liu.

  Accidentally, the anger came up again, and Lisa's ability to cooperate was another troublesome matter.


  Sitting in the Volkswagen car, Zhou Anan turned on the mobile phone TT, saw the routine report of the beautiful secretary, couldn't help but smile knowingly.

  Last night, the technical staff of the "Super Elite" project experienced a wonderful night, from the joy of the 20,000 activity bonus to the frustration of the bonus being zero.

   What is even more frustrating is the aggrieved feeling of wanting to report but having nowhere to report.

   According to statistics, among the 136 employees in the technical department who participated in the activity, half of them had their points cleared after only one night last night.

   And this "overtime activity" with generous bonuses will last for two nights, I believe it will definitely give them a deep understanding.

  To Zhou Anan's surprise, General Manager Yan was going to wait for the "Super Elite" project's "overtime activity" to end, and give "Blooded Rivers and Lakes" and DNF's technical department staff an experience.

   I have to say that General Manager Yan's comprehension ability by drawing inferences from one instance is absolutely leveraged.

   Zhou An'an would naturally not interfere with this kind of plan that would help improve the game's reputation.

   "An'an, this way, this way."

  Seeing Xiaodi An coming, Wang Xiaoxiao, who had just ordered a breakfast and sat down, waved repeatedly.

  Having not seen her for a long time, she missed the gift that An Xiaodi was about to give her very much.

   "Miss, Miss Xian'er, you're here so early."

   Unexpectedly, the two eldest ladies came so early, Zhou Anan greeted them somewhat unexpectedly.

  From Nanzhouyuan to Qianbao Hotel, even if there is no traffic jam in the early morning, it still takes more than 20 minutes, but now it is only 7:15.

  He remembered that the biological clocks of the two eldest ladies were seven o'clock in the morning.

  Well, today the two eldest ladies are wearing long skirts, which add a bit of softness to their looks. With their good looks and good figures, they are definitely the prettiest girls in this cafeteria.

   It really complements each other with his most beautiful boy.

  Those men who secretly watched over were all local chickens and dogs, vulnerable hot chickens.

   "Nong, it's because she got up early to call someone."

  Eating Xiaolongbao, Yu Xian'er gestured to the culprit who woke up early.

  Under normal circumstances, she wakes up at seven o'clock in the morning, puts on a mask, practices yoga, and then runs for fifteen minutes in the morning. However, because of the breakfast appointment with Brother An, the schedule is completely disrupted by the excited little girl Wang.

   "Hey, it's obvious that you usually wake up too late, please."

  Wang Xiaoxiao will definitely refute this trumped-up charge.

  She would never admit that it was because of the gift from Brother An that tempted her to wake up in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep.

   "Miss, how is your show going?"

   Picking up a small fried dough stick from Miss Wang's plate, Zhou Anan took a bite and asked casually.

   "The first two episodes have almost been filmed, and they are in the post-production stage. They will be completed in two days. Let a few TV stations come and try it out..."

   Didn't care that little brother An snatched food from his own bowl, Wang Xiaoxiao was very serious when talking about work, after all, it was related to her project bonus.

  The prize money of the project is also related to her bags, shoes and clothes, and the most important thing in life is none other than it.

  It would be absolutely impossible for someone else to grab something from her plate, so please forgive him, Brother An.

   "Miss, you've worked hard. I'll go shopping with you after the TV station talks."

   Changed the subject of the two young ladies, Zhou Anan comforted the hard-working young lady Wang, and went to find food.

  Wang Xiaoxiao was naturally very happy when he got the promise of Xiaodi An to go shopping.

  Accompanying brother An to go shopping = no need to pay by yourself.

  Alas, the new summer clothes and shoes are smiling and waving to her. I really hope that today is the trial meeting of the TV station.

   "I heard that you met Lian's family?"

   Waiting for little brother An to eat something, Yu Xian'er asked him about his trip to Hong Kong.

  As for the romantic affair between the other party and a young second generation in Hong Kong, there is no need to talk about it in front of your girlfriends.

   "Yes, the second young master Lian invited me to dinner. The Lian family wants to invest in the celebrity group."

   Seeing Miss Yu bring up this topic, Zhou Anan also took advantage of the opportunity to talk about the cooperation intention of the Second Young Master Lian.

  In the rich second generation field, Ms. Yu has a unique network of relationships, and she can also know whether the other party's cooperation has any bad intentions.

   After all, the celebrity group is the biggest property in his hands, and it is also the capital for him to gain a foothold in the high class in the future, so there is no room for loss.

   "The Lian family is relatively neutral. There is no problem in cooperation, and the relationship in China is also good."

   Seeming to know what little brother An meant, Yu Xian'er briefly talked about the possibility of cooperating with the Lian family.

   "Understood, how is Miss Xianer's financing going?"

   Instantly understood the meaning hidden in Miss Yu's words, Zhou Anan asked about the other party's property.

   A buffet breakfast was very satisfying, Zhou Anan rushed back to Lucheng after delivering two bags containing bags and cosmetics.

   As for the female artists who are more important in Blue Whale Entertainment, Zhou Anan directly puts enough bags in the company and asks the beautiful secretary to arrange distribution.

   Earned 5 million, just so proud.

   "Hey, it's another bag worth tens of thousands. It's really enviable and hateful."

  Looking at the exquisite Hermès bag in front of him, Wang Min, who has become increasingly broad-minded, couldn't help but sigh with envy.

  One bag is worth two years of her part-time salary.

   People are better than others, forget it, I will be **** off several times.

   "I won't give you what you want."

   Seeing a friend who couldn't put it down, Shi Mingxia said something mischievously, with unconcealable joy in his eyes.

  The attention and care of her boyfriend, the envy of her friends and classmates filled her with incomparable happiness.

   "Huh, you give it to me, I don't want it. If you want a bag, I will earn money to buy it myself."

   Facing his friend's jokes, Wang Min stiffened his mouth with duplicity.

   "Then come on."

"Hum hum…"

  An quietly accompanied his girlfriend to class for half a day, and spent a happy Monday. Zhou Anan gave Miss Zhu a gift when she ran in the morning the next morning, and the schedule was clearly arranged.

  The rebates received are not enough for outsiders.

   Originally, she was supposed to wait quietly for the talented financial girl to harvest the North American stock market and make a fortune, but Zhou Anan received an invitation to a charity party in a strange way.

  (end of this chapter)

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