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Chapter 862: an invitation not to be refused

  Chapter 862 An invitation that cannot be refused

   Actually, it’s not too strange to receive an invitation to a so-called charity gala.

  Since the celebrity group became famous, the secretary's office attached to the group's president's office often received invitations to so-called charity parties. Zhou An'an didn't pay any attention to it, and let the beautiful secretary deal with it.

   It's just that this charity party is organized by the Jiang Provincial Government and hosted by Jiang Provincial TV Station, and the invitation letter also says 'Founder of Zhuangyuan Education Group'.

   "When did Zhuangyuan Education become a group?"

  Looking at the invitation letter that Professor Yumei asked Chen Rou to hand over, Zhou Anan was a little speechless.

   Just a few small training institutions, with total assets of less than tens of millions, how did they become an education group?

   It seems that the Yuren High School is still independent from the system of the Zhuangyuan Education and Training Department. It is not a so-called group at all, but a chain training institution with a good income at best.

   "Isn't it a liar?"

  Shi Mingxia, who was lying on his boyfriend's shoulder, expressed a guess of his own.

   "Well, I'll call and ask."

   Zhou Anan, who was very curious about this question, picked up the phone and asked Professor Mei who was far away in Hangzhou.

   "Well, I happened to mention you when I attended a class reunion two days ago, but I didn't mention your name."

  The other party's reply made Zhou An'an let go of the so-called liar's doubts.

A friend of Professor Mei happened to be in charge of the list of people preparing for the charity gala. The other party heard that Zhuangyuan Education had acquired an education high school with hundreds of millions of dollars, so he checked through relevant channels and included him, the founder of Zhuangyuan Education, on the guest list .

  Of course, there are many such charity evenings every year, and the invitees may or may not go.

  This is also why many live broadcasts of charity shows, there are only a few tables going back and forth. There are too many empty seats at other tables, and the shots are not very good.

   "Do you want to go?"

  After listening to the ins and outs of the matter, Shi Mingxia, who was sitting in his boyfriend's arms, looked at the invitation letter in his hand, and asked with a smile, his body matching the palm of the other party.

   "Let's see when the time comes."

   Regarding this question, Zhou Anan, who was busy with daily affairs, was noncommittal, and started the occasional office flirtation with his girlfriend.

  However, Zhou An'an, who didn't take the charity party invitation to heart, received a call from a certain executive deputy director in the early morning of the next day, and had to take it seriously.

   "Uncle Chen, I haven't congratulated you on your progress yet. When will I come to Hangzhou to treat you to a meal?"

   After talking about the business, Zhou Anan smiled and talked about the progress of adding the word "executive" in front of the other party's position.

   "Hahaha, you kid. I dare not go to other people's treats, and you will definitely order less food when you treat them."

  Hearing the polite words from the other party, Chen Ye, who made a phone call to deal with such a trivial matter in person, has already achieved his goal, and he is in a very happy mood.

  He also didn't expect that Jiang Province TV Station's operation was so 'rough', but it also gave him the opportunity to get in touch with this young man.

   On purpose, he used his private number to contact the other party before going to work, and he was very satisfied with the result.

  Chen Ye is very clear that his progress has solved the favor of some people to some extent.

   "Then don't shirk your work when the time comes."

   "Oh, I'm afraid you'll forget about it when you turn around."

   Hanging up Chen Changwu's phone call, Zhou Anan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to run behind the young lady.

  Jiang Province TV Station, which is in charge of organizing and preparing the charity gala, is also very 666. After confirming the list of guests, it directly forwards the list of various categories to the provincial departments at the same level, asking them to contact the business owners under their jurisdiction.

   Just dig a hole and have someone fill it.

  The person who called Zhou Anan was the well-connected Deputy Director Chen, but the other party has now progressed from No. 3 to No. 2, and the real power is not the same.

  A person like him who is busy with his studies and career has to agree.

  Now, he naturally has to do his homework every morning and run for exercise.

   The first step is to get up every day, run and exercise without crying.

  Two steps behind, looking at the young lady in the tight-fitting sportswear in front of her, the more mature swaying figure, Zhou Anan was full of motivation from top to bottom.

  Compared to the hostesses of Huaxia TV that I saw a few days ago, Miss Sister is younger and more energetic.

   "Why, what party are you going to?"

  Running to the attic on the top of the Great Wall, Zhu Huihui, who stopped to rest, took down her small bag and handed her a small thermos cup.

   "An ordinary charity gala, but it is organized by the provincial government, and we need to gather the number of people."

   Regarding this, Zhou Anan, who attended the party as the founder of Zhuangyuan Education, spoke very low-key, and estimated that his position was also in the corner.

   After answering, Zhou Anan opened the thermos cup and took a sip, then stopped for a while.

   Unexpectedly, the wolfberry lotus tea two days ago turned into white fungus rock sugar water. The young lady wanted him to replenish his body.

   In other words, he is not empty at all now.

   "What's the matter, isn't it good?"

  Seeing the man's movements, Zhu Huihui asked curiously.

   That was the tea soup she made early in the morning. She tasted it herself earlier, and it tasted pretty good.

   "Why don't we change it, I'll just drink plain water."

   "No, I drink the plain water myself."


"don't want."

   "Really not to change?"

   "You can drink if you want, I will feed you"

  As for the way and process of how to feed, because there are few people running in the morning, no outsiders have seen it.

  “.Report to me if you have any questions.”

  When Zhou Anan was still in the "morning exercise", in a luxurious suite in the capital, Ruan Chenghai, who was holding a mobile phone, had a gloomy expression.

  As an unknown wechat posted a picture of a "test report" yesterday, which really hammered the source of some diseases, the "Liulu milk powder" incident that had faded in popularity once again became rampant.

  This morning, Danwan Group directly canceled today's negotiations, and the entire acquisition team is about to leave China and return to China.

   That is to say, the billions worth of shares in Liulu Group purchased by their Qinghai investment, fell into their hands.

  The problem is that as the relevant departments get involved, their shares are likely to become worthless.

  That guy's methods are indeed a bit sharp.

   "Zi Zi Zi"

  While looking at the scenery outside the window and meditating, Ruan Chenghai felt the phone vibrate again, picked it up and looked at the display screen, wanted to hang up directly, but finally picked it up.

   "Brother Ruan, what's going on with Liulu Group? I heard that Danwan Group has given up on the acquisition."

  As soon as the phone was connected, Jing Wuyou quickly asked a lot of questions, without the sense of elegance of being a child of an aristocratic family in his tone.

   It is related to his tens of millions of investment, hundreds of millions of income, and the bright prospect of Wuyou Technology going public, Jing Wuyou will find it difficult to maintain his composure.

  Money is a man's confidence.

   "Don't worry, your part of the principal will not be less."

   After quietly listening to the other party's nonsense, Ruan Chenghai calmed down and said something.

  Even if he loses money from other investors, he will not let the nephew of the big house of the Yu family lose money.

   "Brother Ruan, that's not what I mean. What other projects do you have recently, I want to follow up and vote?"

  The tone quickly returned to calm, and Jing Wuyou, who had regained his demeanor as a child of an aristocratic family, asked about new investment projects.

  No matter what, I have to earn a few more sums, so that I can earn more money after Wuyou Technology goes public through a backdoor.

   There was a trace of undisguised disgust in his eyes, and Ruan Chenghai's tone was still kind: "It's just right, North America."

  (end of this chapter)

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