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Chapter 860: Who set the reporting mechanism?

  Chapter 860 Who sets the reporting mechanism?

  For Ouyang Qiuci who transferred from Modutai to Huaxiatai, his current position is a bit embarrassing.

   It’s hard to say, she just won the Golden Microphone Award of Huaxia TV last year, and she has hosted the Spring Festival Gala three times in a row, which can be said to be at the peak of the host.

   Well, apart from hosting some large-scale evening parties, her resident program is "Happy China Tour" whose ratings are gradually decreasing, and she has no other actual achievements.

  A host, in the end, still has to rely on a good program to speak, so that he can go further and higher on Huaxia TV.

  If it is a new variety show developed by Blue Whale Entertainment, it will definitely be an incomparable fragrant bun in the eyes of many performance-seeking hosts, or the kind with meat.

   Unexpectedly, this Roujiamo was delivered to her arms so easily.

   "Well, the show is under preparation."

   Didn't say that the first draft of the music show was still in his mind, Zhou Anan replied casually.

   "Except for recording 3 to 4 episodes of Happy China Tour every month, I can arrange the rest of the time."

  Ouyang Qiuci immediately agreed after receiving the other party's confirmation.

   "Okay, I believe that with Ouyang's joining, our new variety show will definitely achieve good results."

  Seeing that the intellectual hostess responded, Zhou Anan didn't say much, and raised his glass as a gesture.

   "Thank you Mr. An for your compliment."

   Having drank half a glass of red wine with the other party, Ouyang Qiuci changed his mind and asked the other party a new question: "Mr. An, what kind of variety show does your company have? Is there any TV station you cooperate with?"

   "Regarding the music aspect, no partner has been confirmed yet."

   Hearing the meaning hidden in the other party's words, Zhou An'an didn't hide anything.

  If it can cooperate with Huaxia TV, it will definitely be a good bonus item for "Singer".

  Although the ratings of many high-quality TV dramas in provincial TV stations have repeatedly broken the records of Huaxia TV, Huaxia TV, as the big brother in the industry, still has unparalleled influence and status.

   At least, in terms of popularity, the current Huaxia TV has no competitors.

   "Then I will ask the leaders in Taiwan to contact your company to see if we can cooperate."

   Seeing that the other party did not refuse, Ouyang Qiuci was overjoyed.

  She is well aware that the rise of several major provincial TV stations has already posed a great threat to the previously dominant Huaxia TV station, and even changed several program directors because of this.

  Some columns that could have been mixed with pensions were cut off one by one, and many old employees were forced to retire early.

  Even she, the leading hostess of the younger generation, is under a lot of pressure.

  If she can contribute to winning a variety show with the highest ratings in the station, it will definitely be a great bonus to her qualifications, and her future promotion will be a powerful trump card.

"it is good."

   After drinking a lot of red wine, everyone started talking, and Zhou An'an had an indirect understanding of the life of this hostess who was quite fond of in the previous life.

  Same age as Li Rong, unmarried and single, has a flat in Shanghai, works in the capital, monthly salary plus subsidy of 20,000, lives in a TV station dormitory

  As for the measurements, I couldn't hear it, but I could roughly see it.

   Intellectual beauties like this age group prefer soft inventions, so they will not cause any visual misunderstanding to others, just like Lisa Rong.

   I don't know how long it took, but the place of chat changed from the dining table to the living room. The only thing that remained the same was the wine glasses in everyone's hands. Li Rong opened a new bottle of red wine.

   "Brother An, what is that bag?"

  Drinking a glass of red wine, Liu Yanyan's cheeks flushed with stamina, looked at the two bags at the entrance and asked curiously, and the title also changed unconsciously.

   "The gift I brought you back from Hong Kong City, the pink one is yours only."


Got up and walked a few steps there, Liu Yanyan picked up two bags and walked back to the sofa, handed the blue bag to Sister Rong, sat down and opened her pink bag, widened her eyes and shouted in surprise: "It's from LV." bag!"

   Li Rong on the other side also opened the box and took a look, took out a blue Hermes from the delicate bag, and said gracefully and calmly to the man next to him, "Thank you."

  With friends present, it is not good for her to be too intimate.

  Although it can no longer be concealed, superficial work is still to be done.

   As for the excuse she told the other party last time, she has long forgotten it.

"You're welcome."

  Looking at the peach blossom-faced Lisa Rong, Zhou Anan accepted the thank you with a smile.

   The method and content of thanks, then we will discuss it in the dead of night.

   "Thank you, Brother An."

  After Sister Rong finished speaking, Liu Yanyan, who was holding a pink LV bag and couldn't put it down, added a word of thanks.

  Although she felt that it was not good to accept such an expensive gift, Liu Yanyan did not have the slightest resistance to this long-awaited brand bag, and she became more courageous after drinking, so it was logical that she did not refuse it.

  Anyway, this is not the first time she has received a gift from the other party. The last time the value was not so high, the meanings of the two are similar, right?

  Hehe, I will take it to Taiwan tomorrow, and let the other female colleagues who often show off their bags see what a genuine LV is.

  She doesn't know the authenticity of the bags from other female colleagues' boyfriends or husbands, but An Ge produced them, and there are absolutely no fakes.

   "You're welcome, Ouyang, I didn't know you were here this time. Next time I have a chance to go to the capital, I will treat you to a big meal."

  Looking uprightly at the major invention of Liu Dameizi, Zhou Anan turned around and said to the famous hostess who was a little snubbed beside her.

   "Well, Rongrong and Yan'er are both bags, and I only have one big meal. It seems that the new is not as good as the old."

  After listening to the other party's words, Ouyang Qiuci sighed with emotion, and the original elegant and intellectual temperament suddenly changed into a pitiful mature beauty.

  I feel pity!

  An idiom flashed in his mind, and Zhou Anan couldn't help admiring the woman's face-changing degree.

  Even as a host, there are acting skills that are not inferior to those second-tier actresses in life. Zhang Wuji's mother really revealed the hidden talents of women in the world.

   Such a hostess makes ordinary people overwhelmed.

   "Ouyang, otherwise I will ask Ah An to bring you a bag next time."

   Seeing his friend showing a different kind of charm, Li Rong on the side smiled playfully and interjected.

  Of course she doesn't think that her friend will have any friendship with her man because it's so simple. The man has seen countless successful people from Modu TV Station to Huaxia TV Station, and his vision is not ordinary.

   Besides, her man's restrained talent cannot be discovered through simple contact.

   "Okay, if you don't mind, I will be very happy to receive the gift from Mr. An."

   Blinking, Ouyang Qiuci continued without showing any weakness.

  If she was ten years younger and met this young and wealthy rich man, she might really have to fight.

   "I'm sure I have no problem."

   "Mr. An, don't forget me next time."

  This, a few words between girlfriends have a bit... gunpowder smell.

  Listening to the conversation between Lisa Rong and Ouyang Meimei, Zhou Anan was inexplicably shocked by the friendship between women.

  When the secret rivalry between two mature beauties affected someone, the technicians of the "Super Elite" project of Huaxia Longteng Games ushered in the most "brilliant" moment in their careers.

   You can get a bonus of 20,000 yuan for playing your own games. The company is so inhumane that you have to complain about it on Weibo.

   "Throwing a bomb at the beginning of the game, what kind of person is this? If you are developed, report it, and I will increase the bonus."

   "What the hell? Reporting like this is still not successful, what about the phone? Customer service phone..."

   "Busy signal? Who the **** decided the reporting mechanism?"


   "Test, the pig teammate died so quickly. I'll take the test, why is there a bomb..."

   "Report and report, I want to add a bonus..."

   "Why can't I get through? Who the **** decided the reporting mechanism?"


   "Hey, hey, big brother, you went into the boiling water. If it doesn't work, let me do it. Hey, hey, is anyone here..."

   "Report and report, I want to get rich, if I succeed, I will get 2000 yuan..."

   "Hello, customer service, I want to report. Who the **** decided the reporting mechanism?"


   Thanks to the book friends Tianguo Birth, Xiao Yihao, and Xiangshui Chuyun for their rewards! In the new January, if you don’t ask for a monthly pass, don’t ask for a monthly pass. I am a person who keeps my word, and I will try my best to add more this month!



  (end of this chapter)

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