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Chapter 859: The gentleman far away cooks

  Chapter 859 Gentleman stays away from the kitchen

   "Okay, under the leadership of Mr. Qi, I will work hard to improve the shortcomings and submit a satisfactory answer."

  Didn't care about the total amount of event bonuses that the employee couldn't get, Yan Jianlai understood what he said from the bottom of his heart.

  He is very satisfied with his current position, and has no interest in trying to seize power with Mr. Qi.

   As a subordinate, he is absolutely loyal.


   Responded casually, Zhou Anan, who didn't know that the other party had made up a lot of things in his mind, hung up the phone.

  Yan Jianlai, who was on the other side of the phone, was full of fighting spirit when he heard the big boss' noncommittal response.

  At least, the big boss still trusts him very much now.

   "Well, what about people?"

  Opened the combination lock, and Zhou Anan, who came to have dinner, walked in and didn't see Lisa Rong and Sister Liu, so she subconsciously looked at her watch.

  Hearing the sound of cutting vegetables from the restaurant, Zhou Anan casually put down the bag in his hand and walked over following the sound.

  The exquisite and graceful back in front of the kitchen counter is still so mature and moving. The combination of blue mid-length skirt and black silk makes the slender waist and bulging form a perfect curve.

   Without too much hesitation, Zhou Anan walked over, put his hands around from behind, and put them in a certain position naturally.

But before the other party could say anything, Zhou Anan, who was the first to react, let go of his hands reluctantly when he smelled a different perfume and a slightly different touch from his hands, and looked at the turned around with a little embarrassment. The famous hostess of Huaxia TV said: "Sorry, I thought..."

   "It's okay, Mr. Zhou is here so early."

   Putting down the kitchen knife in his hand, Ouyang Qiuci showed a gentle smile, as if the other party's actions just now had never happened.

   This kind of thing, the more you care about it, the more embarrassing it is, not to mention that the other party didn't mean it.

  However, the relationship between the other party and her friend Li Rong is just like the inexplicable intuition she had when she saw it for the first time. The two of them are exactly one of the ones she guessed.

   Involuntarily, she sighed for her friend from the bottom of her heart.

   "It's just fine in the afternoon, so come here early. Miss Ouyang is a guest, why did Rong Rong ask you to do this kitchen work?"

   "I don't want to eat and drink for nothing. I just have time to help cut vegetables. Also, Mr. Zhou can just call me Ouyang or Qiuci."


   Seeing the other party put down the knife, Zhou Anan breathed a sigh of relief, and exchanged glances with the well-known Huaxia TV host.

  Next time, never get close to a woman while she's chopping vegetables, it's too scary.

  However, the feeling just now was really good.

   Glancing at the kitchen knife on the chopping board, Ouyang Qiuci, who seemed to have guessed what the other person was thinking, smiled, and ended the somewhat organic chat between the two: "Rongrong hasn't come back yet, Mr. Zhou can go to the living room to have a rest first."

"it is good."

  Although chatting with this intellectual hostess feels good, Zhou Anan feels that it is safer to stay away from the kitchen.

  A gentleman stays away from the kitchen, the ancients never deceived me.

   "Mr. Zhou, you are here."

  Liu Yanyan, who had just finished tidying up the room, greeted someone who was sitting in the living room drinking tea and reading newspapers.

"how's the work going recently?"

   Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Zhou Anan looked at Liu Damei, who was dressed in a simple T-shirt and shorts, and really praised the quality of the T-shirt manufacturer.

   In addition, the gravity he learned in junior high school seems a bit unscientific.

   Well, it should be the effect of some kind of invention. I don’t know if the effect of gravity is strong after removing some kind of invention.

   "Very well, recently I changed a new program group and became the host of an interview program, specializing in interviewing young entrepreneurs"

  Talking about her work, Liu Yanyan was full of excitement and gratitude.

  Of course she knew that she was able to switch to such a high-paying and promising host position thanks to the help of the other party.

   Moreover, after working as an interview host for a period of time, Liu Yanyan felt that her horizons had been broadened a lot.

  Especially in order to prepare for the interview in advance, she often goes to specialize in the relevant knowledge of certain industries, and she seems to have sublimated a lot.

   Even, in order to be able to keep up with the knowledge reserve of the interview program, she specially signed up for a weekend intensive class held by a certain finance professor of Jiang University, to supplement herself with the knowledge of the financial industry, so as to improve her temporary response level.

  Everything is beautiful that she never imagined.

   "Increasing knowledge is a good thing, but don't wear yourself out."

  Listening to this big girl talking about her busy weekend, Zhou Anan smiled and expressed relief.

   After all, the load of the other party is much heavier than that of ordinary girls, and the work arrangement is too slow, which is not conducive to health.

  Even if the relationship between the other party and himself is mediocre, Zhou An'an will feel a little sorry.

   "It's okay, I usually do strengthening exercises, and I even signed up for yoga classes with Sister Rong"

  For some reason, Liu Yanyan liked the feeling of chatting with the other party, and wanted to tell the other party about her daily life.

  Maybe it’s because she usually doesn’t have many friends in Taiwan, let alone friends of the opposite **** to talk about her efforts and changes in life.

  The most important thing is that she doesn't have too much pressure to chat in front of this approachable nobleman.

   Unlike the male colleagues she met in Taiwan and the young male entrepreneurs she usually interviews, when chatting with her, her eyes and tone are a bit strange.

   As for why this happened, Liu Yanyan naturally knew in her heart, except for occasional complaints with Sister Rong, she never talked about this topic with outsiders.

   And this honorable Mr. Zhou is not only the one of Sister Rong, but he will also have a special look when chatting with her, just like an ordinary friend, which makes her very relaxed.

   "Yo, what are you talking about, so happy."

  As soon as she walked in, Li Rong heard the big girl's laughter, and then saw the two people sitting and chatting in the living room, so she couldn't help asking.

   "Sister Rong, you are back. I was talking to Mr. Zhou about the male entrepreneur we interviewed today. He is already extremely smart at the age of thirty, and he often lifts his bangs during interviews."

  Seeing Sister Rong's return, Liu Yanyan quickly stepped forward to help her take the food from the other party's hand, and by the way answered the reason for her laughter just now.

   I have to say that she has been the host of the interview program for more than two months, and has also interviewed many young male entrepreneurs. There is really no Mr. Zhou who can compare with Sister Rong.

  It's a pity, she has no chance, even without Sister Rong, she would not have a chance.


  Removing the newspaper on his lap, Zhou Anan looked at the backs of the two people walking towards the restaurant, and couldn't help but take a second look.

  When Miss Liu laughed earlier, she couldn't resist gravity in some way, and the ups and downs made people feel physically and mentally exhausted.

   It's really hard to imagine the situation when Liu Damei is exercising and practicing yoga, so he couldn't help but fantasize for a few seconds.

   "It's time to eat."

  While Zhou Anan was sending text messages on his mobile phone, Lisa Rong's voice came, and he switched the TT number casually, got up and walked to the restaurant.

   "Would you like some wine?"

  Before dinner, Li Rong took a bottle of red wine and asked friends with a smile.

   "The guest does as the owner pleases."

  About this question, Ouyang Qiuci answered with a smile, his voice gentle and elegant.

   "Then drink a little, anyway, I have prepared a room for you, and the quilts and sheets are all freshly dried."

  Seeing that her friend did not refuse, Li Rong handed the red wine and corkscrew to her man.

   Opening red wine, of course, has to be done by a man.

   "Ouyang, which column group of CCTV are you in now?"

  After Li Rong poured red wine for everyone, Zhou Anan started a topic.

   "I'm still in the "Happy Huaxia Tour" column group, why, is Mr. Zhou interested in advertising?"

  After listening to what the other party said, Ouyang Qiuci smiled and asked back.

   "There are no advertisements for the time being. If Ouyang has time, I would like to invite you to be a guest host of a variety show in our company."

   Unexpectedly, Ouyang Qiuci was still hosting the program that was going to be discontinued in a few years. Zhou Anan remembered that the music variety show that had not yet formed a plan had no confirmed host, so he casually sent out an invitation.

  Although the "Singer" column already has a section where parametric singers are guest hosts, there must be a resident host.

  The other party's mature and intellectual hosting style, as well as the image with a wealth of knowledge, can add a lot to that variety show.

   Moreover, Ouyang Qiuci is ranked among the top three hostesses of Huaxia TV, and the coffee position is also in line with the grade of "Singer", which Zhou Anan admires quite a lot.

  Nowadays, there are endless music variety shows. If the variety show "Singer" is to be done, it must be the best to attract enough attention.

   "Variety show?"

   There was a strange look in his eyes, and Ouyang Qiuci asked with interest: "Is it the new variety show of Blue Whale Entertainment?"

  (end of this chapter)

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