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Chapter 843: Don't just give ideas to students

  Chapter 843 You can’t just give ideas to students

   "Do you have a private high school?"

  Hearing the student's answer, Shi Mingdi turned around and asked in astonishment, almost tripping over a rock.

   "Ahem, just a few days ago I bought Yuren High School in Hangzhou, and I am preparing to create some teaching features. If possible, it would be best to cooperate with the school."

   Hurriedly supporting the older Dean Shi, Zhou Anan didn't want to see the headline of tomorrow's campus news headlines as "Dean so and so fell down while taking a drink and went to the doctor".

  Since Dean Shi made it so clear to him, Zhou Anan didn't hold back, and said it directly.

  For Yuren High School, whose undergraduate enrollment rate was less than 30%, the addition of a Haizhou College, no, it should be a special experimental class cooperated with Haizhou University, is definitely great news.

  Ordinary parents of students are definitely willing to spend money to ensure that their children can securely enter a second school.

  Hangzhou is not enough for a single city. Their educating high school can recruit students from the whole province, and there are many rich parents.

   You have to eat the meal one bite at a time, and it will not be too late to be happy if you get the special class of Jiangda University in the future.

   Well, let’s imagine for a moment.

   "Ahem, how about this, you give me a copy of the materials of Yuren High School. I have time to study it and help you refer to it."

   Unexpectedly, this student would buy a private high school without making any noise. Shi Mingdi, who was in a turmoil, pretended to be calm, and ended this somewhat difficult topic.

  Before he noticed the attitude of alumni Cheng, he had some vague guesses, but he couldn't guess that this proud student had reached the point of buying a private high school.

  Hangcheng private high school, although he has never heard of it, but he can guess a bottom line, it is definitely not affordable for ordinary people.

  Even if the student’s training department makes more money, it will be impossible in just two years

   Well, Cheng's alumni's attitude may have something to do with what he didn't guess.

However, his previous assumptions were all based on the fact that the other party owns a private high school and that the high-level officials of the school passed the proposal and the relevant upper-level departments approved it. Shi Mingdi has no ability to control the decision-making of the high-level school, let alone influence the decisions of the upper-level relevant departments. .

  The idea given to the students is a bit sloppy.

  In the future, you can’t just come up with ideas on things you are not sure about.

"Thank you, teacher."

  Hearing Dean Shi promised to help, Zhou Anan said gratefully.

  Of course, Zhou Anan would not put this kind of matter on Dean Shi alone. After all, this is not something that Dean Shi can decide alone.

  The other party helped him to open up ideas and guide the direction, so he can work hard in this direction, thoroughly improve the upgrading system of the training department, and establish the leading position in the cultural training industry in the province.

  At this time, Zhou Anan has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the education industry, and a small No.1 Haizhou can no longer satisfy him.

  A man's goal is to be sublimated with the change of status.

   Including money, beauty, no, it should be career, love.

   "Wow, our school has become 'Haizhou University'."

   "What's the situation?"

   "Upgraded without saying a word?"

   "Hit me, I suspect I'm still dreaming."

   "Hahahaha, I graduated this year, and my graduation certificate will be taller immediately."

   “My mother must be very happy to know this news.”

   "Haizhou University, it sounds like it's better than Haizhou University."

   "Weakly ask, the school has changed its name, can it be exempted from the fourth grade exam?"

   "Thinking too much upstairs, I am a junior this year, and the degree certificate is not linked to the fourth grade, hahaha."

  On May 8th, early in the morning on Thursday, many students who used to get up and browse the school intranet were attracted by the headline on the homepage of the school website.

  The Xiaonei forum, which was originally calm and had no more than a hundred posts per day, was overwhelmed by the surge of new posts in a short period of time.

  At 8:10, the school intranet crashed.

  However, the fact that Haizhou College changed its name to Haizhou University spread to the ears of all teachers and students at the speed of sound.

  On the first morning after the long holiday, the topic of the whole school was almost centered on the school’s name change and upgrade, and excitement pervaded the entire campus.

   "Don't get excited, the school changed its name, you can get a job with an annual salary of 5 million after graduation?"

  Seeing the excitement on the face of the little plump oil bottle who occupied his girlfriend's arm, Zhou Anan couldn't help pouring cold water on it.

  The current Haizhou College, um, even after the name change of Haizhou University, the nature of the two books has not changed at all, except that the title on the graduation certificate looks better, and there will be no difference in the degree of recognition from the outside world in a short time.

  The so-called graduate programs are still in the clouds, and everything will have to wait for time to prove.

   "Cut, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

  The excited smile on his face stopped abruptly, Wang Min waved his hand, too lazy to argue with the other party, and continued to chat with other girls on this topic.

   "Class is about to start, let's hurry up."

  Compared to friends, Shi Mingxia, who had learned the news from her boyfriend last night, was much calmer, and most of the so-called excitement dissipated during the late-night exercise.

  For Zhou Anan, who doesn't need a diploma to improve his qualifications, the school name change is just an insignificant episode, and his eyes are already set on a crucial battle.

  Winning this battle, his plan to receive a pension in advance is basically stable, and he can even consolidate his foundation, and have more confidence to face external threats.

  In order to show his importance, Zhou Anan, who was a little excited, flew to Hong Kong City by plane to meet Lu Xiangrong, who had previously cooperated.

   "President Zhou, we meet again."

   "Miss Lu still looks the same."

  Under the protection of the Excalibur guards, Zhou Anan came to an office building without incident, and met the financial genius girl who had been waiting for a long time.

  For the sake of confidentiality, the floor where the operation team is located was rented for half a year in advance to conceal it.

   Except for the Excalibur guards, Zhou Anan didn't inform anyone, including Lu Xiangrong, who didn't know about his itinerary until after he got off the plane.

  With more wealth in his hands, Zhou Anan became more cautious in his actions.

  Safety comes first. It is the saddest thing to make money and lose your life.

   "President Zhou, follow me."

   Smiled, Lu Xiangrong was not overly polite, and led the way to the private office with her cute ponytail.

   Entering May, the U.S. stock market, which has been ups and downs for half a year, has entered a weak state. According to a certain Hong Kong movie that Zhou Anan watched in his previous life, an avalanche is coming.

   Almost in the middle of the year, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in North America fell and were nationalized, which in turn triggered a chain effect that led to Lehman's bankruptcy.

  Just these two nodes, the 500 million US dollars gathered by Zhou Anan and the 170 million US dollars gathered by the two eldest ladies will reap rich fruits.

   And this special meeting is also for Zhou Anan to inform the other party of his "estimation result", so that the other party has a better room for manipulation.

  Last time, Zhou Anan took the decline of TX stock as the node, which made the income several times.

   This time, he was going wild in the North American stock market, so Zhou An'an naturally wanted to be more cautious.

  The ups and downs of the North American stock market in the first half of this year made many speculators who wanted to take advantage of the financial crisis to short-sell without tears. This coincides with the memory fragments in his impression.

  “. If your calculation is true, my commission this time is enough for early retirement.”

  In the office, Lu Xiangrong looked at the two lines written by the other party, and couldn't help squinting.

  (end of this chapter)

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