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Chapter 844: How can I repay me?

  Chapter 844 How can I repay me?

  Even though most of Wall Street believes that the North American economy cannot last forever, no one dares to speculate that the two companies have degenerated to the point of being nationalized, let alone the collapse of the century-old Lehman.

  Including Lu Xiangrong himself, none of them had such a bold estimate.

  If it is true, then this time she will create the history of Chinese sweeping Wall Street.

"hope so."

  Listening to the emotion of this talented financial girl, Zhou Anan had a confident smile on his face.

  Don't doubt his judgment, or you will doubt it for life.

  A man with a prophet is so confident.



  Professional matters were left to professionals. Zhou Anan left after a brief meeting with the genius financial girl.

  He doesn't understand stock market operations, and he doesn't even understand the meaning of curves. What Zhou Anan is familiar with is the difference between red and green colors.

   Coming to Hong Kong City again, Zhou Anan didn't have the kind of pride of "I see I conquer", only an expectation to see the blue sky through the clouds and mists.

   After the investment has gained considerable income, he can take this opportunity to deploy foreign super enterprises and obtain more abundant capital.

  At that time, the pressure from the Yu family can also be offset to a certain extent.

  Combined with the relationship between him and Miss Yu, the idea of ​​becoming a billionaire safely can basically be realized.

   After eating the simple special roast goose rice alone, Zhou Anan thought about what he had to do when he came to Hong Kong City.

"go shopping."

   There is no doubt that Zhou Anan will bring something to his girlfriends when he comes to Hong Kong City.

   These are small money, but they can make your girlfriend happy and enhance your relationship, so why not do it.

  However, the gifts from the two eldest ladies are also indispensable.

  I would rather buy more copies than miss anyone.

   Swipe, swipe, Zhou Anan moved his fingers, and the two male bodyguards behind him had a bunch of bags on their hands.

  Buying things without looking at the bank card balance is also a manifestation of financial freedom.

   "Mr. Zhou."

   Zhou An'an, who was concentrating on sweeping, heard a nice female voice, and then looked over, and found that there were two familiar faces blocked by bodyguards.

  The reason for saying familiarity is because he has seen the other party many times on TV, and he is deeply impressed.

  The word "comparison" was added only because he only met the other party once in reality, and that was the last time he met Kang Yuying.

   "Miss Liu, Miss Wang, hello."

   Signaling the bodyguard in front to get out of the way, Zhou Anan greeted the two women with a smile.

  Although they are over 30 years old, the two well-maintained Hong Kong actresses are not at all inferior to their peak appearance, but have a bit more mature charm, which makes the heart of a well-informed man very exciting.

  The Hong Kong female artists who became famous at the end of the last century are not only pure and natural, but also have a unique charm in their temperament, which is highly recognizable and unmatched by those latecomers whose traffic is king.

   Especially Liu Ci's charming face and Wang Qifeng's long legs are the dream journey of all teenagers born in the 80s.

  I still remember the zombie trilogy they collaborated with. He rented the disc and watched it several times. After many years, a certain short video has a lot of views.

  The most important thing is that they are all single, independent women who deserve to be respected.

   "Why is Mr. Zhou shopping alone?"

  As soon as he opened his mouth, Liu Ci subconsciously ignored the bodyguards beside him.

   As expected of a billionaire young man, he is envied by so many bodyguards when he goes shopping.

  However, it is quite rare for such a proud young billionaire to go shopping without a female companion.

  The young and rich second generation in Hong Kong City, which one doesn't change girlfriends every few days, and hold alternative beauty contests in different ways.

  The young rich people in the mainland really have connotations.

   "No way, I don't have any acquaintances here in Hong Kong City. The two ladies went out shopping, why are they empty-handed?"

  Looking at Liu Ci in a long black dress and Wang Qifeng in a blue jumpsuit, Zhou Anan joked.

   At any rate, she was the goddess of his junior high school days, and she took the initiative to strike up a conversation, and chatting with her was a fulfillment of her childhood dream.

   "We can't help it, the income is too little, and we don't have money to buy things we like."

  Hearing the other party's question, Liu Ci smiled, and answered with a look of pity, which caused Wang Qifeng, who was holding her arm, to roll her eyes.

   "Miss Liu is too modest, if you don't mind, may I invite you two to have a cup of coffee?"

  Walk shopping and bored, Zhou Anan took the initiative to invite the other party.

  Among the female stars in Hong Kong City, apart from Kang Yuying, these two are the ones he has the deepest perception and impression of.

  Of course, Liu Ci's scandals broke out from time to time when he was young, which has nothing to do with his current views. No one was young.


  For the young billionaire's invitation, Liu Ci accepted without hesitation, so that the friends next to him didn't even have time to refuse.

  Although Qinglan Coffee has opened two branches in Hong Kong City, it is natural to have a style to invite two female stars who admired in their youth to drink coffee.

  Under Liu Ci's suggestion, Zhou An'an came to the large turntable on the food floor of the building, and entered a coffee shop with a large area, an elegant environment, and a large number of people.

   Well, the name of this coffee shop is 'Qing Lan Coffee'.

  As the majority shareholder, Zhou An'an knew for the first time that Qinglan Coffee's branch in Hong Kong City was so impressive, and he didn't know how much money he had invested in it, and whether it would be able to pay back.

   However, seeing that the price list is twice as expensive as that of the mainland branch, the business is good, and Zhou Anan expressed his satisfaction.

   "This Qinglan Coffee has just opened, and the taste is very good."

   After sitting down, Liu Ci smiled and introduced the specialty coffee here, which made Zhou Anan, the major shareholder, nod unconsciously.

   In terms of enjoying exquisite food, men who just eat enough are basically incomparable in front of women.

   "Are you two free in the latest schedule? Have you thought about developing in the Mainland?"

   After drinking half a cup of coffee, Zhou Anan asked about the situation of the two of them.

As we get older, there are emerging artists one after another, and the competition in the Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment circles has always been fierce. Liu Ci, who are over 30 years old, has lost too many high-quality resources, and Zhou Anan rarely sees the two of them together. Appeared in the film and television drama.

  Just from the time when a few people walked all the way, no passers-by stopped to take pictures or sign autographs, and there were no so-called paparazzi candid shots.

  In short, the two are already considered past stars, and they only exist in the deep minds of some post-80s and 90s generations.

  The entertainment industry is so cruel.

   "Of course I want to. We don't choose any roles in Mr. Zhou's Blue Whale Entertainment that are suitable for us."

  His hands were slightly crossed and his chin rested, Liu Ci asked affectionately, even the somewhat cold Wang Qifeng looked directly at the other party's face.

   "There are definitely roles, but there may not be a first heroine."

   Smiling, Zhou Anan, who was shocked by a small shock in his heart, gave an affirmative answer.

  Of course, the heroine is definitely impossible.

   Ten years later, all well-produced and well-reputed film and television dramas will have old dramas, and Blue Whale Entertainment has always followed the high-quality line.

  The acting skills of Liu Ci and Wang Qifeng are undoubtedly beyond doubt. In other companies in the mainland, they may be dispensable roles, but Blue Whale Entertainment does not dislike such talents at all.

   Even, Blue Whale Entertainment specially created one or two nostalgic themed movies or TV series, which could be sold to Tomorrow Video for a lot of money if they couldn’t be shown in theaters.

  As long as the plot is reasonable and the production is above average, there will be no fans making trouble for no reason.

   "Mr. Zhou signed us all, anyway, we are all free agents now, it's very cheap."

  Blinking his eyes twice, Liu Ci said self-recommendedly, with a soft and magnetic voice.

   "I wish us a happy cooperation."

   Didn't answer, Zhou An'an raised his coffee cup and agreed to the other party with practical actions.

   "Pleasant cooperation."

   At the same time, Liu Ci also toasted together, simply and hastily decided the ownership of the rest of their lives.

  They are all like this now, how bad could it be?

   "In this case, how are the two ladies going to repay me?"

   Thank you book friend Keke Ke fun, Xiangshui Chuyun for your reward.



  (end of this chapter)

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