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Chapter 842: Private high school? I have it

  Chapter 842 Private high school? I have it

  As a student, he couldn't refuse to be invited by the principal to treat him by name, even Zhou An'an, a low-key student who earns millions a day.

   It took ten minutes to rush to the small cafeteria of the school. Zhou Anan, who sighed the principal's low-key (stingy) treat, walked into the No. 1 box and saw two familiar faces.

One is naturally Dean Shi, who has a deep friendship between teachers and students, the other is the principal of Liang University who has had close contact twice, and the third is a middle-aged man in his fifties with black hair and silver-rimmed glasses. Zhou An'an didn't know this elegant young man, and it seemed that this was the first time he had met him.

   "Principal, Dean, sorry for keeping you waiting."

   While looking at a few people, as a student, Zhou Anan did not forget to greet them and apologize, fully showing the junior status of his students.

  Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional Chinese virtue, and it would be rude to keep the teachers waiting for a long time.

   "Here we come, we are all waiting for you."

Seeing his student, Shi Mingdi stood up with a smile, and eased the atmosphere by introducing the well-maintained middle-aged man: "Principal Liang, I will not introduce. This is a well-known alumnus of our school, Cheng Lingshu, Jiang The vice-principal of the university, you can call me a brother."

   "Brother Cheng, hello."

  Hearing Dean Shi's introduction, Zhou Anshun climbed up the pole and used titles to draw the relationship between the two closer.

  The vice president of Jiang University can be regarded as a high-level figure standing in the education circle of Jiang Province. It is absolutely beneficial and harmless to have a relationship with alumni.

   "Junior Brother Zhou, it's a pleasure to meet you."

  He shook hands with this elementary school boy cordially, and Cheng Lingshu, who followed the address of the other party, was full of smiles on his face, and there were a few obvious wrinkles at the corners of his originally fair eyes.

  His politeness surprised Principal Liang and Dean Shi.

   "An'an, today I am hosting guests to thank you for your great contribution to the school."

   After chatting for a while, Principal Liang, who is the host, talked about the reason for today's treat.

  Having been teaching for more than 20 years, this is the first time he took the initiative to invite students to dinner in private, and the contribution of the other party is really too great.

  Just two days ago, the document that their Haizhou College was changed to "Haizhou University" has been officially issued. Fortunately, the graduation certificates of this group of senior students this year have been replaced with more valuable titles.

   And all of this is due to the junior student in front of him.

  Who would have expected that the goal that dozens of well-known alumni of Haizhou College worked hard for was actually solved by a junior who has not yet graduated.

   "Principal, you are so polite, I just do what I can."

  Listening to the big principal's exaggerated admiration for his career and sense of responsibility, Zhou An'an was really a little embarrassed.

  In his hands, the training department's contribution to improving the school's employment rate is understandable, and Zhou An'an accepted it with the cheek, and the rest is a bit exaggerated.

   Fortunately, the headmaster didn't praise his studies, otherwise Zhou An'an would have had two more drinks to cover up his face.

  Except for those Internet-addicted teenagers who didn’t take the final exams, Zhou An’an had the highest rate of asking for leave among normal students, bar none.

  Thanks to the relaxed environment of Haizhou College, a second-class college, if it were those 985 and 211 key colleges, it is estimated that a student like him who fished for four days and cast nets for one day would have been persuaded to return home and farm.

   "Junior Brother Zhou is too modest. By the way, I have a job in the School of Economics, and you will be a senior in the second half of the year. Are you interested in coming to me for a combined master's and doctoral degree?"

   After Principal Liang finished complimenting the primary school boy, Cheng Lingshu smiled and invited him, as if what he said was just a trivial matter.

   "Old Cheng, I still think that our school will open a postgraduate program in the future, so that An An will continue to follow me. I am embarrassed to say it when you open it."

  After listening to Cheng Lingshu's words, Shi Mingdi on the side suppressed the surprise in his heart and joked a few words, and signaled this proud student with his eyes to agree quickly.

  Given Cheng Lingshu's status in the education circle of Jiang Province, there are countless people who come to be his students, so this invitation is quite important.

  Baobuqi, an alumnus who is an alumnus, is an alumnus and an official who is an excellent student. If he takes a more dazzling step, Zhou An'an, who is the student of the other party, will definitely benefit a lot.

  Although he really wants this proud student to continue to be his graduate student, Shi Mingdi is well aware of the gap between the two and does not want to delay the other's future.

  Even if Zhou An'an doesn't want to go into an official career, becoming this alumni student can have a bigger stage in finance in the future.

  With the current achievements of this student, the platform of Haizhou University is not enough to provide greater assistance to the other party.

   "Brother, if I become your graduate student, will my generation become younger?"

   He clearly received the message from Dean Shi's eyes, but Zhou An'an calmly made a joke.

  The wealth he possesses today has far exceeded what he imagined when he was reborn, and he does not need a graduate or doctoral degree to increase his status.

  If he can really become a graduate student or doctoral student of Jiang University, his parents will be very happy, and he can expand his network to some extent.

   In addition, it’s nice to say it, especially when you go out to brag with those second generations in the future, you can suppress low-latitude students from the high-latitude level of education, which will save face.

   "It's okay, let's talk about our own. If you really want to become my student, I won't take care of you at ordinary times, just complete the necessary graduation thesis."

   In this regard, Cheng Lingshu is very open-minded, and his impression of this junior brother has also increased a bit.

  With such a heart, it is no wonder that he can achieve such brilliant achievements at such an age.

  Received a phone call from a certain classmate before, Cheng Lingshu, who knew the hidden identity of this little junior for the first time, naturally didn't feel that the other party was climbing up on him.

  If those old acquaintances in the capital know that the younger brother has not yet graduated, they will probably take the initiative to send him to the door to accept him to study for a Ph. D. to increase his own background.

   "Brother, I offer you a toast."

  Seeing that the other party was so polite, Zhou Anan didn't know what to do, and offered a toast to the other party.

   "I said why Lao Cheng didn't go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing. It turned out that he came to **** students. In this way, I will add the icing on the cake. An An, do you want to graduate early and be the first batch of graduates of our Haizhou University."

  Watching Cheng Lingshu accept a student, Principal Liang gave the student a big gift with a smile.

  Although the other party's studies are not that good, it is still possible to graduate early.

  Excellent students can always do special things.

   "Thank you principal, I still want to stay in our school for a while."

   Facing this tempting proposal, Zhou An'an politely declined.

   What's so good about going to graduate school one year in advance, anyway, he is quite comfortable studying here at Haizhou University.

   You don’t have to worry about anything when you ask for leave. You can relive the feeling of studying in the past, and have a girlfriend to accompany him to school. How cool it is to study.

  The most important thing is that he still has an important goal that has not been achieved.

   "Stable and stable, not bad."

  As a direct teacher, Shi Mingdi boasted, showing his sense of existence.

  No way, although he is the head of the first academy, his qualifications are a bit weak in front of his immediate superior and the vice-principal of Jiang University.

  After some cultured toasting (compliment to each other), this quality dinner ended in each other's satisfaction.

   Zhou Anan, who drank a few small glasses of white wine, also felt a little dizzy and his cheeks were hot.

   "An'an, let's take a walk."

   Zhou Anan, who was about to take a walk to meet his girlfriend, stopped when he heard Dean Shi's shout.

   "Teacher is in a good mood today."

  Looking at the rosy-faced Dean Shi, Zhou Anan joked.

   "As you get older, it's easy to get on top after drinking a little wine. It's better for you young people, you are full of vigor..."

   Taking the lead to walk to the cobblestone path in the campus, Shi Mingdi casually chatted about interesting things in life.

  Passing students saw this stern and selfless demon king, they bowed their heads cautiously to greet him, and then ran away, unable to help but glance at the classmate who could talk freely with the demon king.

   Shi Mingdi, who has long been used to this, didn't care about it, but instead said to the students next to him in a self-deprecating way: "Do the students in your class think I'm very unreasonable?"

   "No, the teacher is just strict with us."

   Regarding this question, Zhou Anan answered very honestly.

  In his previous life, when he failed the subject under the other party's hands, he did complain that the other party marked out the key points of the entire biology book, more than 400 pages, before the final exam.

  After graduating and entering the society, meeting with other classmates and listening to others mention returning to school for work, and being warmly received by Dean Shi, Zhou An'an's complaints disappeared completely.

  Compared with other key undergraduate colleges, the graduation requirements of the second college are too loose, which also makes the students lose the goal of their own efforts.

  Being strict with students in a relaxed environment is an act that disgusts most students.

  Dean Shi just uses a kind of maverick persistence to teach students intangible things, which will last for many years.

   "Haha, only you, a student under my special care, would say that."

  He stretched out his hand and clicked a few times. Shi Mingdi, who was not at all embarrassed because he was favoritizing the other party, changed the subject with a smile: "You stay in our school, do you want to win a special channel for your training department to recruit students?"

   Shi Mingdi, who is quite concerned about the training department of this favorite student, has naturally studied it.

  Now he is in charge of the No. 1 education in the extracurricular tutoring industry in Haizhou. The primary school has the channel advantage of Haizhou Foreign Language, and the high school entrance examination has its own unique No. 1 class, which is very attractive to the parents of students.

  The unique high school does not enroll many students and has no outstanding performance, which is the short board of the entire training institution.

  No matter what, Haizhou College is a second-class institution, and it has a good reputation in Haizhou. It is not surprising that this student has this idea.

   "Teacher, can you guess this?"

   Raising his eyebrows, Zhou Anan did not reject the other party's baseless guess.

   Zhou Anan really thought about this idea when he was at the table earlier, but he was quickly rejected by himself.

  After Haizhou College changed its name to Haizhou University, coupled with the possibility of adding graduate programs, its gold content is much richer, and it is naturally more attractive to parents of high school students.

  If Zhuangyuan Education has a special direct admission channel to Haizhou University, it will definitely be a hot spot to attract ordinary students to sign up.

  But after thinking about it, as an institution of higher learning, it is impossible for Haizhou University, which does not have the right to enroll students independently, to open this channel, so Zhou Anan is not delusional.

"Even if our school changes its name, it won't be very attractive to you now. The only thing that might help you, I think about it, is this. However, your idea is difficult to realize, After all, what you have in hand is only an extracurricular training class. If you have a private high school in your hand, you may be able to realize the possibility of special recruitment in the name of cooperating with the school and opening experimental classes.”

   Regarding this favorite student, Shi Mingdi did not hide it, and helped him analyze the possibility very thoroughly.

   However, no matter how bad a private high school is, it cannot be built with just a little money, and the energy and time consumed in it are by no means a simple number.

   "I have a private high school."

   Thanks for the book friend Yujing Silent, it’s so fun and rewarding



  (end of this chapter)

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