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Chapter 841: You're an adult with a mind of your own

  Chapter 841 You are also an adult with your own thoughts

   "An An, guess who is calling Teacher Qi now?"

  When Teacher Qi walked out of the room, Wang Min asked the landlord tonight with a mysterious face.

   "A blind date."

  After listening to Xiao Fengman's question about the oil bottle, Zhou An'an answered directly.

   At the age of a beautiful tutor who doesn't have a boyfriend yet, it's normal for her family to force her to go on a blind date during the holidays.

   What's more, ordinary friends' calls can be made in the private room, there is no need to avoid them, and Zhou An'an, who has an online IQ, doesn't even need to guess.

   "Hey, how do you know?"

   Unexpectedly, Wang Min looked at the other party in surprise.

  They also came to the conclusion after they met Teacher Qi and heard the content of the other party's phone calls several times, and they were not ashamed to ask such a topic directly.

   "Wang Min, you are also an adult with your own thoughts, you must learn not to gossip behind others' backs."

   Sighing, Zhou Anan said something earnestly.

  Although every time he meets a beautiful tutor outside school, the other party is either on a blind date or on the way to a blind date, but respect for the teacher is still necessary.

  Especially talking about others behind their backs is a vice worth condemning.

  Who knows how this girlfriend friend who doesn't deal with him will arrange him behind the scenes, and he must always kill this bad habit of the other party.


  Listening to the other party's lecture, Wang Min stretched out his fingers angrily.

  Just thinking about the expensive dinner he was having now, Wang Min shrank his finger back abruptly.

   Ren Ren Ren, who told her to eat other people's food.

  Once greedy, you can only be a cricket.

  Forget it, be a cricket and be a cricket, it’s better than having nothing to eat.

  Thinking of this, Wang Min filled his small bowl with delicious chicken soup with a smile on his face.

   "Excuse me, my friend's call."

  Rejecting the blind date man's enthusiastic dinner invitation, Qi Baoying walked back to the box and said apologetically, and then began to fight for food with Wang Min.

  The dishes here taste really good.

"goodbye teacher."


  Parting from the beautiful mentor at the entrance of the private restaurant, Zhou Anan, who was still in good spirits, drove a Maserati and rushed to Lucheng with his girlfriend and an oil bottle.

  There is a direct expressway, but Lucheng takes nearly three hours. Zhou Anan, who may have safety problems caused by night fatigue, specially plans to rest in Shaocheng for a night.

   Just in time, enjoy the night view of Shaocheng.

  Anyway, tomorrow is still the sixth day of the May Day holiday, so Shi Mingxia and his tutoring classes can be adjusted later, as he is the boss and he has the final say.

  Life with money and leisure is so simple and casual.

  After driving out of downtown Hangzhou, it took more than half an hour to get to Shaocheng. It took Zhou Anan an hour to drive leisurely to the destination, a four-star hotel in the center of Shaocheng.

   "Hey, I remember that Teacher Qi seems to be from Shaocheng. Xiao Xia, do you think we will meet her again?"

   After putting away his things in a luxuriously decorated four-star hotel, Wang Min, who followed him out for a walk, said to his friend curiously.

  Because she wanted to save money, she proposed to open a three-person room, but was driven to another single room by that 'cute' male classmate, and the rent was naturally paid by the other party.

  Although he was grateful for the generosity of the other party, but what the other party said was too irritating, Wang Min thought it was better to turn a blind eye.

   Being soft on people and short on people are really two major depressing things in life.

   "Probably not, Shaocheng is so big."

  Shi Mingxia thinks this kind of wild idea is impossible.

  Shaocheng is not small, how could they meet Teacher Qi again by such a coincidence, the chance is too small.

   "Shaocheng is not small, but there shouldn't be many old streets in the ancient city we will go to tonight. If Teacher Qi comes out to take a walk with some people, it is very possible."

   Wang Min has his own opinion on this aspect.

  It is still during the May Day holiday, and it is very possible that the blind date partner, Mr. Qi, will go out for a walk to enhance their relationship.

   "It can't be such a coincidence."

  After listening to his friend's analysis, Shi Mingxia felt that it was really possible.

   "What are you thinking, what time is it now? Is there a time to go out on a blind date and go shopping?"

   Zhou Anan, who was driving with the navigation, couldn't help interrupting the unrealistic topic of the two.

  It's already nine o'clock in the evening. What kind of idiot would ask a blind date girl whom he doesn't know well to go shopping, and a normal girl would not agree to such a request.

  Based on his knowledge of the intellectual and beautiful tutor, this kind of thing will definitely not happen.

   "Huh, how about we make a bet?"

  Hearing that Zhou Anan interrupted the interest of the two of them fantasizing, Wang Min angrily patted the back of the driver's seat in front.

   "I never bet with women."

   "Are you afraid?"

   "What bet?"

  Faced with the contempt of the little plump man who is aggressive, Zhou An'an still accepts the other party's bet.

   "I win, and you will pay for whatever I eat tomorrow; if I lose, it's the same."

   Turning his eyes, Wang Min thought of a bet that didn't hurt money.

  The other party is a local tyrant who is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, so even if she loses, she won't lose much.

   If she wins, she will buy a lot of snacks and store them for a month.

  No matter what, she won't suffer too much.


  Facts have proved that women's intuition is still terrible, and Zhou An'an found that he was still too hasty.

  Fundamentally, as Zhou Anan said, none of the blind dates went out for a walk on this big night, but the old city and ancient streets couldn’t stand the May Day holiday, and the locals also came out to make up the numbers.

   "Teacher Qi, I said I would meet you, hahaha..."

  Bouncing up to Mr. Qi who was walking with his girlfriend, Wang Min said half-happily and half-smugly, winking at someone several times with the joy of victory in his eyes.

  The content of the previous bet was a little too cautious. If I had known about it, I would have bet a bag with the other party, so that she would wake up laughing from a dream.

What a pity.

   "What a coincidence, this is my friend Qian Lin, these are my students."

   Unexpectedly, Qi Baoying met these three students twice in one day, and Qi Baoying, who was forced out for a walk, briefly introduced his girlfriend and students around him.

   "Hi there."


  The two sides got to know each other for a while, and the four girls quickly got acquainted with each other and went shopping together, leaving Zhou An'an alone as a tool for paying and carrying things.

  The beautiful tutor wanted to rush to pay, but Zhou An'an, who was the boss, took care of it in advance.

  There are outsiders around, so it's not the turn of the beautiful tutor to spend money, right? It's only a few pennies for food and drink.

   It's just that the grateful eyes that the beautiful tutor looks over from time to time are a bit too much.

   "Boying, are all your students so rich?"

  Looking at the back of the departing Maserati, Qian Lin, who was standing there, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   It’s no wonder that the unattractive boy was accompanied by two pretty girls. It’s all because of his money ability. Now that he thinks about it, that low-key and restrained boy is a bit handsome.

   "Wake up, I have a girlfriend."

   "What do you think, I will express my feelings."


   "What's your tone?"

   "No tone."

   "Okay, yin and yang, see how I deal with you."


  Late at night, Zhou An'an, who was proud of being smug for half the night by a certain plump man, turned a little bit of depression into motivation for aerobic exercise, and put his girlfriend's throat into maintenance period in advance.

   On the afternoon of the 7th, Zhou Anan was preparing to have dinner with his girlfriend who had just finished the training course, when he received a call from Dean Shi.

  The reason for the invitation was that he had a relatively deep relationship with Dean Shi as a teacher and student, so he couldn't find an excuse to refuse.

   Thanks to book friends Mo Shangren, Qiuxuan 135, and Xiangshui Chuyun for their rewards



  (end of this chapter)

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