Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 402 Dragon King Group, Shangguan Lingwei’S Challenge

Three days passed slowly like water. During this period of time, Chu Yi made unremitting efforts and revisions and finally completed his masterpiece - "Thousands of Refinements Part 1", "Thousands of Refinements Part 2" and "Thousands of Refinements Part 2"

On the cover of these three golden exercises, a hammer is like an earthly Divine Weapon, dazzling when wielded. And the secret is even more fascinating. It can not only hammer the Flesh Refining body, but also affect the growth of its soul, making people become kind and benevolent, with many benefits.

On Zheng Xin's side, he placed an unblocking scroll, which resulted in a frantic scramble among major groups. Chu Yi had to admire Zheng Xin's talent in this area. Surprisingly, the seal scroll appeared in the bathroom of a large group and was picked up by an ordinary person. Of course, this is not a coincidence, but Zheng Xin did it intentionally.

The message Zheng Xin wants to convey is that these seal scrolls are not for sale, but appear in a random manner. They may fall from the sky, may appear on the road you are walking on, and may even appear at your home. What is shocking is that just this unblocking scroll made Yishi Chamber of Commerce directly earn 50 trillion.

At this moment, there is a cloud and mist floating in the sky of the Sky City, as beautiful as a fairyland. The clouds change shapes in the sky, sometimes like flocks of sheep floating, sometimes like stretching mountains spreading. The sun shines through the gaps in the clouds and casts mottled light spots, illuminating the entire city and giving people a sense of tranquility and mystery.

Shangguan Lingwei was suspended in the air, her long black hair falling down to her chest like a waterfall, and her hair fluttered gently as the breeze blew. She was wearing a gorgeous golden dragon robe, embroidered with exquisite dragon patterns, shining with dazzling light. Like a divine dragon descending into the mortal world, her appearance is dazzling.

In Shangguan Lingwei's eyes, the golden vertical pupils exuded a mysterious light. This is the unique symbol of Dragon Race, symbolizing the nobility of her identity and the infinite power. The golden vertical pupils are like the deep universe, attracting people's attention and making them unable to extricate themselves. Her eyes contained wisdom and determination, like a bright star lighting up the dark night sky.

"Xiao Yuzi, where's the information I want?" Shangguan Lingwei's voice was as soft as the sound of nature, but it contained a hint of majesty. Her voice is full of confidence and determination, like a shocking sound wave that makes people hold their breath involuntarily. Every word she spoke was as firm as metal, as if she could penetrate all obstacles and achieve her goal.

Fang Tianyu slowly appeared beside Shangguan Lingwei, his black robe fluttering gently with his movements. There was a rare softness in his evil eyes, as if a warm light was shining. He looked at Shangguan Lingwei, as if he had an indescribable emotion, as if it were a quiet lake, reflecting the light in Shangguan Lingwei's eyes, guarding her every moment.

Shangguan Lingwei's eyes were sharp and cold, staring closely at Fang Tianyu. Her voice had a hint of unquestionable majesty, "Xiao Yuzi, what are you doing? I'm asking you for information. Tell me quickly!! "

"Oh oh oh!" Fang Tianyu felt regretful in his heart. He quickly collected his thoughts and then slowly said, "That's it. Chu Yi established an organization called the Yishi Chamber of Commerce here, seemingly to accumulate wealth. He is like this Why should a strong man work so hard? This is really puzzling."

Fang Tianyu frowned slightly, doubting Chu Yi's decision. Chu Yi is powerful and has unlimited potential. Why would he choose to get involved in a seemingly mediocre industry like business? Fang Tianyu couldn't understand.

Shangguan Lingwei smiled coldly and whispered softly: "Chu Yi, have you fallen to this point? You should concentrate on your cultivation instead of getting stuck in this meaningless business world." Her eyes revealed her disapproval. Chu Yi's disappointment and helplessness.

Fang Tianyu reminded with some worry: "Ling Wei, Chu Yi seems to have some plans, it should be related to cultivation. It's better for us not to get involved. After all, we can't defeat him!"

Shangguan Lingwei's eyes became sharp, seeming to contain endless determination and desire to win. She spoke slowly, with a hint of cruelty in her voice, "Huh! Who said we can't defeat him? We can defeat him in the mall." Her words seemed to carry an unstoppable force, which made people feel moved. Awe.

A young man stared silently at the retreating back of the Wings of Freedom, with a hint of regret in his eyes, "The first generation of Wings of Freedom, that was the dream of many people two hundred years ago, but unfortunately now..." His voice Gradually it lowered, as if recalling that bygone era.

A middle-aged uncle curled his lips disdainfully, "Nowadays, everyone is flying planes, who still drives? I don't know which old man is in the car, it's really unlucky!" His words were full of ridicule of the times, it seemed that this The first generation Wing of Liberty has become an outdated plaything.

Shangguan Ling Lingwei's eyes were firm, like a shining and immortal star. She nodded slightly, with a trace of determination and determination in her voice, "Yes! I want to challenge you, do you dare to accept it? Chu Yi..."

The city in the sky, with its giant tower reaching into the clouds, is like a majestic castle, guarding countless dreams and ambitions. In this city, there is a warning saying, "It is better to offend the world than to offend the Dragon King!" This sentence seems to be a mysterious prophecy, making people full of awe of the Dragon King Group. Because any company that confronts the Dragon King Group is destined to be merged by the Dragon King Group the next day.

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a trace of inadvertent vigilance through his half-closed eyes. His voice flowed out slowly, like a gurgling clear spring, with a sense of unfathomable mystery, "Oh? So this is the purpose of establishing the Dragon King Group? There seems to be no movement in your Dragon King Palace recently. It's also because Is this the reason?"

And Fang Tianyu, the president of Dragon King Group, is even more decisive. He has successfully acquired no less than fifty Blue Star 500-strong groups. His actions are swift and ruthless, making people admire his abilities and methods.

Shangguan Lingwei's voice was firm and resolute. She said categorically: "Yes! It's what you think. You should register a company now, and the name will be Dragon King Group. The previous actions of Dragon King Palace will be temporarily suspended. We are going to Completely defeat Chu Yi in business." Her words revealed an unshakable determination, as if she had already seen the Dragon King Group standing at the pinnacle of business.

The pleasure brought by the hurricane was like a strong wind. Chu Yi seemed to be integrated into the flying wings of freedom, enjoying the excitement and passion brought by speed.

At this moment, Shangguan Lingwei didn't care about Fang Tianyu. A burning desire to win was ignited in her heart. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Maybe it was because she was unwilling to be surpassed by Chu Yi.

Shangguan Lingwei's eyebrows raised slightly, with a hint of ridicule in her tone, "Okay! Then let's go! Don't follow me again!" Her voice was cold and firm, as if she wanted to destroy all Fang Tianyu's hopes. Completely shattered.

Shangguan Lingwei's eyes were extremely firm, staring at Chu Yi, and slowly said: "Chu Yi! I want to challenge you!"

As night falls, the lights of the Sky City are brilliant, like a bright gem, illuminating the face of every resident. The splendid buildings are reflected in the blue sky, like a gorgeous picture. People are bathed in luxury and enjoyment, and enjoy the pleasure that money brings.

Secondly, there is the Dragon King Group, the Transcendent Level giant that suddenly emerged a month ago. This group has amazing financial resources and continues to acquire other large companies, becoming an existence that everyone knows about. As if overnight, Dragon King Group has grown from an unknown to a giant in the industry.

Chu Yi's eyes were focused and firm. He keenly captured a silhouette in front of him, like a phantom, which made him feel a familiar feeling in his heart.

Shangguan Lingwei raised her eyebrows slightly, with a hint of arrogance and sharpness in her eyes, "Then go ahead, don't let me down, Demon Saint Xiao Yuzi!!"

"This is! Shangguan Lingwei?" Chu Yi got out of the car instantly, looked at Shangguan Lingwei standing in front of him, and said with some surprise, "Why are you here? Do you want to see me for anything?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Fang Tianyu's eyes. He was confused by Shangguan Ling Wei's thoughts, "Ling Wei, do you want it too?" He didn't understand why the other party wanted to move the battlefield to the commercial field. Is it just to defeat Chu Yi?

Shangguan Lingwei shook his head and said firmly: "I'm not talking about defeating you in this area, but in the business world."

When Fang Tianyu heard Shangguan Ling Wei's words, he felt as if he had been hit hard in the heart. His face instantly turned pale and his lips trembled slightly, "Okay, okay! Ling Wei, don't be angry! I'll go, I'll pay you back." Isn’t it okay?”

Chu Yi drove his first-generation Wings of Freedom, like a free-flying eagle, swiftly shuttling through the bustling streets. The engine made a deafening roar, like a roaring lion, attracting everyone's attention. The first-generation Wing of Liberty is equipped with the legendary longitudinally mounted dual V12 ultra-high-performance naturally aspirated engine, with a displacement of up to 48,800cc and a maximum horsepower of 4,831 horses. It is simply a self-priming god.

"Challenge me?" Chu Yi was stunned and then said, "You can't beat me now, so you should go back and practice for decades first!"

Chu Yi smiled slightly, with a confident look on his face, and responded nonchalantly: "Okay! I accept your challenge, but I will never fail."

"No! This is a person!!" A warning flashed in Chu Yi's mind, and he realized that he could no longer stop the vehicle in time. So, he quickly mobilized his powers and used them without hesitation to force the flying Wings of Freedom to stop. The vehicle suddenly braked and stopped. He murmured to himself with lingering fear, "It was so dangerous! I almost hit that person! What a sin!"

Fang Tianyu smiled helplessly. He felt that this approach was a bit too decisive, "Ling Wei, I think this is unnecessary! We are all our own people, there is no need to fight for victory or defeat." He tried to persuade Shangguan Ling Wei, I hope she can let go of this competitive mentality.

The first to bear the brunt is of course the Yishi Chamber of Commerce, a business giant that leads the times. Their genetic potion of immortality became a Mythical that was sought after by the upper class. However, during this month, they gradually discovered that obtaining the 384 unlocking scrolls was not an easy task, but an extremely difficult test. Hope seems to be swallowed up by distant stars, almost slim.

People looked sideways, their eyes full of shock and admiration. The appearance of Chu Yi seemed to take them back to the past, to that all-powerful era, "Let's go! This is the first generation Wing of Freedom! An out-of-print model! The legendary god of self-priming!" They exchanged awe with each other, their eyes shining with envy and adoration. The first generation Wing of Liberty is now out of print, but it is still a legendary car. Its existence makes everyone feel that glorious moment.

And what is surprising is that the products of Dragon King Group are clearly marked with prices, and the prices are even lower than those of Yishi Chamber of Commerce. Their genetic medicine was actually only 10% off the price of Yishi Chamber of Commerce. Except for the eternal immortality gene, it seems that the Dragon King Group is capable of everything and has everything.

"Chu Yi! Get out of the car!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came into Chu Yi's ears.

Fang Tianyu's heart seemed to be held tightly by an invisible giant hand, and he felt that his breathing became rapid and difficult. His eyes were full of pain and loss, and there was a hint of helplessness in his voice, "Ling Wei, you can't call me that! I am Demon Saint, not Xiao Yuzi! Let alone Demon Saint Xiao Yuzi!!"

A month passed quietly, like a heavy drop of dew slipping into the fine lines of time. Sky City, as the center of this bustling city, also set off a sensational news storm during this period.

"Demon Saint is in trouble this time, but for the sake of love, I will never back down!" Fang Tianyu kept comforting himself, and then he hurriedly said, "Ling Wei, I was wrong! I will register the company right now!" He said Take action quickly without hesitation. He knows that only through actual actions can he truly prove his determination and sincerity.

When Fang Tianyu heard the words Demon Saint Xiao Yuzi, his past glory instantly appeared in his mind, but at this moment, the title hit his heart like a heavy hammer. He felt as if his blood was boiling, and anger and humiliation were intertwined in his heart. He is a dignified Demon Saint Fang Tianyu, the son of destiny who is pregnant with the system. For love, he is called Xiao Yuzi, and the two words Demon Saint are also included.

"Haha!" Shangguan Lingwei's chuckle was like the spring breeze blowing on her face. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and there was a hint of teasing light in her eyes. Her voice was soft but firm, entwining in Fang Tianyu's heart like a thread, "You're not going, right? I'm going by myself, and you don't have to follow me anymore!!"

Especially their legendary chairman-Shangguan Lingwei. According to legend, Shangguan Lingwei is a Transcendent Level expert who is on par with the chairman of the Yishi Chamber of Commerce. Her existence makes the Dragon King Group more mysterious and exciting.

The Wings of Freedom flew past the road in no-man's land, and the traces of its body across the ground brought up a cloud of dust, like a vigorous snake chasing the limit of speed. At this moment, the speed of Wings of Freedom has reached an astonishing 1864 kilometers per hour.

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