Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 403 Zheng Xin’S Dragon-Slaying Plan

At this moment, the Yishi Building is in an extremely luxurious conference room.

Gorgeous chandeliers hung from the soaring ceilings, illuminating the entire conference room. Light passes through the transparent glass wall and shines indoors, making the entire conference room feel like being in a sea of ​​light. On the walls, there are exquisite art paintings, showing magnificent scenery from all over the world, as if the whole nature has been brought into this space.

The floor of the conference room is paved with a smooth mirror-like floor, reflecting the flickering lights. Stepping into it, every step feels like walking on the clouds, giving people an elegant feeling. There is a fresh fragrance in the air, as if it is the fragrance of flowers and plants coming from afar, making people feel more comfortable and peaceful.

The conference table is made of rare and precious agarwood, with fine wood texture and warm color. A set of exquisite silver stationery is placed on the table, shimmering with light, exuding a luxurious and noble atmosphere. The surrounding chairs are made of Apex Level leather, which is soft and comfortable, providing participants with the ultimate sitting experience.

On one side of the room is a huge floor-to-ceiling window, through which you can overlook the bustling scene of the entire city. The curtains are made of silk, fluttering gently like dancing wings, adding elegance and movement to the room.

In this extremely luxurious conference room, every detail shows nobility and sophistication. This space seems to be an isolated paradise, allowing people to immerse themselves in it, forget the chaos and noise, and focus on creation and communication. This is the intersection of wisdom and luxury, and the cradle of inspiration and decision-making.

Zheng Xin sat on the main seat, gently tapping the gorgeous mahogany desk, reflecting that he was like a beast lurking in the deep sea, exuding majesty and danger that cannot be ignored.

Zheng Xin's eyes were deep and sharp, as if the flame hidden in them could burn out all enemies who stood in his way. His eyes wandered around the conference room, and everyone felt his oppression, and their hearts could not help but throb.

There was a solemn atmosphere in the conference room, as if the oppressive air was suffocating. Li Muhan, Ye Ruxi, Yu Feifei and others sat upright, with a trace of solemnity and nervousness on their faces.

Zheng Xin's eyes narrowed slightly, exuding a dangerous light, and said in a deep voice: "What do you think of the rise of the Dragon King Group in this month?"

Li Muhan analyzed thoughtfully: "This Dragon King Group is really incredible. They seem to be omnipotent. No matter what our Yishi Chamber of Commerce sells, they sell it, and the price is lower than us. Obviously, they It is specifically aimed at our Yishi Chamber of Commerce. Our only advantage currently is the eternal immortal gene potion."

Ye Ruxi also expressed his opinion, "If this situation continues to develop, the market share of Yishi Chamber of Commerce will be quickly swallowed up by them. At present, the only strategy we can adopt publicly is to start a price war with them."

Zheng Xin stared at Yu Feifei and noticed a firm light shining in her eyes. He asked softly: "Yu Feifei, what do you think?" Although Yu Feifei is still young, Chu Yi has made it clear that he wants to focus on cultivating her.

Yu Feifei fell into deep thought, her brows furrowed, and she slowly said: "Judging from the current situation, the only way to break the situation is through a price war. However, we can burn the flames of war into other areas."

Zheng Xin nodded slightly and motioned for Yu Feifei to continue. He deeply appreciated Yu Feifei's intelligence and determination.

Yu Feifei took a deep breath, her eyes showing a nervous look. She continued: "We do not have to have a head-on confrontation with the Dragon King Group in the field of genetic medicine. We can develop other businesses and spread the war to all walks of life. I believe that with the financial resources of the Yishi Chamber of Commerce, we can definitely crush the Dragon King Group."

Zheng Xin nodded slightly again and said in a deep voice: "What industry do you think is suitable for our Yishi Chamber of Commerce to enter now?"

Yu Feifei said nervously: "We can try to enter the human resources industry. After all, Yishi Chamber of Commerce occupies a place in the market with its financial resources and reputation, and we have the ability to master most of the talents. As long as we have the talents, whether it is development All types of business will become much simpler.”

Zheng Xin nodded slightly and asked, "What's next?"

Yu Feifei shook her head in distress and said, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Zheng, I haven't thought about my next plan yet."

Zheng Xin said approvingly: "Your analysis is excellent."

Yu Feifei replied gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for your compliment."

Li Muhan then asked: "Mr. Zheng, what is our next plan?"

Zheng Xin replied confidently: "I have already made the next plan."

"Please come in!" Zheng Xin then motioned to the door. Immediately, a tall and tall woman walked in slowly. Her professional attire perfectly decorated her well-proportioned figure, and stood in front of the big screen.

She elegantly picked up the remote control and gently pressed a button with her slender fingers. Suddenly, four huge letters appeared on the big screen, shining like bright stars - Dragon Slaying Plan! These four words seemed to have infinite power, making the whole room sink. Her eyes were firm and decisive, as if she had already seen the victory in the future.

The picture changed again, showing a detailed and precise plan. First, they need to enter the human resources industry and take control of the lifeblood of talents. This industry is a mine with huge potential. Only by mastering talents can we control the future.

Next, they will enter the civil aircraft industry. In this era of pursuing freedom and dreams, every young person longs to own an airplane of his own. Yishi Chamber of Commerce will realize this dream for them and let them soar into the sky.

Then there are the medical industry, education industry, food industry, construction industry and so on. Several people in the conference room listened quietly, and the five hours seemed to pass in an instant. They were attracted by this bold and grand plan, and excitement and anticipation surged in their hearts.

so amazing! Their hearts were filled with admiration and admiration. If this development continues, Yishi Chamber of Commerce will become the destination of 99% of the wealth of the entire Blue Star Planet. They will dominate the destiny of this planet, and the Blue Star will shine dazzlingly because of their existence.

"Ahem..." Zheng Xin coughed a few times, his voice low and powerful, like a distant bell reverberating in the air. He spoke slowly, with a sense of solemnity and mystery in his tone, as if he was about to unveil a world, "The last item requires everyone to sign a confidentiality agreement. This is confidential."

Li Muhan's eyes were wide open, full of curiosity and expectation. Her eyes sparkled with intelligence, as if she were searching for clues to the answer. She couldn't help but asked eagerly: "Mr. Zheng, what kind of plan does it require us to sign a confidentiality agreement?"

Ye Ruxi's eyes were also full of surprise and curiosity. She keenly felt the deep meaning in Zheng Xin's words, as if a huge force was quietly touching her heartstrings. An urge surged in her heart to uncover the secrets of this world.

Although Yu Feifei was not as surprised as Li Muhan and Ye Ruxi, she could also feel the solemn atmosphere. She didn't realize the seriousness of the confidentiality agreement at the moment, but her instinct told her that this plan was definitely not simple. She felt a little curious, but also a little scared. She knew that there were some things that it was best not to explore.

Zheng Xin frowned slightly, took a deep breath, and slowly said: "Forget it, if you don't want to know, forget it."

A firm light flashed in Li Muhan's eyes, and he said without hesitation: "I sign! No matter what it is, I want to know."

Ye Ruxi clenched her fists tightly and looked at Zheng Xin firmly, "I will sign too! No matter whether it is good or bad, I will bear it."

Yu Feifei saw that both Li Muhan and Ye Ruxi expressed their support without hesitation, and the doubts in her heart gradually dissipated. She nodded firmly, "I'll sign too! No matter what it is, we have to face it."

Zheng Xin nodded and said solemnly: "Okay! Then I will tell you the last few projects of the Dragon Slaying Plan. First of all, let me make it clear that the background of Dragon King Group is not simple. This business war may not be limited to Blue Star."

Li Muhan's heart tightened, and she read an unprecedented determination and determination from Zheng Xin's eyes. This was the first time she saw Zheng Xin with such a solemn expression, as if the whole world was on his shoulders. She understands that the next thing will definitely not be simple, and may face unprecedented challenges and dangers.

Ye Ruxi looked at Zheng Xin's solemn expression and felt uneasy in her heart. She had never seen Zheng Xin with such a serious expression, as if he had seen an upcoming storm.

And Yu Feifei also had a serious look on her face, vaguely guessing something. She was taken to the Spark Realm by Xuanyuan Yi, so she obviously knew a lot of things.

Zheng Xin looked at the three people in front of him with a smile and said lightly: "Okay, don't be so nervous, it's nothing big. It's just a business war." His tone was calm and confident, revealing his unlimited expectations for the future. .

"It's time to start!" Zheng Xin signaled.

The woman pressed the remote control again, and the screen changed again, and the first secret plan appeared - the mechanical Ascension plan!

Mechanical Ascension Artificial Human Project! Reflecting the magnificent blueprint of the mechanical Ascension artificial human project. Tiny and complex parts, as fine as nanometers, lay out a flawless human body. Like an ingenious work of art, this robot's body seems to have been born in the future world.

The woman tapped the remote control again, and the screen changed again, showing an imaginative scene. The mechanical human body is gradually assembled in a high-tech environment, like the world's greatest jigsaw puzzle, with each part embedded in a coordinated and orderly manner. This semi-artificial man has the strength of a machine and the flexibility of a human being, as if it were the work of the God of Creation.

Zheng Xin signaled, the woman pressed the button on the remote control, and the most critical link appeared on the screen - injecting the human soul into the robot. Like a mysterious ritual, a ray of soul light slowly blends into the mechanical body, like a blooming flower, injecting the mystery of life into it. At this moment, the robot shines with unprecedented brilliance, and it will become a real existence with human thinking. This is just the mechanical Ascension of humanity.

The woman pressed the remote control again, and the picture on the screen changed again, and a second confidential plan appeared - the artificial man plan!

This plan has subtle similarities to the mechanical Ascension plan, but is completely different. The difference is that the mechanical Ascension project is infused with human souls. The artificial human project is to create a true artificial human by injecting already set programs or artificially created thinking.

The woman pressed the remote control again, and the picture on the screen changed again, and a third confidential plan appeared - the National Superpower Plan!

Yi Shishang will manufacture adaptive superpower potions in large quantities and distribute them to every commoner.

The focus of this plan is to allow everyone on Blue Star to awaken their superpowers, because high-level superpowers do not need food and can only survive by relying on cosmic spiritual energy. It was an imaginative Blue Star future, a real change across the ages.

Li Muhan swallowed, even though she had such rich experience, she was still shocked. Mechanical Ascension, artificial humans, and universal superpowers. If these plans are really implemented, what will happen?

"No way? Is this true? Is this kind of technology really available now?" Li Mu was stunned.

Ye Ruxi was also shocked and speechless. She really couldn't believe that artificial humans could be exactly the same as Perfected Being and even have artificial thinking. What's even more terrifying is that the human soul can actually enter the mechanical body. Although this mechanical body is almost exactly the same as a human, it can't help but make her feel a little inexplicable fear.

The young Yu Feifei couldn't help but be stunned. She was only in her early twenties and her understanding of society was extremely limited. When she suddenly learned of this plan, she felt uneasy, as if every inch of her torn outlook could never return to the world before.

"Ahem..." Zheng Xin coughed a few times and said slowly, "Don't be so nervous. Look at your expressions. What are you afraid of?"

Li Muhan said: "Mr. Zheng, this is not just a matter of fear or not, but a matter of our three views. We cannot accept this concept yet. If that time really comes, how should we respond?"

Zheng Xin waved his hand and said with a relaxed look: "Don't worry! By that time, war will be impossible! I can assure you!"

Ye Ruxi frowned and wondered: "Why won't there be a war? When everyone has mastered powerful power, war seems to be the inevitable outcome. This is an inevitable fact."

Yu Feifei also echoed: "That's right! If everyone has superpowers, they are likely to disobey the rules and even directly start a fierce conflict. Why won't such a war happen?"

Zheng Xin raised his hand and shook his head slightly. A confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Well, I can understand your worries, but you are thinking a little wrong. The popularity of supernatural powers does not mean the end of war. The outbreak, on the contrary, brings a kind of balance and harmony to human society."

Li Muhan's brows relaxed slightly, looking at Zheng Xin expectantly, "Mr. Zheng, can you explain why super powers bring balance and harmony?"

Zheng Xin smiled slightly and explained patiently: "Superpowers give everyone a unique ability. In this way, no one will be marginalized or oppressed anymore. Everyone has an equal opportunity to express themselves value and ability.”

"And..." Zheng Xin recalled that moment more than two hundred years ago, as if time had been turned back, and he was again in the day before the awakening of Nancheng High School's powers. He clearly recalled Chu Yi's longing expression at that time, and those words were like a bolt of lightning splitting his heart, "World peace, no war... As long as you have strong power, you can realize all your dreams... Don't be afraid to pursue Power, because it can bring us infinite possibilities.”

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