Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 401 Zheng Xin’S Plan, The Pattern Of The Spark Realm

After the Yishi Chamber of Commerce press conference, the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only a dark corner. A cunning light flashed in the young man's eyes. He slowly left the venue and came to a quiet alley alone.

In the dark alley, the lights are dim, and only a faint light shines through the window. The young man came to the depths of the alley, where waiting for him was a mysterious man in black robes. The face of the man in black robe was covered, and he could not see his face clearly. He could only feel a mysterious aura.

The young man said to the mysterious man in black robe without fear: "The mission has been completed. I followed your instructions. Now it's time to pay me." His voice was firm and confident, revealing a hint of maturity and experience.

The mysterious man in black robe smiled slightly, his voice was low and strange, making people shiver, "You will be paid soon, but you have to remember that confidentiality is crucial, otherwise it will attract revenge from the Yishi Chamber of Commerce. "His tone was full of warning and threats, which made the young man feel a chill down his back.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on the young man's forehead, and he felt uneasy in his heart. He couldn't help but subconsciously responded: "I understand, I will never leak any information." His voice trembled, revealing the fear and nervousness in his heart.

There was a sense of awe in the young man's heart, and he was well aware of the unshakable position of the Yishi Chamber of Commerce on Blue Star. Like a huge fortress of wealth, it stands on this land, and with its unparalleled financial resources, it is intimidating.

Rumor has it that Chu Yi, the chairman of Yishi Chamber of Commerce, is a Transcendent Level powerhouse with unrivaled power and can easily destroy an entire country.

At this moment, in the office of the chairman of Yishi Building, Chu Yi and Zheng Xin were immersed in an exciting conversation, their expressions full of excitement and interest.

"Hehehehe..." A sly smile appeared on the corner of Zheng Xin's mouth, with a hint of secrecy in his tone, "Brother Chu, let me tell you, we will see a wonderful drama next! We just need to tell you one by one Release the sealed scroll and let the rich fight for it crazily, and their wealth will flow like a river of blood!"

Chu Yi couldn't help laughing and praised: "Brother, everything depends on your operation!"

Zheng Xin smiled proudly and continued: "My plan is..." He revealed his strategy.

Roughly speaking, the plan is to put the unblocked scrolls on the market in various ways and continue to hype the price of the scrolls. Of course, only the people arranged by Zheng Xin can master these unblocking scrolls.

Wait until the price of the unblocked scroll reaches a high enough level before selling it. Three hundred and eighty-four unsealed scrolls are enough for these rich people to chase after them.

As for collecting all 384 unsealing scrolls, it is simply extremely difficult. After all, these rich people are not fools and would not give away such precious things to others easily.

Zheng Xin's voice was full of cunning again, and his eyes revealed an ulterior strategy. "Of course, these methods are just the tip of the iceberg for us to harvest the wealth of the top 500 rich people in Blue Star!" He unabashedly revealed another plan. .

The general meaning is that in this fierce battle, force will inevitably be used. The Yishi Chamber of Commerce can continue to innovate and launch higher-level supernatural potions, pushing their prices to the sky again.

Zheng Xin narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "In this way, we can once again obtain wealth from these wealthy people and maximize double benefits."

Chu Yi's eyes widened and he exclaimed: "Why didn't I think of this method?"

Zheng Xin showed a sly smile again and said, "Brother Chu, you are still too naive. These are only a small part of the plan."

Chu Yi asked in disbelief: "Do you have other plans?"

Zheng Xin narrowed his eyes, and a hint of conspiracy appeared through the slits in his eyes. He said solemnly: "Of course, there are other plans! This plan alone cannot drain these rich people dry? Didn't my sister-in-law recently develop a genetic potion called a death potion?"

Chu Yi's heart trembled, he knew that the death potion was not a kind existence. Although this medicine is also a genetic medicine, it is completely different from the medicine that increases life span. It is a dark force and human betrayal of life.

The death potion is an existence called a taboo. Its name is like a flash of lightning in the dark night, making people fearful. Compared with the genetic medicine that increases life, it is more like a double-edged sword that can take away life and return people to the origin of life.

When a person drinks a 10,000-year-old life potion and then drinks a 10,000-year-old death potion, it is equivalent to drinking nothing.

Chu Yi blinked, thought for a moment, and said, "Wouldn't this be a bit unfair?"

Zheng Xin slowly said: "Brother Chu, the shopping mall is as cruel as a battlefield. If you are not decisive, how can you remain invincible in the competition?"

Chu Yi asked: "Then do you have any other plans?"

Zheng Xin chuckled: "Of course, do you know that there is a kind of practitioner in this world called the ancient Martial Artist?"

Chu Yi asked in confusion: "What does the ancient Martial Artist have to do with us?"

Zheng Xin explained: "Of course it does matter. We can sell the training techniques! For example, your Body Refining technique called Thousands of Hammers and Hundreds of Refinements can be sold!"

Chu Yi shook his head and slowly said: "No, this technique can only be practiced by Xinghuo people." He was deep in thought and frowned slightly.

In the world of cultivation, many practitioners are eager to find a method that suits them so that they can make faster progress on the path of cultivation. However, most exercises have strict requirements on the qualifications of practitioners, which discourages many people.

However, the Body Refining method of "Thousands of Refinements" is an exception. This is a derivative technique that Chu Yi learned through practicing Primordial Origin Wuji in his early days. Its characteristic is that it has no requirements for practitioners, but the upper limit is extremely high, even unlimited. This means that even a person with mediocre qualifications can improve his physical body infinitely as long as he puts in enough effort.

This is also the reason why Lin Shaoqi is so crazy about Flesh Refining. In fact, it all stems from his discovery of the magic of the Body Refining technique called "Thousands of Refinements". This technique not only allows the physical body to continuously improve, but also maximizes the body's potential. Whether it is strength, speed or endurance, they can all be greatly improved during practice.

This is also the reason why Chu Yi firmly disagrees with selling "Thousands of Temperings". Although this technique is considered the weakest, it has unlimited potential. Once it falls into the wrong hands, the consequences will be unimaginable and may lead to devastating consequences.

Even the Blue Star people in the Spark World cannot practice the "Thousands of Refinements". Only by passing the severe test of the space portal can they set foot in the Star Fire Continent and practice this secret skill. What's even more rare is that the practice of this skill is free.

As long as you can enter the Spark Continent, it means that all public resources in this land can be shared, including the techniques and moves left by Chu Yi, all of which will be widely disseminated.

Spark Continent is Chu Yi's perfect conception of an ideal society, and the concept of money has no need to exist here. All public resources can be shared by everyone, even Shangguan Lingwei is no exception. In Xinghuo Continent, the concept of equality for everyone is truly embodied.

Chu Yi can learn other people's skills at any time. Likewise, others can learn Chu Yi's techniques from him.

However, it is regrettable that "Primordial Origin Wuji Gong" cannot be printed. Chu Yi tried many times. Whenever he tried to rub this technique, some obscure words would appear. Only Chu Yi himself could understand the mystery. He once planned to teach "Primordial Origin Wuji Kung" to Anna to practice, but it ended in failure.

It seems that the peerless skill "Primordial Origin" is exclusive to Chu Yi and cannot be practiced by anyone else.

The Spark world is currently showing a prosperous scene, mainly due to the public resource sharing model. In this world, talents of all kinds emerge one after another. These kind-hearted people pursue their dreams by sharing resources, practicing skills, and being guided by strong people. However, the only regret is that the number of people is too small, and there are really very few people who can pass the test of the space gate.

"Brother Chu! What are you thinking about? Listen to me!" Zheng Xin's voice suddenly interrupted Chu Yi's meditation.

Chu Yi came back to his senses in an instant, frowned and said: "If it doesn't work, it doesn't work? Selling skills is simply impossible!!"

Zheng Xin quickly explained: "Brother Chu, don't worry! Listen to me now!"

Chu Yi nodded and said, "Okay, you go ahead."

Zheng Xin cleared his throat and said with a serious expression: "I don't want to sell the real technique, I just want to sell a simplified version of the technique, and we can also set up some backhands in this technique to control these people! "

Chu Yi's eyes widened, his expression full of puzzlement and confusion, "Simplified version? Setting up a backhand? To be honest, I don't dare to do this kind of thing that restricts the freedom of life. It's too cruel." His tone revealed expressed firm opposition to this proposal.

Zheng Xin explained patiently again: "Brother Chu, I understand your concerns, but the control I am talking about does not mean directly manipulating others, but influencing them in an indirect way." His tone was full of elements of explanation and persuasion.

Chu Yi asked with confusion: "What do you mean? What is the concept of indirect control?" He hoped to understand the other party's meaning better.

Zheng Xin once again explained in detail: "We can slightly modify the practice method! For example, let the practitioners gradually develop good qualities during the practice, so that those bad people who originally harmed others can become kind people. Chu Brother, with your current level of cultivation, you should be able to achieve this, right?" He hoped that through this explanation, Chu Yi would understand and accept this proposal.

Chu Yi was stunned. He fell into deep thought and thought for a long time. Finally, he slowly said: "This idea! I think we can try it! Okay! Let's do it!" His expression revealed his recognition and determination for this new plan.

Next, Chu Yi and Zheng Xin were busy with their own affairs. Chu Yi's current task is to practice the exercises and simplify them. He decided to divide the book into three parts: upper, middle and lower, so that he could better harvest wealth.

At this time, in the chairman's office of Yishi Building, Chu Yi was frowning and deep in thought. He murmured to himself: "How to use exercises to change a person's personality?" Even for Chu Yi's level, this problem is a difficult problem.

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Chu Yi's mind, and he thought of a unique solution. As a person with soul-based powers, his use of souls has reached the extreme. A confident smile appeared on his face, "Yes, that's the idea! By weakening the effect of Body Refining, it improves the tempering of the soul. In this way, this technique can change a person's way of thinking, and then indirectly change him way of behaving. Yes, that’s it…”

Chu Yi's eyes revealed confidence and excitement. He felt as if he was standing on a huge stage, and all inspiration was surging at his fingertips. He stood up without hesitation, gently suspended his hands in the void, and began his creation.

Following Chu Yi's movements, invisible forces condensed around him and turned into a string of gorgeous dark golden characters, twinkling in the sky like brilliant stars. These characters seem to possess infinite magic, as if they can summon a new world.

His eyes became solemn and focused, and he murmured to himself as he wrote. He understood that the transformation of the "Thousands of Refinements" exercise was not just a simple modification, but required a subtle change in the soul and way of thinking of the cultivator.

Every stroke is full of power and determination, as if writing a secret contract. Chu Yi took a deep breath and seemed to be able to feel the energy contained in those characters flowing around him.

When he completed the first step of transformation, the office was suddenly filled with golden light. Countless flashing dark golden characters were like bright lights, spinning and dancing around Chu Yi, blooming with endless power.

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with excitement, and he realized that the second step was about to begin. He took a deep breath, determination and courage surging in his heart. He stared at the pen in his hand, lifted it slightly, and delicate dark golden characters condensed in the air again.

"Change your behavior to make this skill more perfect!" Chu Yi murmured confidently. There was determination in his brows, and he integrated his soul with this technique and his own way of thinking into it.

The golden light in the office became even brighter, and countless characters burned like fire, exuding a strong aura of power. Chu Yi felt as if he was standing in the center of the storm. Every change he made made this skill more powerful.

When he completed the second step of renovation, the entire office was filled with a mysterious and solemn atmosphere. Chu Yi smiled slightly. He knew that the next third step would be more difficult, but he was fully prepared.

His fingers gently slid across the void, and subtle changes appeared one after another. There was a cold light in his eyes, and he silently planned every detail of the change in his heart. He wants to completely change a person's behavior and bring this skill to its extreme.

"Hehe, here, here, here, everything needs to be changed..." There was a sly smile in Chu Yi's voice. His fingers kept dancing, and these dark golden characters seemed to be jumping.

The light in the office became brighter and brighter, and countless dark golden characters surged like a mighty torrent. Chu Yi felt an unprecedented power, as if the whole world was cheering for his creation.

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