Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 400 Announcement Of The Unsealing Scroll

In the lobby on the first floor of Yishi Building, crowds surged, anxious faces filled with anticipation. They stared intently at the curtain in the center of the hall, hinting that a shocking event was about to take place here.

The curtain slowly opened, revealing a glass cover placed on the stage, with a scroll inside. A delicate bottle appeared on the big screen. The contents of the bottle were difficult to decipher, but the huge words below ruthlessly shocked everyone - Eternal Immortal Gene Potion! Coming soon!

A middle-aged man in the audience said excitedly: "Finally, the eternal immortal gene potion is about to be released!" His voice was full of expectation and longing, as if he had seen a miracle that would overturn the destiny of mankind.

Another young man with an evil appearance whispered to himself: "Eternal Immortality Gene? Is there really such a thing?" His slightly puzzled expression and surprised eyes intertwined, revealing his lack of understanding of this kind of transcendence. The longing and wonder of ordinary medicine.

The evil young man quietly stared at the picture on the big screen, his eyes filled with the desire to pursue eternal life. He thought silently, even a high-level ancient Martial Artist could not achieve immortality, but this potion seemed to be able to achieve this miracle. He was anxiously looking forward to it, hoping to witness the advent of this legendary potion with his own eyes.

At this moment, Yu Feifei came from the backstage. She walked elegantly and wore the uniform black and gold uniform of the Yishi Chamber of Commerce, showing her intelligence and maturity. Her eyes reveal confidence and determination, and people can't help but be attracted by her charm.

Yu Feifei smiled slightly, raised the microphone, and her voice was clear and powerful. Her voice was as gentle as spring rain, but also revealed a firmness and confidence. Under the gaze of the audience, she was like a blooming flower, beautiful and heart-warming, "Welcome all guests, thank you for your strong support to our Yishi Chamber of Commerce this year. What I want to introduce next is, we The most precious and special product of the Yishi Chamber of Commerce. The Eternal Immortal Gene Potion!!"

"Tell me! How do you want to buy it? I'm willing to pay any amount!!" The middle-aged man in the audience shouted expectantly, his eyes full of desire for the eternal immortality gene potion. They were anxiously waiting for Yu Feifei's answer, as if this potion could bring them eternal life and endless wealth.

"Yes! How much does it cost? Our group bought it directly! Even if it is a loan, we still have to buy it!!!" The middle-aged lady in the audience was sitting on a luxurious seat. Her eyes revealed her interest in the eternal gene potion. pursuit. The corners of her mouth raised slightly, as if she had already decided to buy this precious product no matter what. Her strength and determination are impressive.

Yu Feifei smiled slightly, and her elegant voice echoed throughout the venue, like the breeze in the morning, with a hint of mystery and temptation, "The eternal immortal gene potion will be sold in limited quantities after a thousand years. The specific quantity will be notified later!" Her The words seemed to set off a storm, arousing the longing and uneasiness deep in the hearts of the people in the audience.

When people in the audience heard that they could only buy it after a thousand years, they immediately fell into crazy complaints. They were confused and dissatisfied with this decision. Why wait thousands of years? Why limit it? This means they will face more intense competition, which makes people anxious.

However, some smart people finally noticed the unsealing scroll on the stage. A young man pointed at the scroll with bright eyes and said: "Perhaps this scroll is the key. It must be inextricably linked to the eternal gene potion! Otherwise, why would it appear on the stage?" His words were like a seed. , quickly spread among people, triggering a craze to explore the truth.

Inspired by young people, more and more people began to notice the mysterious unsealing scroll on the stage. They speculate that there is a huge secret hidden behind the scroll. The discussion gradually spread, and the atmosphere in the venue was tense and full of expectations.

Yu Feifei's voice suddenly changed from a light and lively tone to a serious and solemn tone, as if it had a trace of mysterious power. Her words flowed in the air like clear streams: "Since everyone is curious about the unsealed scroll, please watch the big screen."

The picture on the big screen changed instantly, showing an ancient and mysterious scene in an instant. A scroll unfolded slowly, like a blooming lotus, exuding a faint fragrance.

On the screen, the ancient scroll was carefully displayed, as if it exuded some mysterious power. The words on the scroll are like slender vines, criss-crossing, as if endless wisdom and secrets are engraved in it.

This scroll is called the Unsealing Scroll, and it is a magical and precious existence. The power it carries is enough to unblock those sealed eternal immortal genetic medicines, allowing humans to regain endless life.

Yu Feifei's voice was accompanied by a hint of nervousness and excitement, "The Unlocking Scroll is the link between mankind and eternity. It carries our exploration of the limits of life and is also our hope for the infinite possibilities of the future."

"Isn't this the unblocking scroll that appeared in the Easter egg session of the first Yishi auction?! It turned out to be the unblocking scroll of the eternal immortal gene potion!!" People complained, and dissatisfaction filled the air. They complained loudly to the host on stage, asking why such an important item was given away so casually.

There was a trace of unbearability in Yu Feifei's eyes, like a waning moon looming in the dark night. She gently picked up the phone, and her voice was low and powerful, as if it was a whisper coming from the abyss, "There are three hundred and eighty-four unsealing scrolls in total. As long as these three hundred and eighty-four unsealing scrolls are collected, it will be enough." It can unblock the eternal immortality gene potion." Her words were like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing endless ripples and making people uneasy.

Yu Feifei's words were like thunder on the ground, shocking the entire upper class society. Everyone showed shocked expressions, and their eyes shone with disbelief. Three hundred and eighty-four unsealing scrolls must be collected to unlock the eternal immortality gene potion. This news is like an invisible high wall, isolating them from the temptation of eternal life. They realized that they were about to face an unprecedented crazy competition.

But at this moment, the young man's voice was like a fierce wind, blowing away everyone's inner peace. Every word he spoke seemed to be filled with endless blood and passion, making people excited involuntarily, "Hahaha! It's not that easy to live forever, let alone three hundred and eighty-four unsealed scrolls. So what if it’s thirty-eight thousand and four hundred unsealing scrolls. That’s eternity!! Just three hundred and eighty-four unsealing scrolls, it’s simply too simple!!”

The young man's voice boomed like thunder, causing ripples in the crowd. That desire for eternal life seems to be an uncontrollable energy that sweeps through everyone's heart.

These upper-class people suddenly realized that they all began to think deeply. This is eternal life! If immortality is so easy, is it still true immortality? At this moment, they began to re-evaluate the scene in front of them, feeling that these three hundred and eighty-four seal scrolls seemed to be no big deal.

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