Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 399 The Special Characteristics Of Business Laws

After Chu Yi reached a bet with Lin Shaoqi, he turned around and left resolutely, leaving an atmosphere of silence. His eyes revealed firm determination, as if he had anticipated what was to come.

At this moment, in a mysterious space, everything is filled with a mysterious and weird atmosphere. The dim light barely illuminated a corner of the space, but the entire space was extremely stable, and even those with the power of space could not escape. Only people with higher spatial attainments than Chu Yi can break through.

Chu Yi stared at the man in front of him, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. He asked calmly: "Who are you? Why do you want to destroy Blue Star?" His voice was full of calmness and inquiry.

When the man in black robe saw Chu Yi, a crazy light flashed in his eyes. He roared as if Chu Yi was his old enemy, "Chu Yi! You human ant! You deserve to die!" His voice was full of anger and hatred, There seems to be an ulterior secret.

"Huh?" Chu Yi frowned. He felt that the tone of this man's words seemed familiar. "Are you Mo Aotian?" There was a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Hahaha..." The man in black robe laughed crazily, "I am Mo Batian now, and the former Mo Aotian is dead long ago! I am Mo Batian now!!!" The corners of his mouth raised, and his eyes looked up. Revealing a hint of fanaticism.

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, his heart full of surprise, "Are you really Mo Aotian? Why are you still alive?" His voice was full of curiosity and questioning.

Mo Aotian laughed and said, "Why am I still alive? Why should I tell you!" There was a hint of disdain and mystery in his laughter.

Chu Yi's eyes became as sharp as a knife, revealing a cold killing intent. He raised his hands high, and suddenly a terrifying pressure began to squeeze Mo Aotian!

"Ah ah ah..." Mo Aotian's scream echoed in the air, as if he was the representative of suffering in the world. His body was tangled in Chu Yi's palm, like an ant unable to struggle.

Mo Aotian's body began to collapse, and his bones made a terrible crunching sound, as if they were torn rags. His eyes were filled with pain and despair, and the last glimmer of hope in his life was gradually extinguished.

Chu Yi's voice was full of cruel teasing, "Your fate is in my hands. As long as you confess, maybe I will give you a glimmer of hope." There was an unpredictable light in his eyes, as if hinting at something more. Dire consequences.

"Save me! Save me!!" Mo Aotian's eyes were bleeding, like two blood-red gems, revealing an endless despair and pain. His voice seemed to be sending a cry for help to some mysterious being, but it seemed to have been ruthlessly ignored.

Chu Yi frowned, his eyes revealing deep doubts and uneasiness, "Tell me! Who is behind you!!"

"Hahahaha..." Mo Aotian laughed wildly, his expression like a sad and beautiful picture, vividly depicting endless suffering and despair. Although his heart was filled with endless pain, he still firmly refused to reveal the truth, "I can't possibly tell you! Chu Yi! Just wait for destruction!! Hahahaha..."

"Hmph!!" Chu Yi snorted coldly, with determination in his eyes, "If that's the case, then go die!!" He transformed into a God-killing Spear without hesitation, and Chu Yi's energy instantly radiated from the gun. Extremely sharp light. The light flashed with cold light, like a bolt of lightning, piercing towards Mo Aotian.

However, just when the tip of Chu Yi's spear was about to touch Mo Aotian, a mysterious demonic energy suddenly emerged around Mo Aotian. This demonic energy filled the air, exuding a strange and depressing aura.

"This is! Hongmeng Heavenly Demon's demonic energy!!" Chu Yi's eyes widened and he looked at the scene in front of him in shock. He almost couldn't believe his eyes, because that demonic aura turned out to be the signature feature of Hongmeng Heavenly Demon.

The demonic energy spread rapidly like black mist, tightly wrapping Mo Aotian in it. A trace of anxiety flashed in Chu Yi's eyes. He clenched the God-killing Spear in his hand tightly, but found that he had no time to react. Seeing Mo Aotian being rescued by that demonic energy, Chu Yi felt an indescribable sense of loss in his heart.

"Alas..." Chu Yi sighed softly. At this moment, he knew that he and Hongmeng Heavenly Demon had no Law Manifestation. After all, Hongmeng Heavenly Demon is a Hongmeng-level existence. Even after being weakened and eroded by the long river of time, it is still extremely powerful. The key is that the methods of these Hongmeng Heavenly Demons are extremely weird, and they seem to be truly unkillable beings.

Chu Yi said to himself: "I still have to improve my strength as soon as possible. First, I will raise the realm of Martial Dao to the realm of the Holy Ancestor, and then practice the business practice to the extreme and understand the secret of the law of business. In this case, I will Qualified to fight the Great Principal Golden Immortal!”

The Law of Business Dao may not be the most powerful among many laws. It can be said to be one of the last. However, the Law of Business has a unique feature, that is, the word "Shang".

For ordinary people, business Tao may just refer to the way of doing business to make money. But the Law of Business is different. It can directly communicate with the will of the universe, the will of the world, the way of heaven and even the Great Dao.

The benefit of understanding the laws of business is that it enables the practitioner to communicate with the beings of the universe. While other people were pursuing the power of combat, those who practiced business discovered a way to communicate with heaven and earth.

This is the law of business! An extremely special law!

Three hours later, the bright night of the Sky City looked particularly beautiful in Chu Yi's eyes. The brightly lit Yishi Chamber of Commerce headquarters towers into the sky, shining with an exciting light. Countless gorgeous airplanes flew across the sky, and the colorful neon lights illuminated the entire city, like stars in the sky.

The crowds of people surged in front of the headquarters of Yishi Chamber of Commerce, forming a lively and prosperous picture. Noble celebrities shuttled among them and walked into the headquarters elegantly. Their manners and speech reveal a sense of confidence and superiority, as if this is their world.

These upper-class people have money like a torrential river, but what they long for is that unlimited life. At the Yishi Chamber of Commerce, they found this opportunity, and these genetic medicines became their hope. They are willing to do whatever it takes to gain the secret of eternal life.

With the implementation of the annual Supreme plan, Yishi Chamber of Commerce has become a new hot spot in the upper class. These upper-class people poured into the exchanges of Yishi Chamber of Commerce at all costs, like crazy ants. Crazy consumption, hoping to maintain advantages and continue their power in this ever-changing society.

Those enterprise groups at the bottom of the Blue Star 500 have already been submerged by this consumption frenzy. They cannot afford this pace of burning money and are forced to lag behind in market competition. Although those companies ranked high on the Blue Star 500 are still strong, they also feel weak.

The Yishi Chamber of Commerce has become a bellwether for the upper class, and everyone hopes to change their destiny by purchasing genetic potions. In this hot market, people's desires and ambitions continue to expand. In front of the gate of the Yishi Chamber of Commerce headquarters, it is like a bustling market, where people are vying to communicate and trade, and they are full of competition and jealousy. This is the palace of power and wealth, as well as the stage of human desire.

At this moment, Chu Yi was standing on the broad rooftop of Yishi Building, feeling the subtle fluctuations in the air. Starlight falls in the universe. It is an unprecedented energy, a smart and mysterious force, like a new life in the universe.

"The fusion of the universe has actually caused the fusion of spiritual energy and vitality to form a brand new energy." Chu Yi took a deep breath, endless thoughts surging in his heart. He clearly felt that this brand-new energy allowed ordinary people to practice the power of ancient martial arts while practicing supernatural powers. This wonderful fusion gives them more powerful and diverse powers.

Chu Yi stared at the sky, with a bright light shining in his eyes. He realized that the source of this energy should be related to the fusion of the two worlds. When spiritual energy and vitality blend with each other, the secrets of the universe will gradually be revealed, and he is standing at the key of it all. He closed his eyes, his body trembling slightly. He could feel the energy flowing through his body like an invisible river. He knew that he was standing on the edge of the fusion of the universe, facing a rare opportunity.

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