At this moment, Sky City, Yishi Chamber of Commerce, is in the chairman's office.

Chu Yi leaned on the soft chair, crossed his legs and placed them on the desk without restraint. There was an expression of leisurely contentment on his face, as if the whole world had surrendered to his fingertips. The sun shone on him through the glass window, shrouding him in a warm glow.

"I heard that a love that is too ideal should never be touched... I heard that anything that is too ideal should never be touched..." He couldn't help but start singing a song. The song echoed in the empty office, as if he was talking about all the people in the world. An untouchable and beautiful tribute.

Suddenly, Anna's smile was as warm as the spring breeze blowing on her face. She walked out of the research room gently, with a hint of provocation in her eyes. She stared at Chu Yi and teased: "Hey, you are an old man over two hundred years old, do you still want to fall in love?"

"Hehe..." Hehe smiled and cast a teasing look at Anna, "You are not an old woman over two hundred years old, and you still talk about me? Although you have the appearance of twenty years old, you can't hide the fact that you are over two hundred years old. The old heart..."

Anna put her hands on her hips angrily, with a cute expression of dissatisfaction on her face, like an angry kitten, "Humph! Ayi, you actually dare to call me an old woman. When I break through the barrier and get out, I will teach you a lesson." pause!"

Chu Yi laughed loudly, looking at Anna's angry little face, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and expectation in his heart. He teased softly: "Waiting for you to come out? You are comprehending the law, right? You are in the critical period of breaking through the Great Principal Golden Immortal! Understanding the law is not an easy thing. It may take tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands. Year. By that time, I am confident that I will surpass the Great Principal Golden Immortal! It’s still unclear who will suppress whom by then!!"

But at this moment, Chu Yi suddenly became focused, as if he sensed something, as if the whole world had stopped. He frowned tightly, with a hint of uneasiness and nervousness in his eyes, and murmured: "What's going on! Is Blue Star about to explode? Blue Star's star core is trembling, Xiaona, can you feel it?"

Facing Chu Yi's nervous expression, Anna immediately retracted her previous indifferent expression, and her eyes became firm and serious. She took a deep breath and confirmed that her sensing was not wrong. Blue Star's star core was really trembling. "Yes! I also felt it. Blue Star's star core was trembling. It seemed that there was a war going on. Ayi , do you need me to go?"

Chu Yi shook his head gently and said to Anna: "You are just a clone and your strength is limited. It is better to stay here and make genetic medicine! I will go there!" His tone was firm and decisive.

Anna suddenly stopped Chu Yi and asked curiously: "Ayi, what's the name of the song you just sang?"

A smile appeared on Chu Yi's face, and he replied softly: "Who knows the heart of a prodigal?" After saying that, he disappeared instantly, as if he had turned into a gust of wind.

Anna looked at the direction where Chu Yi disappeared, feeling warm in her heart. She murmured softly: "It's so cute. You are such an adult, and you are still a prodigal?" She smiled softly, feeling Chu Yi's firmness and courage, as well as his soft but firm heart. Only now did she realize that Chu Yi actually had such a lovely side, and the image of this prodigal son became more real and lovely in her heart.

At this moment, in the underground black market, the man in black robe had been beaten beyond recognition by Lin Shaoqi. His black robe was soaked in blood, like a bloody wreck. The once majestic mask had been blown away, revealing a ferocious and twisted face.

"Why are you still alive!" Lin Shaoqi said in surprise. After so many Qilin Fists, you are still not dead! This person’s vitality is so powerful!

The man in black robe coughed up a mouthful of blood and laughed painfully. His voice was hoarse, like a dying beast.

"Cough cough cough cough..." He kept coughing, but he showed a ferocious madness, "I am immortal! No matter how you torture me, you can't kill me! Come on, let Blue Star Completely collapse! Hahaha..."

"Ah! I still don't believe it. I can't kill you today!! Go to hell!" Lin Shaoqi clenched his right fist tightly, and his power gathered together, as if a terrifying unicorn shadow condensed behind him. . This punch is his most powerful blow!

"Hahaha! Come on! This way we can completely destroy Blue Star." The man in black robe was lying on the ground, his face filled with crazy joy, and an evil light flashed in his eyes. His chest rose and fell with laughter, as if endless power was surging. His laughter echoed throughout the room, like a roar from hell.

"Hmph!! As you wish!!" Lin Shaoqi's fist streaked through the air like a meteor, bringing up a gust of wind. His eyes flashed with angry fire, determined to completely defeat this man in black robes. His fists exuded a hot aura, as if they could turn all evil into ashes.

"Stop, Brother Shaoqi!! This will destroy Blue Star." Chu Yi's figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Shaoqi, wearing a dark gold robe. He held the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler in his hand, which exuded a mysterious light. There was a sense of solemnity and determination between his brows, as if he was the guardian of heaven and earth.

The Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler exuded an extremely powerful aura in Chu Yi's hand, like a sacred barrier. When Lin Shaoqi's fist came into contact with the Hongmeng Sky Ruler, there was a deafening roar, and the entire Blue Star seemed to be shaking. The power of the Qilin King Fist was completely blocked by the Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler, and not a trace escaped.

Chu Yi frowned and stared at Lin Shaoqi in front of him solemnly. There was a deep worry in his voice, "Brother Shaoqi, your mind has been affected by this guy!! His purpose is to use Your power will destroy Blue Star!"

Lin Shaoqi's eyes gradually became clearer under Chu Yi's gaze, and he seemed to have regained his consciousness. In an instant, all the strength in his body burst out again, like a powerful energy, completely clearing away the invisible and qualityless mental influence.

Chu Yi stared at Lin Shaoqi closely, and the worry on his face gradually turned into concern. He asked in a solemn voice: "Are you feeling better now?"

Lin Shaoqi replied with lingering fear: "Brother Chu! Fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!"

Chu Yi took a deep breath, and the expression on his face gradually relaxed. He understood that the crisis just now had passed, and Lin Shaoqi had escaped from that terrible mental influence.

"It's all my fault for this man in black robe! You dare to affect my spirit, damn it!!" Lin Shaoqi's eyes instantly turned to the position of the man in black robe. I saw that the man in black robe who was lying there dying just now disappeared. "I actually let this kid run away! How disgusting! This space ability is really difficult to deal with!!"

Chu Yi waved his hand and said firmly: "Brother Shaoqi, leave this to me! I have locked the man in black robe into my spatial cage, and he can't escape."

Lin Shaoqi said with a smile: "Okay! Then I will go back to the Spark Realm first. Brother Xuanyuan seems to be in love! And he is still an ordinary person! I am really curious! Go and have a look..."

Chu Yi also asked curiously: "Brother Xuanyuan is actually emotional? How is this possible?"

Lin Shaoqi explained: "It's the girl named Yu Feifei!"

Chu Yi's eyes widened and he said in surprise: "Yu Feifei? It's impossible! That's Brother Xuanyuan, will he be emotional? Absolutely impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

In Chu Yi's view, Xuanyuan Yi has always looked like a serious and reliable big brother in the past two hundred years. Although he is not good at expressing emotions, he is known for his stable and reliable character. His cultivation has been following the rules, and his realm has steadily improved. He had also heard that many girls in the Spark world had confessed to Xuanyuan Yi, but Xuanyuan Yi had not accepted them! Therefore, Yu Feifei has no reason to make Xuanyuan Yi emotional!

Lin Shaoqi said firmly: "Brother Chu, based on my understanding of Brother Xuanyuan, he must be attracted to the girl named Yu Feifei. I bet that they will be together in another ten years!"

Chu Yi shook his head and said: "Impossible! They can't be together."

Lin Shaoqi raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay! Let's make a bet. If you lose, how about you find me a girlfriend?"

Chu Yi looked at Lin Shaoqi's naked upper body, which was also covered with countless scars. He shook his head and said, "Can you put your clothes on first? Girls may not like such a naked look."

Lin Shaoqi shrugged disdainfully and said confidently: "This is a real man! Look at these perfect muscle lines and perfect figure. After so many years, why hasn't a girl chased me? What? Tell me, do you dare to take a gamble? Are you afraid of losing? "

Chu Yi couldn't help laughing and said slowly: "Okay! I'll bet with you! But what if you lose?"

Lin Shaoqi responded with firm eyes: "There is no way I can lose!"

Chu Yi smiled and said thoughtfully: "What if? I mean, what if you lose?"

Lin Shaoqi is full of confidence and firmly believes that he is the person who knows Xuanyuan Yi most thoroughly in the world. He said unceremoniously: "If I lose, I am willing to accept whatever you do, what do you think?"

Chu Yi waved his hand and replied calmly: "Forget it, this is against the rules of the Spark World. If you lose, you must serve the Yishi Chamber of Commerce for a full hundred years, how about it?"

Lin Shaoqi raised his head without hesitation, his eyes were firm, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He said firmly: "Okay! It's a deal! When the time comes, you can't regret it if you lose!"

Chu Yi smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay! It's a deal!"

When Lin Shaoqi and Chu Yi's fists collided, a strong momentum broke out instantly. There was a glow of confidence in their expressions, as if they were already the victorious party.

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