Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 397 The Difficulty Of The Underground Black Market

The sound of the battle between Lin Shaoqi and the man in black robe was like thunder, shaking the sky. Earth Shaker. Every confrontation was accompanied by a huge roar, like a landslide, making the entire underground black market feel uneasy and trembling.

With every fierce collision, energy fluctuations erupted between Lin Shaoqi and the man in black robes, sweeping through the entire underground black market like a violent storm. People could not bear this terrible power and fled in all directions, leaving a chaotic scene behind. The figures of Lin Shaoqi and the man in black robes shuttled through the black market like lightning, releasing astonishing energy in every confrontation.

"Look at my Qilin Fist!!" Lin Shaoqi's Qilin Fist was extremely powerful, and the wind of the fist roared past, as if thousands of troops were running wildly. His boxing moves are unpredictable, and each move contains infinite power and wisdom, as if an exquisite picture is unfolding before his eyes.

"Human ants, you are really capable! Die!" But the dark flame of the man in black robe was full of evil and destructive power. These flames exuded majestic dark energy, making the surrounding air heavy, as if they were going to swallow up everything. As his hands danced, dark flames danced like the devil's tongue, making people shudder. The eyes of the man in black robe were full of indifference and cruelty, as if he was not a human being, but a demon from hell.

The moment the two powers met, they formed a dazzling fire, illuminating the entire underground black market. In the light of the fire, the villains hiding in the darkness were exposed one after another. They watched this earth-shattering battle in horror, their hearts filled with awe and fear.

Lin Shaoqi's body was filled with endless fighting spirit, and he was not afraid to start a brutal duel with the man in black robe. Every collision of fists and feet brought about earth-shaking force, shaking the surrounding buildings to the point of collapse. Smoke and dust filled the air, as if it was the end of the world. However, there was no flinch in Lin Shaoqi's eyes, there was only endless desire to fight in his eyes.

This battle was like the cruelest showdown between heaven and earth. Two strong men launched a shocking contest in the black market. Their fists and feet clashed, each time releasing astonishing power, destroying everything around them beyond recognition. In this battle, Lin Shaoqi and the man in black robe transformed into two unshakable mountains, confronting each other and never bowing.

Three days passed by in a hurry, but the scene of the underground black market had changed beyond recognition. The fierce battle between Lin Shaoqi and the man in black robe ruthlessly revealed the truth about the undercurrent of this black market. Nowadays, the smell of blood permeates the air. Whether it is good or evil, innocent lives have been swallowed up by the flames of war, and the darkness at the bottom of the black market has once again emerged.

The center of the underground black market is in dilapidated condition. Dim lights illuminate this gloomy place, and the cracks and stains on the walls make people feel the ruthless ravages of time. Abandoned goods were scattered on the ground, like forgotten memories, reflecting the desolation and desolation of the place.

"The warm-up is over! It's time for the real battle!!" Lin Shaoqi clenched his fists with both hands and twisted his neck, with a look of fighting intent. His eyes were fixed on the man in black robe, and he exuded a strong aura. Every movement he made was full of strength and determination, as if he had foreseen victory in his heart.

"Aren't you afraid of destroying this Blue Star?" The man in black robe laughed, his laughter full of ridicule and disdain. He glanced at Lin Shaoqi contemptuously, his eyes showing disdain and contempt for him. He seemed to be implying that no matter how hard Lin Shaoqi tried, he could not change the upcoming ending.

Lin Shaoqi said nonchalantly: "This Blue Star is not my home, why should I care?" His voice was calm and firm, revealing a detached attitude. He is not bound by outside opinions, he only focuses on his own goals and mission.

The man in black robe smiled evilly, with a mysterious light shining in his eyes. There was a sense of confidence and arrogance in his voice, "Are you sure you still want to fight me? You can't beat me!!" There seemed to be an unshakable power in his words, which made people can't help but respect him. doubts about its strength.

"Haha! How would you know if you haven't fought before! I don't have any special moves! Come on!" Lin Shaoqi's body suddenly jumped into the air, and like the power released by a tight spring, he rushed towards the man in black robe. His figure was as fast as lightning, and for a moment, the surroundings seemed to freeze, leaving only the confrontation between him and the man in black robes.

"Qilin King Fist!!" Lin Shaoqi waved his fists fiercely, and a huge unicorn shadow appeared. The phantom of the unicorn continued to grow around him, exuding a heart-stopping aura, as majestic as a real unicorn coming to the world.

"I told you that you can't beat me, but I have the power of space!" The man in black robe sneered, thinking that he could easily avoid Lin Shaoqi's attack through the power of space. However, when he used the power of space, he found that it failed. A confusion filled his heart, and his confidence collapsed instantly, "How is it possible!! The power of space cannot be used!!"

"Bang" a deafening punch sounded, like the sound of bones breaking, and the man in black robe instantly spat out a mouthful of blood. His body was hit by Lin Shaoqi's fist, flying straight out like a cannonball, and finally smashed into the ground, leaving a deep ravine.

"Cough cough cough..." The man in black robe was covered in blood and kept coughing up blood. He muttered to himself in disbelief. He couldn't accept this fact, it was impossible, this was absolutely impossible! His mouth was filled with endless consternation and regret, and he had great doubts about his own judgment, "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!"

Lin Shaoqi moved his neck again, with a boring smile on his cunning face. He looked at the man in black robe as if he were looking at a powerless insect, and said contemptuously: "You are so weak! You are not even half as strong as Brother Xuanyuan! However, I said I will beat you until you can't stand it! I’m a person who always means what I say!”

Next, Lin Shaoqi's fists came like a storm, the speed was dizzying. Every punch carried Lin Shaoqi's powerful power, hitting the black-robed man like a cannonball.

"Bang bang bang..." Countless punches to the flesh resounded through the ears, like war drums on the battlefield, stirring people's hearts.

With the violent storm of fists, the ground began to crack and gravel scattered, as if it had experienced an earthquake. The man in black robe lay weakly on the ground, his body was covered in blood and flesh, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe. He felt the severe pain caused by each punch, and his internal organs seemed to be torn apart, making him almost unbearable.

"Don't fight! I surrender!! Please let me go!" The man in black robe, struggling on the edge of pain, begged frantically for mercy, his voice was shrill and desperate, his eyes were full of fear and despair, and he could no longer bear it. This kind of torture.

"Hmph!! No! I'm going to fight!!" However, Lin Shaoqi turned a deaf ear, his eyes full of fighting desire. He continued the bombardment with his fists without mercy, each time bringing more severe pain to the man in black robe. He seemed to have turned into a fighting madman, completely immersed in the pleasure of this kind of blow.

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