After ten long days, Chu Yi finally returned to the Blue Star in the parallel universe.

His heart was filled with expectations for this familiar yet unfamiliar world, and he stepped lightly onto familiar land.

Xinghuo City is a place full of prosperity and vitality.

Chu Yi stood in the center of this city with many tall buildings, feeling the hustle and bustle here.

People rush by, vehicles drive, and neon lights flash, creating a unique and fiery urban picture.

Fatty's eyes flashed with excitement when he saw Chu Yi's appearance.

During this period of time, he had been worried about Chu Yi's safety. Now that he finally saw him returning safely, the worries and uneasiness in his heart were swept away.

Chu Yi walked towards the fat man, with a hint of mystery and excitement in his eyes.

He whispered to the fat man quietly:

"Fat man, you know, I discovered a beautiful place during this period of time." The fat man raised his eyebrows curiously and motioned for Chu Yi to continue.

Chu Yi said softly:

"That place is called Nothya Star. There are no superpowers there, there is no war, and it is in peacetime. They study technology and genes, and there are very few superpowers." The fat man was fascinated by what he heard, and a trace of yearning and longing flashed in his eyes.

Chu Yi looked at the large group of people approaching him, and couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in his heart.

He glanced at those familiar faces, Nangong Shirong, Zheng Xin, Lemurnia, Tang Xiaoxing, Dongfang Yurou, Ouyang Xialan, Zhou Yunxin, An Qianliu, Chen Chenghao, Ruiyu, Sun Tao, Yuting, Wei Qianyang , Luo Haitao, Shi Bufan, Kong Yuling, and Mo Ziyi, they are all people Chu Yi knew in Blue Star and the parallel universe.

He was overwhelmed by the gratitude that surged through his heart.

With tears flashing in his eyes, he took a deep breath, trying to suppress his inner excitement.

The fat man looked at Chu Yi's expression, with a proud smile on his lips:

"Hey, Brother Chu, knowing that you are coming back, everyone wants to come and see you!" He said, his voice showing respect for Chu Yi.

Chu Yi smiled slightly, raised his hand and patted the fat man on the shoulder:

"Thank you, really."

Zheng Xin walked to Chu Yi and gently patted his solid shoulder, and the warm power spread through the touch.

Chu Yi's eyes were warm, feeling the sincerity of brotherly love for many years.

They looked at each other and smiled in tacit understanding. Words could no longer express the emotions in their hearts. Only tacit understanding and actions could express:

"It was actually my fault that Blue Star was destroyed!" Chu Yi inadvertently expressed his inner self-blame, his eyes revealing deep regret and pain.

At that moment, he felt the huge cost of his past mistakes, and guilt pierced his heart like a sharp knife.

Chu Yi was still brooding about that incident. He often couldn't sleep at night, recalling his original choice and departure, and scenes flashed in his mind like a movie.

He understood that if he had not left at the beginning, Blue Star might not be in such a situation.

Regret and sadness were intertwined, making his heart hurt like a needle.

"Don't worry, no one blames you. As long as you are here, we have hope." Zheng Xin's voice was full of determination and encouragement.

He knew that Chu Yi had been struggling with self-blame and guilt, but their brotherhood could not be shaken by any mistakes.

Zheng Xin's words gave Chu Yi a sense of comfort, letting him understand that as long as they unite together, any difficulty can be overcome.

Chu Yi was moved by Zheng Xin's encouragement and support, and his eyes were slightly moist.

He bowed deeply to them and expressed his innermost gratitude and determination with his actions:

"thank you all!"

Chu Yi cheered up instantly. Instead of the sadness just now, there was only firmness and extremely firm will. His voice had a hint of determination and madness, as if he had made a major decision:

"Okay, I won't say much more, now I have something important to announce!!"

After a long time, the heavy door of the secret conference room slowly opened, revealing a faint light.

Chu Yi stood at the door, his mysterious and firm eyes revealing his determination, his voice was low and powerful:

"It's time we get out of here."

The fat man frowned and asked suspiciously:

"Are you going to Nothiya?" His voice was full of curiosity and expectation for the unknown.

Chu Yi smiled slightly, the mysterious expression on his face was elusive:

"No, but yes."

"I'll go! I believe in Chu Yi, and I believe that if we unite as one, we will be able to create a beautiful world!"

This sentence was like a bomb, causing a huge shock in everyone's hearts.

When everyone expressed their willingness to go to the Spark Domain, their faces revealed a determined light.

Everyone understands that this is not just an opportunity, but also a responsibility and trust in the world created by Chu Yi.

Chu Yi continued, his voice low and solemn, as if an invisible force was conveyed from his words:

Lemurnia frowned, her eyes showing disbelief and confusion, and she said to Chu Yi:

Chu Yi walked toward them slowly, his voice gentle but firm:

"Master, does creating a world really exist?" Her eyes were filled with expectation and confusion, as if she was searching for the truth.

This sentence seemed to contain endless mysteries, making everyone wonder.

Zhou Yunxin clenched her fists tightly, and there was a firm force in her voice:

"Honey, you heard me right, it's to create a world!!" Fatty's eyes showed firm determination, as if he had found the meaning and mission of life.

Chu Yi looked at the people around him, with a firm and confident smile on his face. He said calmly and steadily:

"Now, I solemnly invite everyone to step into the Spark Realm and build our common world."

"I'll go too! I'm willing to work with everyone to create a future that belongs to us!"

Tang Xiaoxing's eyes exuded the light of stars, with surprise and shock in his eyes. He stared at Chu Yi with a hint of disbelief in his voice:

The fat man declared loudly without hesitation:

Their eyes sparkled with desire for the unknown and courageous determination.

The fat man's eyes widened, and he almost murmured in disbelief:

Lemurnia smiled slightly, her eyes flashing with confidence and determination:

"I'm not forcing it, I just hope you can join."

"Holy shit, Brother Chu, you really did it, so awesome!" His voice was extremely excited, as if he had seen an incredible miracle.

"This is impossible, this is unscientific. It is impossible for humans to create a world. Otherwise, how can we explain the Big Bang?" There was a hint of challenge and disbelief in her voice, as if she was close to the edge of the truth.

They are willing to take on the responsibility and explore unknown territories.

The fat man looked at Nangong Shirong, with a proud and excited smile on his face, and he replied in a firm and warm voice:

"Incredible, I can't see it at all!!!" There was an inexplicable awe and admiration in his voice, as if he had witnessed an incredible miracle.

Nangong Shirong followed closely behind, her eyes flashing with determination and expectation:

"I created a world, the Starfire Realm."

At this moment, there was a tense atmosphere in the conference room, and everyone's eyes were full of confusion.

His shouts echoed in every corner of the conference room, as if celebrating Chu Yi's great achievements.

Nangong Shirong frowned, with doubts and confusion in her eyes. She asked the fat man in a soft voice:

"I'll go, I believe in Master!!"

"Fat man, what do you mean? I created a world. Did I hear it wrong?" Her voice was filled with uneasiness, as if she was afraid that she was falling into an illusion.

Zhou Yunxin stood in front of Chu Yi, her face full of doubts and confusion. She looked at Chu Yi with a hint of doubt in her voice:

"Everyone, please be patient. Although the Spark Domain is not complete yet, it is enough to live in." There was a kind of determination and confidence in his voice, as if he had seen a future full of possibilities and hope.

"Brother Chu, I, Qin Tianzhu, am going!!"

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