The opening of the space-time channel in the Spark Domain is like a mysterious door slowly opening.

Chu Yi clenched his fists, with a firm light shining in his eyes. He stepped into the passage, and with a faint light, he disappeared at the end of the passage.

The fat man jumped excitedly, and he jumped into the time and space channel impatiently.

Everyone stepped into the passage one after another, their steps firm and full of expectation.

At the end of the passage, the Spark Domain appeared in front of everyone.

This is an extremely mysterious place that was transformed into a magnificent continent by Chu Yi.

In the vast wilderness, green forests spread, rivers flow, and the vibrant scene is intoxicating.

The Spark Domain exudes a pure natural atmosphere, and the air is filled with the aroma of flowers and plants.

Birds sang happily, and the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves, dotting the earth.

Above the vast continent, a magnificent planet floats quietly.

It is like a bright pearl. This planet was purchased by Chu Yi at the Star Chamber of Commerce. He placed it in the Spark Domain and became the most dazzling existence in the starry sky.

Chu Yi has already transformed this planet, but he is not satisfied with this. He plans to continue transforming this planet to make it more perfect.

Regarding the two forms of continent and planet, Chu Yi could not make a conclusion. He felt that both had their advantages and characteristics, so he decided to try two methods in order to find the most suitable solution.

Starfire Domain, a vast continent, and endless scenery unfolded before Fatty's eyes.

The fat man felt it for a moment and said excitedly:

"Brother Chu, have you noticed that this Star Fire Domain seems to contain spiritual energy, and you can practice here!"

Chu Yi answered Fatty's questions with a smile, his face filled with confidence and expectation:

"Of course, the potential of Spark Domain is huge, but it will take a long time to fully develop and grow."

"Have you seen that vast continent? It will continue to expand, expand endlessly!"

The fat man looked at the vast continent, full of doubts in his heart.

He felt that there were only a few dozen of them here, which was too few.

There was a hint of helplessness and worry in the fat man's voice:

"But there are only a few dozen of us here, which is really too few."

Chu Yi frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he came up with a solution:

"You can reproduce! You and Nangong Shirong can try to have a child."

The fat man smiled awkwardly:

"Brother Chu, you put it lightly, it's not that easy to have a child."

A trace of thought flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he continued:

“Beyond that, we can attract more people from outside here.”

In an instant, Chu Yi's body was suddenly filled with powerful energy, sweeping through his body like a volcanic eruption.

He clenched his fists tightly, determined to open the space-time channel.

A terrifying energy burst out from Chu Yi's body, spreading around like a surging wave.

The boundless energy fluctuations made the surrounding air seem to be solidified, making people feel chilly.

The Spark Domain began to shake violently, the earth seemed to be shaking, and the cracks in the space between the stars became more and more clearly visible.

At this moment, the entire domain was enveloped in a tense and exciting atmosphere.

In an instant, two mysterious gates of time and space slowly opened in front of Chu Yi's eyes, emitting endless brilliance.

Chu Yi explained patiently:

"These two gates of time and space are gates of time and space to the outside world. You can go to the outside world at any time..."

Chu Yi made the seal with both hands again, and his fingers moved the seal flexibly, as if playing an ancient and mysterious piece of music.

Countless Primordial Origin marks condensed between his fingers, and they shone with dazzling light, as beautiful as stars.

These Primordial Origin marks contain the power of time and space and are connected to the Starfire Domain.

An exquisite small space-time channel is formed.

Chu Yi explained to everyone that with these Primordial Origin marks, one can freely enter and exit the Spark Realm, which is very convenient.

The fat man looked at the small Primordial Origin mark and asked in surprise:

The fat man couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and exclaimed in disbelief: This is simply incredible!

Mr. Li caught a glimpse of Chu Yi's arrival from the corner of his eyes, and his eyes suddenly lit up. His body seemed to have infinite vitality:

“My original intention in doing all this is to create a safe space where we are safe from the risk of intrusion.”

The Spark Domain will be the new home and will no longer be disturbed by the outside world...

"I'm living well, I just heard that your world has suffered some troubles..." His words revealed his worry and concern for Chu Yi.

Mr. Li's eyes flashed with curiosity and expectation, and he smiled slightly:

Mr. Li smiled slightly and gently put down the tea cup in his hand. His eyes were a little sad:

"Just tell me whatever it is." His voice was full of trust and respect for Chu Yi.

"Brother Chu, how on earth did you do this! I can't believe it! This little mark is actually a time and space channel!!!"

"Actually, this is the fusion of the powers of time and space to create these magical time and space channels."

"I have evacuated all my personnel from Xinghuo City. Now Xinghuo City is in urgent need of someone to take over."

Chu Yi took out one alien core after another from the space ring, and the number was unbelievable.

There was calmness and calmness between his brows, as if the baptism of time had made him more calm and calm.

"Haha, these are for your practice, I have more here!"

Chu Yi sighed softly, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes:

He has tens of millions of alien cores, which is simply an astonishing number.

"Mr. Li, long time no see. How are you?" His eyes showed concern for Mr. Li.

Therefore, after careful consideration, everyone unanimously decided to stay in the Spark Domain to practice.

"Okay, Mr. Li, there's no need to mention these things anymore. I came to you because I have some things to discuss." There was a trace of determination and firmness in his voice.

Chu Yi continued to add:

This scene is so amazing that one can’t help but marvel at the horror and mystery within it.

However, Chu Yi disappeared in front of everyone and came to the outside world.

Chu Yi smiled and said:

The fat man said to Chu Yi with emotion:

Chu Yi used the power of space, his body was like electricity, instantly transmigrated time and space, and came to Mr. Li's home.

Chu Yi smiled slightly, stared at Mr. Li, and asked gently:

"Brother Chu, where did you get so many good things from?"

"Chu Yi, you're here! It's been so many years!" His voice revealed joy and surprise.

Chu Yi no longer wanted to repeat the tragedy of the past. Whenever he thought of the destruction of Blue Star, there was an indescribable pain in his heart.

The energy fluctuations released by these alien cores are simply terrifying!

Chu Yi shook his head gently and interrupted Mr. Li's words:

Chu Yi smiled and said:

In the courtyard of the courtyard, Mr. Li sat quietly at a wooden table full of historical charm, sipping a cup of fragrant tea.

It is still the simple and quaint courtyard house, exuding traces of time.

These heterogeneous nuclei pile up together to form a huge mountain, exuding endless energy.

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