Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 295 The Fear Of The Will Of The Universe

Deep in the universe, an extremely powerful will spreads out, like the radiance of endless stars.

This power does not come from any physical existence, but symbolizes the laws and order of the universe.

It is called the will of the universe. It is invisible and has no quality, but it carries unshakable authority.

The will of the universe is like a huge invisible mirror. Through it, all those who violate the rules will be ruthlessly wiped out.

Countless creatures tremble under its oppression, not daring to violate the order of the universe.

However, just now, the will of the universe encountered an unprecedented challenge.

Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable, a mysterious and powerful being, instantly defeated the will of the universe with unparalleled power.

This unexpected victory frightened and surprised the will of the universe, which could not understand what kind of power this being came from.

The will of the universe cannot help but ask itself:

"Could it be an existence from the universe next door? But it seems impossible. After all, I am the highest law of the universe."

"Could it be...from a more mysterious existence?"

No matter what the answer is, the will of the universe has realized that it is not invincible, and its dominance is under unprecedented threat.

The future of the universe has become unpredictable and tense, because a new force is quietly rising, challenging the absolute rule of the will of the universe.

This is a subversion of the rules in the universe, a struggle for power, and the will of the universe will face an unprecedented test.

The voice of the will of the universe echoes in the void, as shocking as thunder.

Its voice carries a kind of anxiety and helplessness, like a lonely boat trapped in a whirlpool.

It feels the approaching crisis. The world created by humans is constantly devouring its power. The will of the universe realizes that it is about to fall into eternal stagnation:

"No, I can't go on like this. The world created by humans is constantly devouring my power. If this continues, I will stop moving forward..."

At this moment, the universe has stopped expanding, like a flower that has just bloomed, ruthlessly deprived of life at its most beautiful moment.

The trajectory of the stars stagnated, and the growth of the universe was ruthlessly cut off, as if time had also stopped at this moment.

At this moment, the universe seemed to have lost its pulse of life, and silence enveloped the endless starry sky.

Chu Yi's Spark Domain is like a bottomless pit, greedily devouring the power of the universe.

Countless twinkling stars are absorbed by it, and the energy of the universe flows continuously towards this ruthless black hole.

The will of the universe feels unprecedented despair and terror. It cannot stop all this and watches its power being ruthlessly extracted.

There is a hint of helplessness and powerlessness in the voice of the will of the universe.

Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable is so powerful that it makes the will of the universe helpless.

The will of the universe fell into a deep dilemma, thinking about how to deal with it, but facing this unpredictable opponent, it felt unable to make a move, as if it was lost in endless darkness.

The voice of the universal will is steeped in fear and anxiety.

It knew that it had to find a way to reverse the situation. The will of the universe fell into the abyss of despair. Its thoughts were tumbling, as if being swallowed by endless darkness. It kept calling for answers:

"No, I have to find a way, but!! That person is too strong, what should I do!!!"

"It seems like this is the only way to go..."

At this moment, Chu Yi embarked on the journey back to Blue Star with excitement.

He needs helpers, and in his heart, Yang Tianxiong and others are undoubtedly the best choices.

After all, Yang Tianxiong is not only the curator of the Galaxy Martial Dao Museum, but also an experienced teacher.

At this moment, Nosia Star, Nosia Gene Academy.

Anna's home is simple and modern, full of technology. A huge starry sky painting hangs on the white wall, which seems to connect the entire room to the distant universe.

Through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, sunlight shines into the interior, reflecting a bright and warm atmosphere.

Ana sat attentively at the desk, frowning slightly, and tapping the keyboard softly with her fingers.

The computer screen displayed complex genetic sequences, and she was thinking about how to decipher these codes that concealed the mysteries of life.

The surrounding bookshelves are filled with thick scientific books, each of which is carefully labeled and annotated. In the corner of the room, there is a high-tech genetic analysis instrument.

The surface of the instrument shines with blue light, looking like a technological product from the future.

Her steps were light and every movement was smooth and graceful, as if she exuded an irresistible charm.

"Hello Anna, I am Ye Yuyi."

"Omniscient and omnipotent? Real or fake?"

Anna gradually felt attracted to this woman named Ye Yuyi, and she couldn't help but ask:

Ye Yuyi nodded confidently:

The words of this strange woman made Anna feel a little uneasy, as if she knew everything and hid some incredible power.

"I am omniscient and omnipotent..."

Anna is working on a genetic plan for immortality.

An elegant woman walked into the house. Her long hair was carefully combed into wavy waves. She was wearing a long black dress. The hem of the skirt fell down like a waterfall and gently brushed the ground.

A bouquet of bright roses is placed on her workbench. The petals are delicate and shiny, as if conveying the power of life to her.

"You? Can you really do it?"

An unfamiliar knock on the door broke Ana's thoughts. She raised her head, with a trace of curiosity in her eyes.

Anna stood next to the instrument and carefully observed the flow of data on the instrument screen. Her eyes revealed a firmness and determination, as if she had found a clue to solve the problem.

Her slender hand hovered in the air for a moment, like a blooming flower, gently reaching out to Anna.

She stood up, walked to the door, and said softly:

"How do you know my name..."

"Who is it? Please come in."

Her voice was like the spring breeze blowing on her face, soft and warm:

Anna's room is quiet and comfortable, with a faint floral fragrance filling the air.

The door slowly opened, revealing Anna's curiosity.

"Of course, there is nothing in this universe that I can't do."

Anna's mood began to fluctuate, and she felt a strong curiosity burning in her heart. She couldn't help but ask:

"You are the head teacher of Class 18 and the wife of Dean Chu of Nosia Genetics College. Is it strange to meet you?"

The slender eyebrows were slightly raised, outlining a pair of smart eyes.

Ye Yuyi smiled and said:

"Ye Yuyi, do you have anything to do with me?"

Ye Yuyi still kept smiling and said teasingly:

Her eyes are deep and bright, as if she can see through people's hearts.

"I can help you realize the eternal genetic plan."

There was a smile on her face and a mysterious light in her eyes.

Anna couldn't help but frowned alertly, and she asked doubtfully:

Those eyes are deep and bright, seeming to contain endless wisdom and experience.

This sentence was like a pebble thrown into Anna's inner lake, causing ripples. Anna's pupils shrank slightly, and she asked in disbelief:

Her lips were slightly upturned, revealing a sense of confidence and charm.

Anna stared intently at this strange woman. This woman's face was like a work of art, flawless.

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