Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 193 The Power Of Gods And Demons, Primordial Origin Wuji Gong Breakthrough

Under the protection of the angel A Qing, Chu Yi's practice in the sacred pool gradually became stable.

Chu Yi's body was like a vibrant tree, deeply absorbing the mysterious energy contained in the pool water.

Demonic patterns and divine patterns were intertwined on Chu Yi's body, forming a bright and gorgeous pattern.

These lines are like twinkling stars in the sky, each representing endless magic and power.

A divine and demonic power surged in Chu Yi's body, and his eyes revealed a trace of perseverance and determination.

With every breath he took, he could feel the unstoppable force growing vigorously in his body, as if it wanted to completely integrate him into one body.

During the process of cultivation, Chu Yi's body continued to emit mysterious energy fluctuations, like brilliant rays of light, lighting up the surrounding air.

His body temperature gradually increased, as if he had become a living furnace, burning with the power of gods and demons.

Chu Yi's body was gradually covered by the power of gods and demons, and his skin was like a thin film, shining with mysterious light.

In the process of cultivation, Chu Yi's body was gradually baptized by the power of gods and demons, and his appearance gradually glowed with a sacred and majestic temperament.

His eyes were deep and bright, as if he could penetrate all fog and see the truth clearly.

Chu Yi roared loudly:

"Break it for me!"

The sound roared in the air like thunder, as if it was about to tear the entire world apart.

The air around his body suddenly became thicker, as if an invisible mountain was pressing down on him.

Primordial Origin Wuji Gong made his power increase by leaps and bounds, reaching unprecedented heights.

Primordial Origin Wuji Gong, successfully reached the forty level.

With the surge of power, he felt as if he had transformed into an invincible god and demon, possessing endless power and energy.

The power of gods and demons flowed along his meridians, and every inch of his skin was filled with sacred and majestic light.

Chu Yi laughed loudly:

"Hahaha! How wonderful!"

With a wave of his hand, a powerful force of gods and demons formed a Tai Chi-like vortex, spinning continuously.

At this time, Anna caught a glimpse of Chu Yi:

"Ayi, have you finally completed your cultivation?"

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Well, it seems that I have gained another extraordinary power!"

Anna said excitedly:

"In the past month..."

Chu Yi asked in shock:

"What? A month? I've been practicing for a whole month?"

Anna answered affirmatively:

"Yes, I came out half a month ago."

I saw that Anna now exudes pure divine power and is even more powerful than before.

And at this moment, Anna is already in a state of unity between gods and demons, but the divine power tightly suppresses the demonic power.

Chu Yi asked gently:

"Xiao Na, how do you feel now?"

Anna hugged Chu Yi's arm and said softly:

"I feel very good, this sacred power is very powerful, and I feel like I am about to break through!"

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Very good!"

Chu Yi continued:

"Let's go! I don't know what's going on with the Spark Empire now."

Anna obediently agreed:


Soon after, Angel A Qing looked at Chu Yi and Anna.

"Are you leaving? Don't you want to stay on Angel Star for a few more days?"

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Yes, the Starfire Empire needs me."

Ah Qing nodded and said:

"That's right, Chu Yi, you are now the emperor of the Spark Empire."

Chu Yi laughed boldly and said:

"Haha, Ah Qing, welcome to our Spark Empire as a guest!"

Anna looked at Ah Qing and said gratefully:

"Ah Qing, thank you. The divine power has helped me a lot."

Ah Qing waved his hand and said with a smile:

"You're welcome, I will open the wormhole corridor to Blue Star for you."

In an instant, the wormhole corridor exudes a mysterious and alluring light, like a jade belt inlaid with starlight, ethereal and gorgeous, exuding an irresistible attraction.

Chu Yi stared at the magnificent wormhole corridor in front of him, his heart filled with emotion.

Once upon a time, he never imagined that he would have the opportunity to witness such a beautiful scenery with his own eyes.

Chu Yi and Anna waved to Ah Qing and said:

"Goodbye, Ah Qing! If you have time, remember to come to Blue Star as a guest!"

Ah Qing also said goodbye with a smile:

"I'll be there……"

After a long time...

Blue Star, Starfire Empire, center of Starfire City, Chu Yi's home.

Chu Yi hugged Anna tightly, and the two lived a life of extremely loving couple. Their emotions burned like flames and were displayed unabashedly...

Anna smiled and said:

Chu Yi asked:

"Xiao Na, how is the development of genetic technology?"

Anna muttered angrily:

Chu Yi decided to go to the New Human Empire to purchase some supernatural potions after a while. He was eager to obtain these magical potions.

"Do you know what happened at that time? At that time, all the countries in the world were chasing me, and I was very dangerous."

Anna shook her head and explained:

Chu Yi nodded with satisfaction. This progress was completely in line with his expectations.

Chu Yi is very concerned about the technology of genetic medicine, which is a top priority.

After all, ordinary people cannot enjoy longevity! He knows the cruelty and ruthlessness of time.

Chu Yi nodded and gained some understanding:

"Fortunately, Lemuria and Bai Zhixue provided us with genetic technology, otherwise it would have taken a long, long time for us to do our own research on the Spark Empire."

"Honey, if I hadn't done that then, who would you be with now?"

"If the Bes starship hadn't attacked ten years ago, we probably wouldn't have been able to come together."

Chu Yi frowned and asked:

Anna thought for a moment and said seriously:

Anna narrowed her eyes and asked coquettishly:

Anna smiled and said:

"By the way, how far has the Spark Empire's technology developed now?"

Chu Yi responded with a smile:

Chu Yi fell into deep thought, frowning and thinking:

These potions can turn ordinary people into true superpowers, which is what the Starfire Empire needs most urgently at the moment.

"Husband, tell me, why did you reject me in the first place?"

He needs to make everyone in the Starfire Empire strong.

"I see, so what's the situation with the alien beasts?"

"Ayi, since you suppressed them forcefully, they have become more compliant. They are all gathered in Australia and do not pose a threat yet."

"But who knew you were so fast, even our clothes were burned by you, I couldn't hold it back at the time, hahahaha."

"Great scientific and technological progress has been made now, and we already have basic interstellar space technology."

"Gene technology is progressing slowly, and the equipment for manufacturing genetic medicines is simply too dead."

"Let me think about it! Let me think about it, it might be..."

"Husband, what are you still thinking about? Are you thinking about the alien from Ram Star?"

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows:

"It's not that simple. Although we have mastered the relevant technology, it will take time to implement it, and it will take some time to build an interstellar battleship."

Anna smiled playfully and said:

"Oh? Aerospace technology? In other words, we already have our own interstellar battleship?"

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