Soon after, the angel A Qing brought Chu Yi and Anna to the Sacred Pool.

When they stepped into this place, they felt as if they were in a fantasy world, and the sight before them was breathtaking.

The Sacred Pool is actually a lake. The surface of the lake is as calm as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds and the beautiful surrounding scenery.

The color of the lake is like a gem-like blue, so clear and transparent that people can't help but want to immerse themselves in it.

The breeze blows and the water ripples, as if the lake contains endless vitality and energy.

The flowers, plants and trees by the lake exude a charming fragrance, and all kinds of bright flowers are blooming, like a colorful picture.

There are also exquisite pavilions on the lakeside. The eaves and corners of the pavilions are carved with exquisite patterns, revealing an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Angel A Qing led Chu Yi and Anna onto a white stone bridge.

The stone bridge is covered with exquisite patterns, like a passage leading to a mysterious world.

When they walked on the stone bridge, they could feel the slight vibration under their feet, as if the pulse of the earth was communicating with them.

There are also some stone-paved paths around the lake. People can walk along the paths, enjoy the lake view and feel the beauty of nature.

The lake is surrounded by lush woods, and the birds in the woods sing happily on the branches, as if cheering for this sacred pool.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, creating colorful light and shadow.

There are also exquisite angel sculptures beside the lake. The sculptures are lifelike and seem ready to move at any time.

It gives people a feeling of tranquility and peace, as if gods really exist in the lake.

Angel A Qing took Chu Yi and Anna to immerse themselves in this fantasy and sacred world. They felt an endless tranquility and mysterious power, as if they were integrated with the entire universe.

They closed their eyes involuntarily, immersed in the beauty of this sacred pool, and felt the miracle of life.

Chu Yi couldn't help but sigh:

"I didn't expect that such a wonderful place actually exists in the world."

"Is this the place where we can solve the problem of demonic power?"

Angel Ah Qing said mysteriously:

"Not only that, the sacred pool of our angel clan can quickly increase your strength and at the same time give you sacred power."

"This kind of power is the natural enemy of the devil's power!!"

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with excitement:

"I see, it seems we are really blessed! Anna, let's go in quickly!"

Anna responded immediately:


So, Chu Yi and Anna jumped into the sacred pool without hesitation.

In an instant, Chu Yi felt an extremely powerful sacred force tightly wrapping him.

His body began to change, his skin became smoother and his body became stronger.

The divine power was injected into his body, making him feel unprecedented power and energy.

Anna was also wrapped in divine power, and her eyes revealed firmness and determination.

The two looked at each other, their eyes revealing their desire and expectation for the future.

However, at this moment, the angel Ah Qing suddenly said solemnly:

"Sacred power cannot be controlled at will, so be careful."

This barrier is like an indestructible copper wall, blocking the powerful force released by Chu Yi and preventing it from destroying everything around it.

The divine patterns contained sacred energy. When he stared at the divine patterns of divine power, his eyes revealed a kind of confidence and pride, as if nothing in the world could block his path.

Fine ripples of sacred power surged on his skin, like a thin layer of sacred armor, protecting him from the outside world.

In addition, he practiced the Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu, a heaven-defying skill, which made his devouring speed reach a frightening level.

"No! Chu Yi's power is too strong. If this continues, I'm afraid the entire Sacred Pool will be completely destroyed."

Angel Ah Qing clenched his fist tightly:

Behind her, a pair of white wings spread out, emitting a dazzling light.

The collision between the divine pattern and the magic pattern caused a terrible explosion, and Chu Yi's surroundings were instantly enveloped by strong energy fluctuations, making people worried about his fate.

The divine pattern on Chu Yi's left hand shone with divine light, but the magic pattern on his right hand exuded a sinister dark aura, making his hands a place where light and darkness intertwined.

This divine pattern is dazzling, like stars, and every pattern exudes divine light.

Chu Yi's eyes shone with a mysterious and deep light, as if there was endless wisdom and insight hidden in them. It was the injection of divine power that gave him the ability to perceive Transcendent.

The Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu began to take effect, and Chu Yi felt a strong attraction coming from his body. He worked hard to guide these two forces to himself to maintain balance.

At this critical moment, Chu Yi felt a strange energy collide between his divine patterns and magic patterns, as if two powerful forces were fighting each other.

"I understand, thank you, Ah Qing!"

"Holy power, protect!"

Primordial Origin Dao Body greedily swallows the sacred power like a bottomless pit.

The dark power of the magic pattern and the sacred power of the divine pattern collided in Chu Yi's body, as if two forces of heaven and earth were engaged in a silent contest within his body.

Chu Yi's body gradually became extremely bright and dark, and his eyes flashed with the shadows of angels and demons, giving people a mysterious and weird feeling.

Chu Yi said gratefully:

Chu Yi closed his eyes tightly, and his whole body exuded a powerful aura. He knew that he must run the Primordial Origin Wuji Kung at this moment to absorb and balance these two opposing forces.

The sacred power flows in Chu Yi's body, like a delicate galaxy, shuttling between his blood vessels, filling his body with incomparable vitality and strength.

With every absorption, Chu Yi's body seemed to burst out with dazzling light, with divine power injected into it, like thousands of stars blooming in his body.

Divine power flows through his limbs and bones, and every muscle is full and powerful, exuding an unparalleled power and majesty.

Angel Ah Qing shouted low, and she did not hesitate to condense the sacred power into an invisible barrier, tightly wrapping the space around Chu Yi.

As a result, Chu Yi's whole body was constantly absorbing divine power.

The divine pattern of divine power gradually appeared, like a gorgeous rune carved on the back of his hand.

The surrounding air seemed to have solidified, and powerful energy surged around the angel A Qing.

Gradually, Chu Yi felt a sacred power pouring out from his heart and flowing along his meridians to his left hand.

Every feather on the wings shone with divine brilliance, adding solemnity and majesty to her body.

The existence of this divine pattern made Chu Yi feel a powerful force surging in his body, and his body seemed to have gained a higher level of awakening.

These are the wings of an angel, symbolizing her purity and strength.

Angel Ah Qing's expression changed:

His body is like a black hole, exuding infinite attraction, absorbing the sacred power contained in the sacred pool in every detail.

Angel A Qing stared at Chu Yi intently, her eyes filled with determination and firmness, like tenacious stars shining in the dark sky.

They are criss-crossed and formed an extremely gorgeous pattern, like a gift from the gods.

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