Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 194 Qin Haoran Returns, Speculation

One sunny day, Chu Yi's house suddenly welcomed a jaw-dropping, yet unexpected guest - Qin Haoran.

Qin Haoran said boldly:

"Ah haha, Chu Yi, I didn't expect that you have achieved so much now. You established the Spark Empire and became the first emperor. That's great!"

Chu Yi also laughed and said:

"Brother Haoran, you are finally back. Have you resolved the issue between time and space?!"

The luxurious living room exudes a rich aroma, and the golden chandelier hangs high, reflecting the spacious and bright space.

Chu Yi and Qin Haoran were sitting on soft leather sofas, which complemented the luxurious environment.

Anna was wearing an exquisite long dress, and her graceful figure seemed to have stepped out of a painting. She personally served some fruits and tea to the two of them.

Qin Haoran glanced at Anna curiously and found that her appearance was somewhat similar to the daughter of the Great Emperor of the Bear Kingdom that he had seen before, but she was more demure and charming, giving people a feeling of gentleness and nobility.

Qin Haoran asked curiously:

"Who is this? Why does it look a bit like..."

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"This is my wife, Anna."

Qin Haoran looked at Anna with slight surprise and found that her temperament was completely different from before, as if she had transformed into a more mature and confident woman, and said in surprise:

"You are Anna, the daughter of the Great Emperor of the Bear Country. Although she looks a bit like her, you are completely different from before. Chu Yi, you are really lucky."

Chu Yi asked:

"Brother Haoran, did you find anything in the gap between time and space?"

Qin Haoran said:

"There are indeed some findings, but I'm just stuck in the guessing stage and can't be sure."

Chu Yi asked:

"Brother Haoran, what is your guess?"

Qin Haoran explained:

"The space gap may be the intersection of the two worlds, but I'm not sure."

Chu Yi said in surprise:

"Two worlds? Is it another universe?"

Qin Haoran responded:

"It's just my guess at the moment. In the past ten years, many monsters have emerged from the cracks, but I have successfully stopped them."

Chu Yi's heart tightened under Qin Haoran's words.

A look of solemnity appeared on Chu Yi's face. He knew full well what changes the existence of the multiverse would bring.

And he can freely travel through parallel universes.

Chu Yi's eyes showed determination. If Qin Haoran's guess was true, then the Spark Empire would face a war again.

Chu Yi asked Qin Haoran:

"Brother Haoran, how strong are those monsters?"

Qin Haoran replied:

"They are very weak, with the highest being only Rank Six, and the strongest being only Rank Nine."

Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief:

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved."

Qin Haoran added:

"I suspect that as time goes by, the monsters in the gap will become stronger and stronger, but at the moment I can't determine where the limit is."

Chu Yi frowned and thought deeply:

"We must contain them as soon as possible! We cannot let these monsters come to our world."

Qin Haoran thought for a moment and then suggested:

"Chu Yi, I think we should add some more people and send them to guard the gap between time and space."

"This will not only allow them to gain experience, but also protect the safety of civilians!"

Qin Haoran continued:

"Chu Yi, look at the ten years I have spent in the cracks of time and space, how far my cultivation has reached."

A majestic aura erupted from Qin Haoran's body, and in an instant, he exuded a planet-level powerful aura.

This kind of momentum is at the planetary level, more powerful than Anna. Although it is slightly weaker than Chu Yi, it is probably only at the level of planetary Rank Five.

Qin Haoran's cultivation speed was not inferior to Chu Yi at all, which made Chu Yi determined.

Chu Yi said with a smile:

"Brother Haoran, I will send you some superpowers who have reached Rank Nine. You can lead them to guard the gap between time and space. How about it?"

Chu Yi said to Anna affectionately:

"My dear, could you please go to the Arctic ice area and call Chu Yiyi and others?"

Anna is not only Chu Yi's wife, but also his assistant and capable secretary. She is responsible for handling many trivial matters.

Because only Anna can Chu Yi rest assured that she is his own woman after all.

Anna responded happily:

"No problem at all!"

As soon as Anna's words came out, it was like a ray of light flashing quickly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, the speed was elusive.

Anna's current speed has exceeded the speed of light countless times. She is so fast that she can't even imagine it.

Chu Yi couldn't help laughing and said to Qin Haoran:

"Brother Haoran, I'll give you a surprise later."

Qin Haoran asked puzzledly:

"What kind of surprise? It's so mysterious."

Chu Yi said mysteriously:

"Hey, brother Haoran, you'll find out later."

A moment later, Qin Haoran looked at the three hundred and sixty-four women in front of him, feeling shocked in his heart.

Chu Yi said calmly:

"But how are those two people doing now?"

Qin Haoran answered confidently:

Qin Haoran laughed loudly:

"I see, it turns out you still have such a story."

Anna suddenly realized:

"I feel that this Qin Haoran is more powerful than Senior Xiao, much more powerful!"

"Haha, that's awesome! How about it?"

"Yes, Master."

Chu Yi pointed at Qin Haoran and said to Chu Yiyi:

Chu Yiyi said respectfully:

At this moment, at Chu Yi's home, Anna asked with confusion:

"They are still in the Antarctic Hell, they should be safe."

Behind him are three hundred and sixty-four people, like a huge army, determined to create an immortal legend.

"It's wonderful, so many women!!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Anna's eyes:

In this way, Qin Haoran took Chu Yiyi and 363 other people on a journey to suppress the gap in time and space.

"I wish you good luck, Brother Haoran!"

"Master, please give me your instructions."

Chu Yi smiled proudly and said:

"Haha, Chu Yiyi, let's go!"

"Of course, the first time I saw him was in the Antarctic Hellfire ten years ago..."

At this moment, Chu Yiyi saluted Chu Yi and said:

Chu Yi smiled and said:

" this??? They are all Rank Nine superpowers, and they are all women?"

Qin Haoran said in shock:

Qin Haoran said excitedly:

"Don't worry, of course it's no problem! I'm very familiar with the gap between time and space."

Chu Yi laughed loudly:

"My dear, is this Qin Haoran the person you said can defeat me? He is really strong!"

"This is my brother, Qin Haoran. You will follow him to guard a dangerous place."

"Of course, he is the first awakened person of Blue Star, so it is natural for him to have such strength."

The long wind blew Qin Haoran's long hair. With determined eyes, he embarked step by step on the journey to suppress the gap between time and space.

Chu Yi blessed:

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