Aura Hunter

Chapter 622

After hearing this, Wei Meng frowned, and immediately swept his eyes through the telescope to the outside of the second carriage of the "Sky Train" in the distance.

Sure enough, as Ou Ke said, he then saw some unexpected scenes inside.

At this moment, I saw dozens of silhouettes dressed as clowns running back and forth in the spacious carriage.

Some people are clutching their broken limbs and screaming, some people are moving towards the first carriage with horror on their faces and fleeing in embarrassment, while more people are aiming at the abyss The eroded third carriages poured out their respective Aura techniques offensively, directly turning the second half of the huge train into a mini-battlefield of indiscriminate bombardment.

However, even though the Joker's firepower continued and was extremely ferocious, the dark flesh attached to the third carriage still showed no signs of fading.

apart from this, under the gaze of the elite hunters, a vague human-shaped black shadow swept out from the depths of this darkness, and immediately became extremely agile. The movement method neatly avoided the clowns' successive attacks, and in a flash, rushed behind the three crazy clowns in the front row of the second carriage.

The next moment, the severed limbs flew around, blood gushing out.

The "spiritual eyes" of the Rat Lord Hunter didn't even have time to see the offensive action of this mysterious shadow, and the three crazy clowns who bore the brunt of it were shattered into pieces on the spot, and they were even on the verge of death. The screams in front of him could not be made, and his blood-colored flesh was like bright red rain showering on the strong shoulders of the shadow.

And the shadow remained unmoved in the slightest, his figure swayed slightly, and immediately moved towards the next batch of mad clowns who were terrified and mistaken and killed.

Watching this bloody battle from across the mountain, Wei Meng's eyes instantly darkened.

With just a few quick observations, he was able to fully conclude that among the fifteen members of the Pleasure Theater who were desperately resisting inside the second carriage, ten deranged clowns were located in the 3rd-layer Nightmare. realm, and the remaining five crazy clowns are located in the 4th layer nightmare realm.

These lunatics not only control myriad's Aura ability, but also hold a variety of relic treasures. I think they must be an elite force with strong quality in the Joyous Theater. Let the experienced Dawn Squad deal with it, and the battle process will not be easy.

However, under the ravages of this human-shaped black shadow, this group of bloodthirsty fighters were beaten and retreated for a while, and it could be said that they were basically powerless to fight back. At the end of the round, three more mad clowns were immediately killed without a whole corpse under the black shadow's hard-to-see melee attack...

Observation Looking at the train battlefield in the distant sky, Shia's eyes became puzzled: "The plan of the Happy Theater must not be in order to lead the way to the Holy Light Pure Land? Why are they now in such a hostile relationship? "

"The abyss species has always been wildly bloodthirsty and difficult to figure out, so I think that even if the crazy clown finds them, there is a high probability that they will not be able to communicate smoothly, so it is not surprising that the current situation has developed ." Errigat gave his answer in a calm tone and calm analysis.

Compared to those crazy clowns who were killed in turn, Firona was more concerned about the unbelievably powerful and eerie shadow: "What is the origin of that shadow? Such a powerful strength, but never before. I saw it in the picture book, is it a new type of body of the abyss? Or is it a nightmare sensor controlled by the abyss?"

"I think it should be the latter, because I vaguely see some from it. Lace costumes, it is estimated that someone in the clown group has been infected by the abyss, so now it has entered a state of runaway." Ouke opened her bright eyes and made it with her extremely accurate intuition. guess.

And when the Dawning Squad on the top of Snow Mountain had a quick discussion about this, the crazy clown inside the three-car train seemed to understand that "they can't handle this abyss at all. The reality of "the disciple", so the stone disk controller at the head end of the train immediately made a decisive decision.


I just heard a loud noise from the dim sky, and then, the last two carriages of the "Sky Train" were on their own with the first carriage. The separation is broken.

Therefore, the lucky clown who retreated to the first car in time was able to follow the stone plate holder headed to continue riding the last single train, making a sharp turn, breaking through the top of the cloud, and escaped. Immediately at the end of the sea of clouds, he disappeared without a trace.

As for those unlucky clowns who didn't have time to get out, they followed the terrifying shadows of the second carriage and the huge pile of pitch-black minced meat in the third carriage. It fell in the snow forest below three kilometers away from the dawn squad entire group.

Boom ——————!

Under the sound of the impact like thunder piercing the ear, the entire snow forest erupted with a large-scale shaking like a tsunami, and the surrounding Snow Mountain was also produced. A series of vibrations, vaguely revealing some signs of avalanche.

Looking down at the raging dust waves in the woods, Ou Ke then said with emotionless expression:

"These clowns are very determined to abandon their companions. Well... no, it should be said that they don't care much about their own lives, right?"

Sia turned her attention to Captain, the agent of the Dawn Squad this time.

"Wei Meng, what are we going to do next?"

Before she asked, Wei Meng's eyes started to change rapidly, and his mind Obviously caught in the intense thinking.

"What would he do if Ye Chen were there instead?"

Wei Meng's heart was the first to make this assumption, and then he began to make assumptions about the current situation. A quick analysis came out.

The shadow has already shown its strengths with its own performance, so it is natural to retreat in time now.

However, our exploration mission this time was originally to detect the enemy's situation, so at least we should be able to collect some information about the clown and the abyss before leaving. It will play a key role in the hunter group's plan to annihilate the clown and the butcher in the future...

"If Ye Chen is still here, he should have a similar idea. Right?"

We keep silent, observe from a distance, wait for them to fight to the death before attacking, or retreat as soon as we see something wrong?

So, with such a way of thinking in mind, although he was uneasy in his heart, Weimon, who was acting as Captain, finally gave instructions to other teammates in a calm manner.

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