Aura Hunter

Chapter 621

Oke and Firona went to the heights of the mountain together. With the blessing of the flying carpet and their flexible skills, they worked closely between the steep cliffs and collected rare plant materials together.

Erigat alone entered the nearby cave, and used his powerful physical strength to move towards the stone wall where the ore gathered, which was a deep dig.

As for Wei Meng and Shia, they stayed on the spot, occupying the commanding heights of the nearby field of vision. The former released a group of scout rats to monitor the wind and grass within a few kilometers, and the latter passed the " The Blessing Mark cast by the Scepter of Blessing continuously replenishes the stamina of busy teammates.

So, in the quietness and peace of Snow Mountain, the day passed so quickly...

Wait until the afternoon is over, and the evening will come, After finishing their work, Oke, Ferona, and Errigat finally returned to Weimon and Shia from different scattered locations with their respective pours of spills of war.

“Haha, although the content of this mission is basically to climb mountains and mountains, mine and harvest, and be busy, but it seems that we are lucky to find a natural treasure in the maze, this time the The reward for the task must not be less!" After a quick count of the team's overall harvest, Wei Meng immediately smiled and laughed to his teammates.

"Okay, it's like we're very relaxed, haven't you been sitting here all the time! This Young Lady is going to be exhausted after flying the blanket all day, so why don't you hurry up for us? Make a fire!" Filona pouted with her hands on her hips and complained to the agent Captain in front of her.

And Ou Ke put her hands on her shoulders, and then smiled and teased in her ear: "Hey, it's just not enough, it seems that your physical strength needs to be improved. ~"

"The guy who hitchhiked on the flying carpet all the way is so embarrassed to dislike my poor physical strength?", Ferona's expression was suddenly stimulated, and then she started a fight with Ou Ke .

Erigat ignored the daily fight between the two, and shook the alloy pickaxe in his hand to Weimon, and expressed his opinion with a slightly tired expression. : "Although it's just ordinary mining, it's really not much easier than normal work from the morning until now. I believe Shia, who has been secretly replenishing our physical strength, also has a deep understanding of this."

Sia agreed without the slightest hesitation: "Indeed, it's tiring for such a long time," and then glanced at Weimon, which meant that only the agent Captain was the most leisurely.

Facing the reaction of his companions, Wei Meng's expression changed for a while, and then he opened his mouth and emphasized: "Hey, haven't I been helping you all the time to send guards around? Don't say so many things. Come on! Come on, let's make a fire now and have a good rest-"

As a result, before the words in his mouth were finished, Wei Meng's face suddenly condensed.

His eyes flickered for a while, then he turned around immediately, moved towards the cliff behind him and ran away.

Seeing that the agent Captain suddenly changed into this appearance, the peaceful atmosphere between the Dawn Squads also ushered in a disappearance.

Ou Ke and the four instantly realized that Wei Meng's group of mice must have found something strange, so everyone immediately stopped playing and quickly followed in Wei Meng's footsteps.

With his teammates quickly reaching the edge of the cliff, Wei Meng quickly took out the telescope and swept his gaze to the sky on one side.

At this moment, in the distant sky as far as he can see, a space gap with a cobweb-like outline and a hazy gray color is quietly emerging.

Witnessing the sudden appearance of such a scene, the expressions of the young elite hunters changed drastically, and then they immediately adjusted their auras, and their professional reactions entered a state of intense preparations.

"Everyone hides at the top of this mountain first to see who is coming out of it."

Wei Meng calmly instructed everyone, and then crouched in the snow. The edge of the cliff, waiting for the gradual formation of the space crack...

After dozens of seconds, when the structure of the space tunnel is completely stabilized, a giant major with rays of light radiates The event immediately leaped out of the chaos on the inside of the tunnel.

It has a rough and slender steel body, the front end is inlaid with a round lamp like the eyes of a giant, and the bottom is continuously extending a dazzling light body long track.

This is a high-altitude three-car train.

After quickly leaving the exit of the space tunnel, it immediately brought a burst of energy engine roars and galloped directly at the snow field below.

With such a clear picture in my mind, the entire group of the Dawn Squad spontaneously appeared with the same conceptual vocabulary.

divine object train...

Pleasure Theater.

Crazy Clown!

However, looking up, everyone immediately discovered another unexpected and strange existence at the end of the slanting train.

The first two carriages of this sky train are full of light and dazzling.

However, only its last carriage, which is now completely dark, has its outer surface eroded by a large pile of swollen and deformed minced meat.

Under the furious charge of the sky train, their bodies continuously disintegrated and shattered, and then at the same time madly proliferated into new flesh and blood, thus in the blue sky. A trail of flesh and blood was dragged between them, which looked extraordinarily filthy and dazzling, as if it was deliberately defiled the entire sky.


Faced with such a change, the faces of the five Weimons suddenly became solemn, and there was a whole new perspective on the current development. awareness.

They obviously didn't expect that what the Squad encountered during the end of this mission was not only the madman organization committing any imaginable misdeed - the Theater of Joy, but also the holy light in the pure land. The enemies of the innumerable living beings - the abyss species.

At this moment, two types of century-old enemies of the Aura hunting group appeared in front of the entire group at the same time!


Wei Meng exhaled in surprise. Although he didn't know the specific situation of the other party, he could still realize the seriousness of the situation and see the abyss. Species, the villagers who were immersed in the abyss and their helpless eyes immediately appeared in his mind...; Seeing the sky train, Wei Meng didn't have an intuitive feeling. He only heard Ye Chen in the past. Knowing how powerful it is, now that Captain is not there, as the agent Captain, he suddenly panics in his heart, and subconsciously, the idea of avoiding and retreating immediately arises.

"It's time for us to go!"

However, Ou Ke's next calm words instantly awakened the confused thinking of his acting Captain.

"Wait, Waymon, they don't seem to be a gang."

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