Aura Hunter

Chapter 623

"Everyone take out the spirit driver first, and prepare to leave at any time in advance. I will send the mouse to the place where the train crashed to investigate, obtain as much enemy intelligence as possible, determine the action plan, and wait until the time is right. When we are mature, we will leave this mountain area at full speed together, and we will fight if the situation is favorable for us. If the situation is unfavorable or difficult to control, we will withdraw. In short, we must avoid fighting the other side in a hurry!" Under Meng's order, the rest of the people followed him to summon out their respective spiritual masters.

Injecting the power of Aura into Lingyu with a skillful method, activating the internal guiding engine, the Dawning Squad quickly completed the preparations before departure.

Afterwards, Wei Meng stared at the distant snow forest three kilometers away, raised his arm slightly, and the scar on the surface immediately changed to a big mouse with light gray scalp, and then he waved it again. He threw his hands directly under the snow cliff.

"Go, scout the master rat."

Following the guidance of the rat master hunter, the giant squirrel with a demeanor harmless to humans and animals immediately turned the chubby rat. The body curled into a ball, forcibly falling to the ground at the bottom of the cliff.


Muffled light sound, I saw it tumbled a few times between the snow, and then it started to speed up vigorously, and ran along the snow slope towards the distant target.

On the cliff, Wei Meng sat cross-legged on the ground and commanded with his eyes closed, while Ou Ke and the others were silent, patiently waiting for his information to come from behind...

A few minutes later, the main scout rat ran and jumped through the snowy forests, and soon reached a small hill with a good view, where he could see the train between the trees ahead. Falling place.

It was a flat snow field.

The slush in the center has been dented by several huge deep pits due to the impact, and the outline of the train carriage can be vaguely seen, but there is no sign of the disjointed carriage. Eliminated the form, turned into countless light particles and dissipated away.

And on the surface around these deep pits, Weimon discovered through the main rat that no crazy clowns survived, only the broken corpses of a dozen clowns, and a large number of well-defined, ups and downs. of dark, deformed flesh.

The corpses of the dead stained the white snow with blood red, and the deformed flesh and blood that kept crawling and crawling around, and continuously covered the bloody snow with layers of filth. and pitch black.

These swollen flesh and blood are like walking in the mud, some are digging the ground, some are eating the trees, and more are tearing open the bloody corpses of those crazy clowns, trying to destroy themselves. It is completely stuffed into it, and it looks like a hermit crab looking for a shell to live in...

Wei Meng's eyes moved with the mouse's eyes, and soon he was at the scene of the train crash. On the other side, I found the terrifying black shadow that killed the clown team.

At this moment, it is sitting on the ground on its knees, holding something in its dark hands, while its lowered head is constantly swaying and heaving, showing a barbaric posture of eating wanton.


Seeing this situation, Weimon held his breath, and then ordered the big squirrel to shift its position gently, which made it even more difficult. Take a comprehensive look at Sombra's true body.

Soon, by changing the angle to observe secretly, he finally saw the true face of the murderous person.

This is a tall and tall human-like creature with most of its body wrapped in dark mud. Its face is covered by a white mask, half of which is a crying face pattern, and half is abyss flesh and blood. , And between the silt cracks of the torso, Wei Meng can clearly see some leather covers and laces similar to bright colors, which are obviously the special clothes this crazy clown wore before he was infected by the abyss.

And now, what this abyssman is holding in his hands and burying his head to eat, is the clown's torso that has just been torn off and is still bleeding.

It is obvious that this clown member has completely lost his mind under the bewitchment of the abyss, and has already regarded all his accomplices as delicacies, even the clothes and bones are spared, so unscrupulous. gorge oneself wrote...

All this was observed in the dark through the mouse's eyes, and Wei Meng's mind immediately began to think rapidly.

In addition to this particularly fierce abyss infected person, there is no other abyss body species, and the situation can't be called particularly severe.

But those dead clowns, after being parasitized by the abyss, must be resurrected as puppets soon.

This place is still not suitable to stay for a long time. It is time to leave. As for what to do in the future, it is up to the top of the hunting regiment to decide.

Thinking at this point, Wei Meng secretly observed the scene of the incident for a few more times, and then planned to let the main scout mouse dissipate and end the reconnaissance operation...

However, in the next instant, an arm suddenly stretched out from behind, but suddenly squeezed the big squirrel's body tightly.


Wei Meng subconsciously manipulated the squirrel to turn his head, and immediately, the pupils of both sides who shared vision suddenly shrank at the same time.

The owner of this arm is no other newcomer...

It is the abyss who gnawed at the corpse of his companion before Weimon's eyes myself.

The rat hunter has clearly kept the observation distance at a safe 50 meters away.

However, it was only a few seconds of sight away, and the silhouette of the other party actually went around behind Weimon's main detective mouse in one fell swoop under the condition of top secret!

How can it move so fast! ?

No, compared to this...

How on earth did it find me————! ?

While turning pale in fright, Wei Meng immediately increased the recovery speed of Aura's power, thus allowing the giant squirrel to quickly dissipate its own body, avoiding leaving behind the abyss infected person. any clues.

However, after looking down at the giant squirrel in his hand that had begun to disintegrate on his own, the abyss infected person calmly raised the other dark palm, and then turned his face. The crying face mask on it was vigorously torn off together with the abyss flesh and blood on its surface.


A series of blood separation sounds followed.

Then, under the gaze of the dying squirrel, a pair of cheekbones is long and narrow, the skull is flat, the upper and lower jaws are particularly protruding, and the facial features are similar to canine creatures, but most of the left side has been removed. It was the wild beast's face parasitized by the abyss tumor, and it was so completely revealed in front of Wei Meng's eyes.


Facing this situation, Wei Meng couldn't help but murmured immediately.

He didn't expect that what was hidden under that crying face mask turned out to be a twisted wolf head.

Link the human torso under the neck to see...

This crazy clown infected by the abyss...

Its predecessor was actually a werewolf!

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