"Is it really okay? "


Ash and Pikachu stood at the entrance, looking at the tense Asahi in front of them, expressing their worries.

Asahi took a deep breath and exhaled slowly—though it didn't ease his nerves at all—and his voice trembled a little under Pichu's worried eyes, but he could still reply firmly, "No problem. "

Really?" Ash was still a little distrustful.

"Ahh Snorted dissatisfiedly, stretched out his hand with his teeth and claws, and put on a fierce and threatening look, "Do you want to be tickled again—— ?

"No, no, no, forget it. Ash waved his hand frantically and quickly retreated to the point of sticking to the wall.

This is a naked threat!

The opposition is now completely gone. Squatting down, he slowly stretched out his hand to Pikachu.

Everyone present swallowed.

Under the gaze of Ash and Pichu, Chao's hand reached under Pikachu's armpit, and then gently supported Pikachu's body with his palm, and finally slowly picked him up from the ground.

"Look... Look at it ! Toward turned Pikachu so that Pikachu's face was facing Ash's, and shouted in a trembling voice, "I'm... Say... Say it's okay... It's okay ! Ash

: "......... Yes, is it ? "

Pikachu Pi. Feeling the hand holding him tremble slightly—no, trembling so badly, Pikachu just felt helpless.

"No problem!


He closed his eyes and shouted through gritted teeth.

... Even so, Asahi wrote all over his face, "If only I hadn't tried to hold Pikachu at that time."

Seeing through the fragile nature of Ash, he nodded perfunctorily, "Ahhh

"No, didn't your mother tell you that she brought her own Pokemon


His mouth was still hard all over his body, his hands and feet were still shaking just now, and he put Pikachu on Ash's hat faster than anyone else when he had a chance to let go, and then immediately moved two steps away from Pikachu - obviously more than two steps, because the whole person was almost stuck to the wall.

At this time, even Pikachu was speechless: "...

"Chao, so are you a night thief salamander?"

The two teenagers searched for prestige, and found Arashi slowly walking over while sorting out the clothes on his body.

"Night thief salamander ? " Ash tilted his head in confusion.

"I remember that this Pokemon was first found on Alola's side..."Chao casually explained to him, and then glared at Arashi unhappily, only to realize that the other party seemed to be planning to go out as well, "Brother Lan?" Where are you going? Lan

squeezed through the court and sat down on the hallway to put on her shoes. He thought about it for a while before he replied vaguely: "Some small duties for the defending champions. ... Sometimes it's like that, and it's quite troublesome. "

“... Eh...... "

The two teenagers didn't know why, so they could only watch each other walk out of the gate and call out to the sun in the backyard to ............... with the other partners

... Hey, what's that white one?

"Towards ! Towards that, what kind of Pokemon is that white with a little red? It looks like it's Soroark! - Could it be a different color? ... But not like ah?

Constrained by the fact that he didn't have a Pokemon Pokédex in his hand, Ash hurriedly shook the temporary Pokemon Pokédex walking on the side.

Shaking his head at the shaker, but in any case, he dutifully took on the function of the illustrated book: "That... Sinnoh's side has been working on ancient Pokemon lately... Hawkers, it used to be called Xicui. Anyway, Soroark at that time looked like that. "

Oh—— ! " Ash let go of Asah, and looked at the white Zoroac who had gone away with Arashi with his eyes shining.

I shook my head, which was almost stunned... Still dizzy.

He patted his temple with his hand, and finally came to his senses, and continued to add: "Although it is said that it will be sent here to breed, in fact, the current Wash Trisoroak has one in Brother Lan's hand... It seems that because the descendants of Soroyak are still modern Zoroya, the difficulties in this regard have not yet been overcome. "


In a corner of the forest, Team Rocket is walking in the forest. Kojiro, who walked at the back, was holding a calm cloth bag in his hand, though it was clearly contained.

But obviously, even Team Rocket himself doesn't know much about this. Musashi, who was walking in the middle, had been glancing in Kojiro's direction from time to time, and finally even walked over and poked the contents of the cloth bag with his hand: "What the hell is this—hey, Kojiro, you know what? ".

"I don't know," Kojiro could only smile wryly, "We've always acted together, you don't know, and of course I don't know." "

Just now, on behalf of the vanguard of Team Rocket, they had their first face-to-face conversation with Surter's liaison. The trio of Team Rocket are all ready to discuss some great plan to change the world - but as soon as they meet, they see the man in the joint holding the cloth bag in his hand (*the one that is now on Kojiro's back) and thinking about something with a distressed expression.

When he saw the trio coming, he casually handed the cloth bag to them as if he had found some convenient solution.

"Think of it as a test. The man waved his hand, throwing the trouble at them with a random excuse, "All in all, just get this guy out of the forest.

Then the man didn't say anything, turned around and left. If it weren't for the fact that the other party still remembered to turn around and express his identity as an "elite member of Sirtr", the three of Team Rocket would even think that they were accosted by some strange passerby...

"So I know that kind of thing!" Musashi looked at Kojiro with hatred, "I mean, open it up and take a look!" "

“... Eh......" Kojiro hesitated, "No, after all, that guy doesn't look like a good stubble... I didn't say if I could show it.

Musashi snorted coldly, and in the face of Kojiro's straw bag appearance, her anger came up suddenly, and she reached out and grabbed the cloth bag in Kojiro's hand: "Coward! We are also villains, who is afraid of whom? Give me! "

“... Eh ? "

Musashi is right! Cats are very curious!

Hearing the commotion behind, Meow Meow, who had long been unable to suppress her curiosity, hurriedly ran to the back, echoed Musashi, and jumped around at Musashi's feet, urging Musashi to open it quickly.

"Knowing Meow, don't be in such a hurry. Musashi's tone, though a little impatient, was still half-crouched.

Meow Meow's height is no match for a human, and if Musashi were standing there, Meow Meow wouldn't be able to see the contents of the bag no matter how much he thought about it.

Seeing that Musashi and Meow Meow were like this, Kojiro knew that his objections were completely meaningless. He sighed, stepped forward, and crouched down in the place that the other two had given him, watching Musashi untie the knots on the sack: "It's certainly not a good thing to be carried casually like this............... Ibrahimovic ? The

sacks were stacked on top of each other, and when Musashi ripped them open at will, a small, shaggy face underneath was revealed.

The fluffy round face, the small nose twitches smartly, and the white neck butter-colored fluff wraps the face, which is even more petite and lovely. And the long ears are pressed against the bag in front of the eyes, making this Eevee like a rag doll, ready to be kneaded.

As if awakened from his sleep, Eevee's brown eyes slowly opened, and the watery eyes purred twice, and finally stopped on Musashi's face.

"Ibrahimovic?" Eevee squealed softly.

... Heart crit.

Musashi only felt that she almost died on the spot, and all she had in her mind was Eevee's cute and pitiful face, and when she came back to her senses, she had already taken this Eevee out of the sack and spun around in circles.

"It's so cute! - "Musashi screamed.

Meow Meow and Kojiro didn't take Eevee's moe attack head-on, and the two males crouched on the ground, one thinking, "This Eevee has a jagged tail, this is a male Eevee......... It's disgusting", and the other wondered, "Why did that guy just throw such a precious Pokemon in a sack like Eevee".

Ibu, who was being held by Musashi, was neither dizzy nor dizzy, and its tail shook a little twice, and it let out a pleasant cry: "Ibui~

" Professional Translator · When Meow heard Eevee's cry, her eyes widened in confusion and she hesitantly translated: "

Meow ? What is this Ibrahimovic talking about, what a big idiot ? "


However, by the time Musashi became vigilant, it was too late, and Eevee smiled sheepishly in her arms, and then opened his mouth. High-speed stars erupted from its mouth and hit Musashi's face.

And at the moment when Musashi let go of his hand after being beaten, Ibu stepped on Musashi's hand and head, and jumped to the ground with two "brushes".

"Ibui~" Ibui pointed his ass at the three of Team Rocket, and wagged his tail defiantly.

This posture can't be said to be aggressive for Musashi, who was hit by the high-speed star just now, but can only be said to be insulting.

Musashi was so angry that he even jumped out of the coffin. She exuded a terrifying aura all over her body, angrily waiting for Eevee, who was wagging her tail defiantly in front of her, and while rolling up her non-existent sleeves, she took out the Poké Ball from her waist and threw it out angrily: "Rice spoon snake, teach it a good lesson! This guy ! has such a cute face, but the personality is so bad! The

huge body of the

rice spoon snake fell to the ground with a shallow slamming sound. Sensing the trainer's anger, the Rice Spoon Snake was obviously a little angry, and lowered his body to intimidate his Ibu.

It was only then that Eevee realized that he had provoked a bad master. It was so frightened that its hair almost stood up, but it suppressed its body with a stubbornness not to tremble, and then howled back twice not to be outdone.

Musashi crossed his arms and stared at the cute Eevee with a very unhappy face: "It's too late to realize that I'm not easy to mess with! Rice spoon snake, using poisonous tail! At

the command of the trainer, the blade-like tail of the

rice spoon snake turned slightly purple, and poison seeped out of it. And the poisonous tail slashed at Eevee, sending Eevee flying into the air.

Then Ievee's figure fell into the bushes and disappeared.

The Musashi anger on the side obviously hasn't subsided, and he's still humming: "Now you know how powerful I am!"

Kojiro and Meow Meow watched in amazement as Musashi and Itochi Snake fought in a quick battle... No, maybe I was just scared by Musashi's fire. In short, when Musashi was almost out of breath, Kojiro dared to raise his hand slowly: "That... Musashi, weren't we asked to send that Ibu out of the forest? "

It's useless for you to knock people away in the forest right now.

He recalled the man's casual attitude, and thought about the grievances he had just received. Musashi immediately became upset again: "Who is that guy! Do we have to do what he said?!

Kojiro weakly continued to persuade: "But Boss Itaki explained that we have to leave a good impression on the other party so that it is convenient for the development of cooperation in the future..."


The name of the plank boss has been moved. In the face of their future, Musashi can only obediently relent. It's just that Musashi is naturally unwilling to bow his head and admit his mistake, so he can only glance at Meow Meow and Kojiro with sharp eyes, and counter-order: "Then why don't you go quickly?"

"Yes !


Even though there are thousands of words in their hearts that they want to complain, Kojiro and Meow Meow can only stand up straight and express their voices loudly, and then run away.

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