"But Mr. Arashi is really strong—" Ash, who had just finished taking a shower, stretched comfortably and said to Pikachu on the side, "Sun Eevee is not good at night fighting, but he is still so strong when fighting."

Pikachu, who had felt it with his own body, nodded approvingly: "Pikapi.

While sighing, Ash and Pikachu have unknowingly walked to the door of Chao's room.

There is a double bed in Chao's room, and it is said that the lower bunk was previously for Arashi to sleep on, but as Arashi grows up, this double bed is also occupied by Chao - of course, today there is more Ash to share.

The door to the room wasn't closed, as if someone had just entered. Ash and Pikachu glanced at each other, and an idea suddenly flickered - they didn't go straight in, but leaned their eyes against the crack in the door, observing the situation inside.

Asah's Pokemon are almost all in the room ... The larger swordsman (*eh, isn't that swordsman a little strange in color?) and Pokkiss took up almost half of the room, while Lucario and Pichu, who were not so big, sat on the lower bunk, staring at the fire Ibu in front of him.

He sat face to face with the fire.

Although Asahi has been a little babbling all the time - but those are more of subconscious performances, strictly speaking, whether in front of Team Rocket, or when he is reprimanded by Miss Misty, or because of the mango popsicle argument, he has a sense of "I know it will go this way, but I still want to do it".

But at this moment, Chao trembled slightly. He bit his lip desperately, a little cold sweat oozed from his forehead, and his eyes stared intently at the fire in front of him.

Fire Eevee was visibly nervous as well, and the flame-like hairs on his body stood up slightly. It took a deep breath, then stood up, little by little, towards the middle of its outstretched arms.

The other Pokemon watching around watched nervously. This atmosphere even infected Pikachu and Ash, who were peeking, and one person and one Pikachu couldn't help but hold their breath.

Asah's hands gradually retracted, showing a gesture of wanting to hold Ibu into his arms. Although it is such an intimate action, Chao's movement is still extremely slow and slow... His hand ran around the fluff of Fire Eevee's hairy, warm neck and covered ............... its back.

... Ah, touched the tail.

Touched to a place where it didn't like to be touched, although Fire Eevee didn't make any big moves, and didn't show an expression of disgust, its body still had a tendency to retreat uncontrollably. Even though Ibu quickly controlled his body, Asah, who had been tense and nervous, felt it.

“ ! "

The whole person almost jumped up from the bed, but he was in the lower bunk, and with such a jump, the Tianling cover came into close contact with the bed board of the upper bunk.


Such a big movement, even if they are on the first floor, Dr. Akaza can still hear it clearly. But apart from being taken aback, the family members of the three dynasties did not show too much worry or surprise, as if this was a very rare and ordinary thing.

Miss Sanwu looked up in the direction of the upstairs and sighed: "... Failed again ?



Towards ! You okay? "



Ash and Pikachu couldn't take a peek any further. They looked at Chao, who was covering his head and curled up on the pillow at the head of the bed, but he still couldn't bear to just look at it from the side, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask about Chao's status.

Chao covered his head and cried out in pain. But in the face of Ash's concern, he still nodded weakly... At the same time, the body shrank a little closer to the head of the bed.

The fire over there is more pitiful. It cautiously stepped forward, trying to lick its trainer's forehead with its tongue, but it hesitated as it looked at Chao curled up in the corner of the bed... Stopped.

Reluctantly, Lucario picked up Ievee from the bed and put him on his lap, thus making way for Ash.

Even afraid that Ash wouldn't understand, Lucario specially patted the bed and let Ash sit in the middle of the bed.

Ash was a little confused, but said "thank you" and sat down on the bed.

It seems that someone separates the strip on both sides, which makes Chao feel a little stable. He rubbed his forehead and smiled awkwardly, then slowly got up.

"I'm sorry... I'm scared of you. Chao said as he stepped out of bed and opened the window on the balcony in his room.

There is a balcony staircase that allows you to walk up and down the room. Ash was still a little curious about what it was built for, but now it is not until now that Pokemon looks at Chao and goes down from the second floor in a variety of ways - some fly, some go directly through the window, some obediently take the stairs, and some go down the stairs halfway down the stairs because their feet are too short and grunt down——, Ash suddenly realized: It turned out to be convenient for Pokémon to enter and exit!

"So cool ! " Ash's eyes lit up and he exclaimed enviously, "Cool eh! It's easy to play with your friends, right? "

When he was in Shinshin, Ash would often go to the Oki Research Institute to see his friends, but he still had to run up the hill for a long way anyway, let alone go and play with them as soon as he opened the door like this.

“... Ahaha, probably. Facing Ash's envy, Chao could only scratch his head and smile awkwardly.

Watching Chao climb back to the bed and pick up the Sun Eevee pillow on the bed, Ash only then combed Pikachu's fur and asked what he had been caring about for a long time: "Speaking of which, Chao, what were you doing just now? ".

... Sure enough, it still came. Chao sighed in his heart: To be honest, there is a reason why he chose that time for desensitization training just now... For example, Ash is taking a shower so that he can avoid the other person or something.

It's not a big deal, but I always find it troublesome to explain... And there is always a subtle sense of self-esteem that haunts Chao's heart, telling Chao, "I always feel ashamed to say it."

“... Sort of... Some childhood shadows for it. Chao was embarrassed and vaguely explained.

Instead of going down with the other Pokemon, Pichu grabbed Asah's clothes and climbed onto top of Asah's head.

Chao pinched his arm with his fingernails for a while before continuing: "I seem to have encountered something when I was a child, and I don't know exactly what happened. Brother Lan said I almost died there or something... All in all, for as long as I can remember, I've always felt that Pokemon was one of those particularly scary monsters. "

So Ash doesn't understand, does he? ... Uh-huh... Ash is from the Kanto place, right? - The myths and legends over there are... Chao tilted his head and thought about it, and then he said "oh", "The big needle bee "brushed" the poisonous needle on his face, and once he got close, he felt that way.

Ash, who had just been chased by a big needle bee in the morning, immediately felt the same way: "It's terrible! ... Don't wait, there are no myths and legends about the big needle bee.

"But King Feng or something, I always feel that I am not very good at attacking people. Asahi shrugged.

Ash and Pikachu instantly retorted incompetently.

Noticing Pichu on top of his head, Ash was a little puzzled: "But Pichu and they are very close to you, because they are partners? ... Eh, isn't the fire Ibu just now the Pokemon of the court?

Chao shook his head: "It's just that we've been together for a long time... Mom and Dad's Pokemon too, it's not so scary after being together for a long time. Furry though also my important partner... But I don't know why, I always feel very nervous when facing Ibu... It's like....

Chao looked up and thought for a moment.

"I was caught by a big needle bee and a circle bear.

In the end, Chao gave a description.

"Ahh It's scary! Stop it! "Pickup pickup!


Faced with Asah's imaginative commentary, Ash and Pikachu could only cover their ears and shake their heads frantically, apparently remembering many not-so-good memories.

Ash and Pikachu's exaggerated acting skills laughed amusefully, and after a while, he wiped the tears that laughed from the corners of his eyes and said in relief: "Although it's just this description... But if the other party doesn't actually attack, okay? It's just a little scared psychologically, and it doesn't affect it much. "

Is it ? " Regarding Chao's statement, Ash was a little unconvinced, "Huo Yibu didn't do anything just now, and Chao jumped away."

As soon as Ash's words fell, Chao's face bulged like a thousand needlefish: "I said that Eevee is a special case, and so is the evolved type! - No, I managed to hug the furry for half a minute yesterday! "


... Eh, it's only been half a minute... Ash's eyes flickered, and he praised a little against his will: "... That's amazing... I can actually hold half of it...-ahhahahahahaha "

In the face of disobedient children, the elite trainer Akaza towards the specially prepared tickle attack! ... Yes! Ash, don't run away! "

Wait a minute, hahahahaha


Miss Sanki pressed her temples, but she couldn't open her mouth with the mask on, so she could only let out a muffled grumble from under the mask: "I always feel like I'm back to a few years ago... At that time, Lan and Chao were so noisy. "

Haha. Dr. Akaza said with a smile while combing the hair of the fairy Eevee, "At that time, Arashi always sneaked up on the Asaha out of the blue. Mr. Chao said, "I must take revenge one day", and the tickle was very bad. Arashi

lay in front of the TV, changing the channel at will. In the face of his parents' ridicule of their brothers, he can now occasionally interject a sentence or two: "Wait until the day when the court can reach my shoulder." "


Above, the tickle battle between the two teenagers has ended at this time. Ash also wanted to fight back, but Helpless Chao was always keenly aware of his intentions, and always squeaked the corresponding arm socket before he secretly reached out... As a result, Ash did not succeed in counterattacking at all.

In the end, it was Pichu and Pikachu who pulled one of them, which separated the two naïve ghosts.

As for the current two, Chao pulled out his badge box from the bedside table, and proudly showed off his achievements this year—yes, actually half a year ago—when he had just finished his trip.

"-Wow ! " Ash looked at the badge box full of eight badges with bright eyes, and said in surprise, "Chao is amazing!" "

It's no wonder that almost all of the Pokemon in the Asahi are evolutionary... Ash suddenly thought. It turns out that he has already had a rich adventure! It's no wonder he has such a good relationship with his Pokemon.

Faced with Chao's record, Pikachu also expressed his surprise: "Pika-

" Pichu stood triumphantly on Chao's head, and wiped the tip of his nose with his small short hand: "

Pichu! ".

Asaya, under Pichu's feet, wiped his nose with the same pride: "Hmph, it's amazing. "

If someone were watching from the side at this time, they would see that these two teenagers were almost identical to their Pokemon.

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