The city of Grace is just a walk through the Vina Forest.

Because of Akira's lead, Ash didn't get lost in the forest like they did yesterday. As he walked intimately, he pointed out the markings along the road with Ash and taught them how to recognize the regional signs that were unique to the Asgard region.

"In order not to affect the lives of the Pokemons, the roads were not built much. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "So the car can't move, and everyone basically walks or lets Pokemon carry them." "

Is that so?" Ash sighed in his heart, "The regional differences are so big", and at the same time asked curiously, "What about Chao?" How to travel in the morning ?

Chao patted the Poké Ball on his waist and replied, "Of course, Pokkiss, please." It's been a long time since I've been in the Vena Forest like this, and I'm always a little scared... "

Obviously to take care of Ash.

Morning Morning was trembling like that with the more docile Pikachu of his personality (*now), but now he was able to walk with him in a forest full of wild Pokemon in order to lead the way. Thinking of this, Ash couldn't help but scratch the back of his head, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, let you accompany me like this..." "

No, no, no, it's okay! !" Shaking his head at the madness, he became anxious that he had made Ash have a psychological burden, and quickly explained, "I just said it casually... Although it is said that Porkies... But once in a while, you still have to go on your own, right? I only fly in the air when

I'm in a hurry or something, I..."

Just as Asahi was halfway through his explanation, a black shadow flew out of the bushes on the side, and it hit Asahi in the face with a "snap".

Ash: ....

Pikachu: ....

Pichu: ....

Pichu: Leather ! !


Pichu's hair stood on end, and he reached out and pushed hard against the thing that was being held on his face. Ash and Pikachu were stunned for a moment, and soon rushed up to separate the things from Asahi and his face.

Only the person concerned was stunned for a while, until the tip of his nose came from a hairy touch, and his legs and feet were so weak that he could barely stand at some point, that he realized that he had only an unknown Ibu lying on his face.

"Ahh - Asahi

let out a fierce scream.


It was not easy to separate Asahi from Eevee, and Pikachu tried to release the electricity, but was stopped by Pichu. Pichu waved his paw for a long time, and it was easy to explain to Pikachu that "the psychological impact caused by this to the DPRK is even greater than that of Eevee."

For this reason, it was only when Eevee was unconscious that the soft, four-legged Pokemon separated from the Asah.

While squatting on the side and drawing circles with a wooden stick that he didn't know where to pick up, Ash took the opportunity to observe the state of this Eevee.

“ ! This Ibrahimovic is so badly injured!

Ash shouted.

Although he is not a person who is as good at taking care of Pokemon as Xiao Gang, such a long trip has also allowed him to have a basic judgment of Pokemon's physical condition. The Ievee had purple cheeks, apparently poisoned, and there were many marks of damage on his limbs and torso... It's mainly distributed in the back half of the body and back.,Obviously, it's something that is being chased to become such a miserable appearance.。

“—— ! " Chao hurriedly dropped the wooden stick and jumped up from the ground, "Ash, let me see!" "

“... Well... Well? A

second ago, he was crouching in the corner and drawing circles gloomily, but this time he immediately jumped up again. Although Ash was puzzled, he also knew the priority, and turned to place Ebuping on his forearm so that he could observe.

Chao still didn't dare to reach out and take the initiative to touch Eevee, but this did not prevent him from carefully observing Ibu's state. On the other side, a red light flashed from his waist, and Lucario jumped out of the Poké Ball without permission......... Ash watched this scene with a little surprise, but Asa was Xi to it.

Soon, he knew what Lucario had come out for. Chao reached out and patted Lucario on the head, telling him to dig the fruit bag out of his satchel.

If you can't do it yourself, you can ask your Pokemon buddies to help! It's a simple idea, but it's the first time Ash and Pikachu have seen a partner work so well together — except, of course, a professional like Miss Joy.

Asa observes Eevee's condition, while Lucario listens to Asah's instructions to give Eevee medicine. It seemed that they had done so much of this kind of thing, and sometimes they didn't even say anything, just one look at each other, and Lucario knew what to do next.

It took a moment for Lucario's hand to stop. It wiped the sweat from its forehead in unison—and Lucario turned his head and knocked on it.

"Luca. Lucario looked at the guy who had only moved his mouth the whole time.

Looking away from the heart: "... Well... Subconscious?

But Lucario didn't knock too hard, and he just walked down the steps. He touched the head that had been slapped hard by Lucario's flesh pad just now, and muttered, "Is there any need for this kind of small theater to continue?" and said to Ash: "It doesn't seem like this Eevee's experience is so easy... It looks like it was attacked, but there are also a lot of bumps and bumps on the body... All in all, a trip to the Pokemon Center is still a must. "

Ievee's hair itself is a lot, so at first glance it looks fine... But just now, when Lucario opened its hair, Asaha and Ash realized that there were many other wounds hidden under the hair of this Eevee.

"Well, let's go!

Ash nodded, reaching out and carefully taking Eevee from Lucario's hand, holding its side with one hand and holding it in front with the other to prevent Eevee from falling.

Pikachu tried to climb onto Ash's shoulder, but was worried about whether he would step on Eevee's big furry tail, and finally ran to the front of the road and screamed urgically.

Ash glanced to the side: At this time, Chao was still slowly (*not so slowly) picking up the things on the ground and stuffing them in his bag, and he even put them in an orderly manner......... This made Ash a little impatient, and when he saw Pikachu urging in front, Ash simply got up from the ground and put away his bag, shouting "I'll go first", and then turned and ran.

"Wait a minute - do you know the way ? !


Seeing this, Asa could only hurriedly grab the tree fruit box on the ground and the leftover wound medicine, helplessly and painfully stuffed all the mess into the satchel, and held Pichu lying on top of his head with one hand, and hurriedly caught up with Ash's pace.

His journey is all about flying and hurrying there, and he is comparable to a super real newcomer, and he runs to death in a few steps.

But in the end, he also has some physical fitness, and he hasn't started for long yet, and he hasn't reached the limit yet, so he can only shout out panting while rushing at the empty tears in the corners of his eyes: "Ash... ! Slow down! I'm not in such a hurry..."

Ash ran in front, and the whole person's existence was almost a little so shouting: "Huh ? - Chao, did you just speak? - "

Chao: ...

Is it that quiet?


The vitality was slightly unpleasant, but this small unhappiness was quickly covered by the feeling of dizziness and dizziness of running. He had even begun to think about the possibility of Pokkiss arriving in the city of Grace with two men....

"Bang. Suddenly

, there seemed to be a murmur ahead. But Chao only felt that his brain was buzzing and he couldn't hear anything, and just wanted to continue to run forward with his eyes closed, but there was a refreshing pain from his skull—this is just a high emotional intelligence statement.

"Pichu ! " Pichu screamed in his small voice as he tugged at his hair as he pulled back his hair.

With the help of Pichu, he stopped at Khankan... Although I almost couldn't stop the car, I sat on the ground. When he parked, he quickly glanced at Ash beside him, and was puzzled to find that he had suddenly stopped as well, and then looked at the road ahead.

The first thing that catches your eye is the purple glow... It was covered in a black, sharp tail blade. As the poisonous and frightening purple glow faded away, the snake raised its tail lazily and menacingly and shook it. Make a "hiss" sound without kindness.

“ ! " Chao hurriedly ran back a few steps from his sliding shovel and ran back to Ash.

Chao was extremely uneasy, and while desperately restraining himself from hiding behind Ash's back - no, everyone is a man, and that would be too embarrassing - observed, he asked Ash in a low voice: "Poison... And a cracked wound... This is the guy who attacked Ibu...

Ash nodded with a serious expression: "... I'm afraid so. "

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