After dinner, Ash immediately made a request to Arashi to fight.

Arashi wasn't surprised by this... As early as the first time I saw the boy brought back by the court, the other party had already clearly said "I want to have a fight" - in short, something like that, but at that time, Lan wanted to tease his brother who he hadn't seen for a long time, so he put it on hold for a while.

And now, Arashi has no other excuse to refuse Ash.

So Ash, Arashi, and Asa ran to the backyard together. Chao sat on the steps and waved at Ash and Lan: "Then the referee will be handed over to me!"

"Hmm! Sorry for your help! Ash replied loudly.

At the time when the two teenagers were reconciled, the other Pokemon in the Akaza Research Institute also heard the sound and ran to the vicinity to watch the battle. Lucario, whom Ash had seen in the morning, also came, and sat down on the side of his trainer, that is, Chao.

At this time, Ash realized that the Pokemon beside him were not only Pichu, Lucario, and Pokkiss that he saw in the afternoon, but also a great sword ghost, and the fire Ibu lying on the back of the great sword ghost.

"Asah, your friends have all been trained well. Ash couldn't help but sigh.

In the face of Ash's praise, Chao didn't react yet, and Lan was proud of his younger brother first: "Of course, don't look at Chao who doesn't look incompetent, my younger brother is no less than my powerful trainer."



Ash and Pikachu sighed in unison. Although they have seen Lucario's strength, they really didn't expect that Chao's level could be so high.

Towards waved his hand: "Oh no... Brother Lan is too exaggerated... I've never even been a member of the Asgardian League...—what the hell is that "doesn't seem to be capable" assessment, it's bad enough.

"That's just because you don't want to participate, right?"

As he spoke, Dr. Akaza walked out with a watermelon cut by Miss Yamaki. He placed the watermelon on the side of the court, and sat down himself.

Dr. Akaza looked at Asahi and expressed his concern from his father: "Obviously, I have successfully challenged the eight gyms... Everyone at Pokemon will feel sorry for it, too. Feeling

the scorching gaze of the Pokemon on the side, the militants of his family, Chao hurriedly raised his hand in surrender: "... This year, I will definitely apply for it this year.... "

Haha—that's what you said last year, and I still haven't been able to see you fight.

Arashi, who was standing on the side, took the lead in expressing the ridicule from her brother.

"Arashi-brother! " Asah's face turned into a bulging thousand needlefish again.

After teasing his younger brother again, Lan was refreshed, he turned his head to look at Ash, and asked loudly, "Ash, have you decided who you want to fight?"

"Ahh He patted Pikachu on his shoulder and explained, "Well, because I wanted to experience what it was like to start from zero, I only took Pikachu back on the trip. Other words... Well, I'm just Pikachu right now.

Arashi nodded, showing understanding: "Then the battle is 1v1, no problem, right?"

"Hmm! " Ash nodded vigorously.


" Seeing that both sides had reached a consensus, the self-proclaimed "temporary referee" Chao raised his hand and announced the rules in a mocking manner: "Brother Lan and Ash, both sides use one Pokemon, and if one of the Pokemons on both sides loses the ability to fight, it will be considered a defeat, OK? ".

“OK。 Arashi gave Asahi an OK.

Ash bent down and patted Pikachu's head at his feet: "Pikachu, then please!

"Pikapi!" Pikachu happily answered twice and immediately jumped onto the field, and the electric cheeks on either side of his cheek also "crackled" twice in protest.

Arashi turned around and waved at the Pokemon on the balcony: "Sun Eevee - can I trouble you tonight!".

It turns out that Arashi's Pokemon are also watching! Ash and Pikachu hurriedly looked at the Pokemon on the balcony... There's Zoroac, there's Lucario, there's Charizard (*it's actually black!), there's all sorts of aquatic Pokemon, and there's a bunch of Eevee and Evolvers lying around.

... Considering that there must be a lot of Pokémon here from other trainers, you can't just make a decision that it's all Arashi... Ah, I don't know which Pokemon are Arashi...

Taking advantage of the free time when Sun Eevee jumped on the field, Ash thought while observing the Pokemon on the balcony.

Watching Sun Eevee come on the field, he couldn't help but move his ass back a little, subconsciously wanting to stay away from the battlefield.

Sensing this small gesture of his trainer, Pokkiss, the Great Sword Ghost, and Lucario all leaned towards the side of the court, and used physical contact to tell the other party that "they are on his side".

"O Sun Ibu! " Ash's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously wanted to take out the Pokemon Bestiary from his pocket and take a look......... Then I felt empty.

He glanced at Dr. Akaza next to him.

Arashi also glanced at Dr. Akaza next to him.

Sensing the gaze of the three, Dr. Akaza reluctantly raised his hand in surrender: "That... As you know, some time ago, quite a few rookie trainers came to claim the initial Pokemon. So, the illustrated book in my hand is temporarily gone..."

Chao was helpless, so he could only turn his head and shrug his shoulders at Ash: "Ash-let's go to the City of Grace next door tomorrow!" Dr. Lily of the Valley over there should still have a picture book. Ash

agreed, "Okay—"

That's all for gossip. At this time, Miss Yamaki, who was washing dishes and cleaning up the table in the back room, also came. She walked out of the house, leaned against the balcony fence, and joined the crowd.

Seeing that both sides were ready, he raised his hands and shouted: "The battle begins!"

"Yo Xi... Pikachu, let's attack first! "Ash has always been an unwavering quick executor," using a flash of light! "



Pikachu replied with a glimpse of energy, and ran out with a claw on the ground. Due to its extreme speed, the yellow figure left only an afterimage on the ground, and in a second, it almost flashed in front of Sun Eevee.

Arashi commanded unhurriedly, "Magic shines.

As Arashi gave the order, Sun Eevee raised his head proudly. The jewel on its forehead sparkled, and a dazzling light instantly radiated from Sun Eevee's body.

But the speed of the flash of lightning was there, and the sun Eevee was a beat slower to raise his hand. Naturally, the lightning stone fire hit the sun Ibu perfectly.

Before Ash could say "yes", he was surprised to see that despite the impact, Sun Eevee's pace was holding firmly, as if Pikachu's impact had not worked at all.

Conversely, the moment Pikachu's body collided with Sun Eevee, the light from the magic sparkle and condensed was also pinched in time, and all of them gushed out.

"Skin... !


Pikachu had no time to dodge at all, and was immediately knocked out by the attack of the magic flash.

"Pikachu ! " Ash called out to Pikachu anxiously.

Lan stretched out his hand and waved his hand, and continued to give instructions: "Spiritual Thoughts! Throw Pikachu into the sky!

When he heard this command, he closed his eyes and reached out to cover his eyes as if he had expected the outcome.

Sun Eevee's eyes emitted a brilliant blue light, controlling Pikachu's body in mid-air, and then raising his head and throwing Pikachu's entire body into the sky!

"Shadow Ball!" Arashi didn't give Ash and Pikachu a chance to breathe at all, and gave orders one after another.

Seeing that the dark purple energy ball in Sun Eevee's mouth condensed and formed, Ash hurriedly shouted: "Pikachu, use 100,000 volts to attack!"


Pikachu struggled to stabilize his body in the air. After hearing Ash's command, the electric cheeks on both sides of its cheek "crackled" twice, and finally burst out with a dazzling yellow current and headed straight for the shadow ball!

The two moves collided in the air, and after a tooth-aching collision, the power of the two moves countered against each other, exploding in mid-air, turning into gray smoke and flooding Pikachu's figure.

Now you can take a breather. Ash breathed a sigh of relief. A series of coherent and dense attacks from Arashi and Sun Eevee just now made him a little unsteady in his pace......... Should I say that I really deserve to be a champion?

"Is that a relief? Ash.

Lan bent his eyes and smiled.

Ash was startled, and quickly looked at Arashi and Sun Eevee in front of him. Sun Eevee looked at the smoke in the air with a trainer-like look, his forked tail wagging slightly.

"Yi ! " Sun Eevee suddenly screamed.

As if in touch with Sun Eevee, Arashi nodded: "Did you find it... Okay, Sun Elves, Shadow Ball again! "

W-" Ash looked in disbelief at Sun Eevee, who had attacked again.

The shadow ball rushed straight towards the smoke ball, and Ash couldn't tell Pikachu the direction even if he gave the order at this time... I could only watch as another small explosion erupted from the smoke cloud, accompanied by Pikachu's scream, and a small yellow figure fell from the smoke.

"Pikachu ! " Ash forgot for a while that he was still in the middle of the battle - if that height dropped, Pikachu would definitely be seriously injured! Thinking of this, he subconsciously ran out of the box where the trainer was standing, to catch Pikachu.

Lan looked at the anxious Ash, her eyes slightly moved. He glanced down at Sun Eevee, and Sun Eevee quickly accepted Arashi's meaning, and used "Spiritual Strength" to control Pikachu's falling body, causing it to slowly fall into Ash's arms.

After eating the Sun Elf's skills three times just now, Pikachu couldn't support it, and both eyes became dizzy.


Looking at Asah, who was still with his eyes closed, Dr. Akaza sighed, and could only take over the responsibility of his youngest son: "Pikachu lost the ability to fight, and this battle was won by Arashi. Seeing

that the battle was decided, everyone on the side of the onlookers hurriedly ran up to check on Pikachu's situation.

Another Lucario, who had been watching, also hurriedly ran over. It squeezed past the three of them and ran to Ash's side, stretching out two hands over Pikachu's body. Waves of healing rippled out of its palm, and Pikachu's injuries visibly recovered, and it didn't take long for him to open his eyes.

Seeing that Pikachu was fine, Ash finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Pikachu... You okay? Pikachu

, who had been treated by Lucario, was also alive at the moment, and jumped on Ash's shoulder on the spot to show that he was fine.

Misty patted Lucario on the shoulder: "Little Luca, thank you for your hard work.

Lucario, known as "Little Luca", shook his head, saying that this was what he should do.

"This Lucario was raised by his mother... The character is very docile and especially likes to take care of everyone. Usually other Pokemon are injured, and it also helps to heal them. Arashi explained to Miss Yamari.

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Sun Eevee who ran back into the Ibu pile, and explained by the way why he was able to predict Pikachu's position for the last time: "The cilia on the surface of Sun Eevee's body can sense the flow of air and have a certain ability to predict. "

This is also the reason why Arashi dared to let Sun Eevee attack the fallen Pikachu - just if it fell, Sun Eevee's attack was still very good.

"That's right!" Ash was surprised.

It's no wonder that Arashi has been able to win the championship for so many years in a row... He is well aware of the characteristics of Pokemon and is able to learn and use them in battle. Looks like he and Pikachu have a lot to learn Xi! Ash thought.

But Chao may not have thought so, he poked his head out from behind Miss Sanwu and grimaced at Lan slightly: "Bad Brother Lan who bullies others with his trump card. Lan

was helpless: "Don't be so angry with others just because you've never won against Sun Eevee. "

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