"Towards ! You okay!

When he heard this voice, Chao's expression was a little surprised. He quickly got up from the grass and turned to look in that direction: "Daddy!".

"Daddy ? " Ash also looked around, and saw a ............... coming out of the bushes over there. Lucario ?!

... No, wait a minute, does Lucario speak human words ? No, Team Rocket's Meow Meow speaks human language, and does Lucario still have a waveguide............... Wrong! Why would Asaha be called "Daddy" by a human-Ash's

jaw was about to drop to the ground, and he turned his head to look at Asahi in disbelief: "Asah, this... This isn't-

" Chao blushed and hurriedly waved his hand: "It's not Lucario—Daddy is human, it's human!"

“ ? "

While the two teenagers were talking, a human man came out and looked at the two teenagers with a "what's happening" expression.

At this time, Ash also knew that he had made a fuss, so he could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

The adult man following Lucario was wearing a white lab coat and black trousers, and had orange hair similar to that of Asah. Looking at the similar faces of the two, Ash could also be sure that this was indeed Chao's father.

"Ah, this is Ash from the Kanto region, and I met it in the forest just now. Asahi first introduced Ash to his father, and then turned back to Ash to introduce his father, "This is my father, Akaza... Ah, you guys seem to prefer to call him Dr. Akaza?

Dr. Akaza smiled and showed full kindness to his son's new friend: "I just had a video with Dr. Ohki at the institute. Ash and Pikachu in Shinshin Town, yes, please advise. "


brain is overloaded.

He looked left and right, Dr. Akaza, with an expression of "why didn't I think about it sooner" and "how could such a coincidence happen" on his face.

Ash's funny expression amused Asah.

Chao covered his mouth and snickered: "... Ash, you had this same expression when you were in the Pokemon Center. ... Hehe..."

Ash shook his head and quickly shook his soul back. He looked at Chao in surprise: "Hey, did you see me at that time? ——"

“... Yes! At this time, Chao realized that his behavior was a little inappropriate, and hurriedly excused himself, "Because my family was suddenly mentioned......... I'm definitely not a bad guy who deliberately eavesdrops on other people's conversations! Not really! "

How could I doubt you!" As he spoke, Ash leaned in and put his back on his shoulder: "You saved Pikachu! We're already good friends!

Seeing the two teenagers talking and laughing, Dr. Akaza couldn't help laughing: "Oh, didn't you become a very good friend? Chao, sometimes it's better for you to let go?

Asahi shyly picked his cheek: "... Father... Don't lecture me when you get the chance. "

—But speaking of which, Dad, why are you here today?" Chao suddenly asked, "Didn't you observe the ecology on the other side of the forest today?"

Dr. Akaza patted Lucario beside him: "Mommy's Lucario felt your Lucario's waveguide and felt a little worried and came over. "

...", puffing out his cheeks slightly, "... I'm not a kid again...... Besides, Pichu and they've been following me all along. "

Seeing that Chao was fine, he even made new friends. Dr. Akaza was also much more relieved, and did not bring up this topic that made his son a little embarrassed - in front of new friends, he always had to save some face. Dr. Akaza still thinks he knows his son very well.

"Shall we go back first?" Dr. Akaza smiled and said, "It just so happens that Arashi is back too, and he should miss you too." - Oh, speaking of which, what about the bread that your mother asked you to buy? "

... Oh, and what about the bread

Overloaded his brain for a moment, he subconsciously took out his Poké Ball and let Calio come out and ask. But Ash on the side let out an "ah" and took out a crushed bag from his arms.

"Ah......... Is this ? Ash scratched his head, "Ah... Forcibly stuffed into Lucario's arms and carried all the way, as if he had been squashed in what had just happened... No problem ? "


father and son of Akaza looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders: "... It should be fine. "


Pikachu shook his head: The food is all pressed like this... How can it really be okay



"—you two!


Sure enough, Mom got angry.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the researchers said, "Then let's go back first" One by two, they all ran away, leaving the father and son of Akaza, one on the left and one on the right, standing in the corner with their hands raised and standing in punishment, listening to the reprimand of their mother, that is, the owner of the Vina Gym, Miss Yamaki.

Dr. Akaza's dying throes: "... I wasn't the one who bought the bread..."

Miss Sanwu glared at him: "That's too! Recently there have been ... Hey, how can you let a guy run around in the forest? Speaking of which, the bread was crushed in the end, and for a similar reason. "

... Actually, it's a lot worse. Squinting at the corner in embarrassment: He should have let Lucario go home instead of agreeing to meet and go back together.

"But what's going on in the forest?" Asahi asked.

Hearing Asahi ask, Miss Yamagiri and Dr. Akaza were a little stunned. In front of their children's puzzled eyes, the two adults turned their heads one after another, and said unclearly: "That... Ah, there's just a little bit of a thing...—Asah, you'd better not go to the forest lately... That's pretty much it. Chao

Ruo felt: "... It won't be-

" "Yo, Xiao Chao~"

Just as Chao spoke, a young man came out of the corner. He had the same orange hair, and with a maliciously smiling smile on his face, he slowly passed by the door of the living room and greeted the asahi inside.

This is the champion of the Asgard region - or the elder brother of the Asgard region, the eldest son of Dr. Akaza, Akaza Arashi.

Chao's attention was attracted by Lan, and he turned his head and greeted, "Brother Lan? You just went-"

"......... Yes!! The moment Chao saw what was in Qinglan's hand, he couldn't care about anything, and immediately ran over and shouted in a huge voice that was completely different from his previous performance, "-I have two mango popsicles left!" Brother Lan !

Lan dodged Asah's attack with his height advantage, then looked at Ash behind him with a grin, and introduced in a triumphant tone: "Look, Ash, I'll just say that I can see a very different Asah. "

Ash held the last mango popsicle in his hand, looked at Chao, looked at Lan... One last look at Pikachu on his shoulder, who had already taken a bite of the popsicle.

Ash: "... Huh. Seeing

that his two popsicles were all wiped out, he angrily tried to beat Arashi with incompetence: "Arashi - brother—— !


Lan looked innocent: "I don't know who caused me not to eat mango bagels. "

That kind of thing is up to you!" looked at this brother who bullied himself since he was a child, "-I'll be the last two!" I haven't eaten it today!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Zhi hurriedly smiled "ahaha" and gave the two brothers a round: "Chao, then why don't we eat together?" ".

... Well, after all, the last one was taken by him. Ash was a little weak and didn't dare to look into Asah's eyes.

Pichu is not so much a gluttonous popsicle as it is just a playful one. It climbed all the way from Ash's feet to Ash's shoulders, pretending to compete with Pikachu for the right to steal the popsicle, but actually fighting with Pikachu with rat claws.

Even hit Ash all the way to the floor from his shoulder.

But even though there was only one popsicle, Asahi still had an expression on his face, "I will never forget your great kindness". He pushed Ash with both hands to take him to his bedroom—after all, the double bed was there, and it was not good for guests to sleep on the sofa—while secretly poking at Arashi's backbone: "It's better for Ash......... Brother Lan is bad to death! "

Witnessing my brother and other men over a mango popsicle (?) Ran who walked away: "Eh-yes.

Although he was being pushed away, Ash still wanted to have a Pokemon battle with Arashi, and he turned his head vigorously and waved his hand at Arashi: "Mr. Arashi, I-

" poked his head out from behind the back of Ash's head: "

... Ash, are you going to betray me ?

Pichu thought this scene was a bit funny, and learned to look like him, lying on Pikachu's back, pretending to be fierce, "Pichu, Pichu!" He shouted twice. However, due to Pichu's small body, it looks more like Pichu is hanging on Pikachu's shoulder... That's another story.

For his pre-evolutionary form, Pikachu could only pat Pichu helplessly on the head.

And Ash, under the subtle coercion of the court, obediently shut his mouth.

Seeing that his brother was almost unpleasant, Lan couldn't help but laugh. He greeted Ash, "Ash, you can coax Xiao Chao and talk about it - if you fight, it's still too late to talk about it in the evening."

Chao turned his head and looked at Lan angrily: "Brother Lan!


Arashi looked at her balloon-like face, and smiled even more happily.

Pichu and Pikachu, who were still playing around over there, saw their trainer walking upstairs, and immediately separated from the rolling state, and hurriedly climbed up ................

“... Skin!

Pichu let out a miserable cry for help because he was too short to jump on it in one block.

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