The plan was going well, and suddenly someone cut it off halfway. The only woman in the group of four (or two) suddenly bounced up in an exaggerated posture and speed, pointing at the tip of the boy's nose and shouting: "Who are you boy!


Ah, when she was in the Pokemon Center, she was extra loud...

The boy scratched his head in annoyance, as if he didn't know where to start, and stretched out his finger to point to the box in Meowmeow's arms opposite and said, "Ah... I don't know who you are, but .........

" At the moment when the boy said "

who are you", the group in front of him seemed to have been turned on by some switch. The original crooked man immediately stood up, and the aura of "decaying to home" was swept away, and he took a pose

with a "brush":

"Since you have sincerely asked a question-"-"

-Then we will answer you with great compassion. "

To prevent the destruction of the world," "

To maintain the peace of the world." "

Carry out love with true evil!".

"Cute and charming villain. ""

Musashi! Kojiro !

"We are Team Rocket shuttling between the Galaxy!

"White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for us!


"That's it-meow~" "

Sure enough, Weng!


With the screams of Sure Weng, the gang of people also stopped performing like a drama. The boy looked at the guys in a standard and confident posture in a daze, and for a moment he almost forgot what he was going to say.

Seeing the boy's blank appearance, the man who called himself Kojiro let out an "ah" and said, "We're doing Team Rocket's opening remarks, so if you have anything to say, just keep talking. "

Oh.... The young man nodded stunned, and he slowed down for a moment before continuing, "... Well, that's what I just started with—"

But the voice had dropped a lot. Porkis looked helplessly at his trainer.

"Wait a minute!" The woman who called herself Musashi suddenly shouted, "Little ghost! Don't you make some comments on our Rocket's imposing lines? !

Musashi's sudden attack startled the boy, and he almost fell off the tree for a while, but Pokkis paid attention to holding it with his wings, which did not make the scene of the comedy even worse.

The young man, who had finally managed to stand firmly, looked at Musashi below, with an even more indescribable expression on his face. He bit his lip and clapped his hands dryly: "Hmm... Sounds awesome ? ... It makes good use of the characters'... Appearance characteristics ? Very attentive or something..."

"Not bad! Tasteful. Hearing the boy's compliment, Musashi folded his arms and smacked his tongue in satisfaction, "Little ghost, now that you know that we are not good—"

—if I say so, can you check the iron box in my hand." In

order to avoid another attack by the living treasure foursome in front of him, the boy finally learned to take the initiative to interrupt the other party's words.

Pokkiss looked at his trainer with some relief, thinking, "Sure enough, it's better to go out and practice to train people."

The teenager finally grasped his home turf. He narrowed his eyes and reached out to the iron box in Meowmeow's hand: "Pichu... Ah, everyone in the forest told me that the children in there didn't seem to be very comfortable. ......... So I guess you're not the kid's trainer inside, right? If so, can you let me check it out?

Musashi snorted and asked, "Hey, do you have any proof?"

"Nope. The boy shrugged, "... But I'm not a big fan of fights, you know, it's nice to be able to settle them peacefully. "

“... Hey, Musashi, Kojiro. Meowth was holding the iron box containing Pikachu - Pikachu is still struggling reluctantly - and kept observing from the side, and suddenly said, "That little ghost has been talking and dragging time with us, could it be that he is actually weak to death, so he doesn't want to fight, Meow?" "

What, it's just a miscellaneous fish for a long time!

Hearing Meowmeow's conclusion, Musashi sneered and took out the Poké Ball from his pocket: "Then let's stop talking nonsense! - Come on, mimic!" the

boy keenly discovered Musashi's intentions. He looked up at the depths of the forest, then unhurriedly removed his hand from the belt with the Poké Ball on his waist, waved his hand, and shouted, "Lucario, throw it over, and use the bone stick!" "


From behind Team Rocket, a sound of promise rang out.

First, a huge black shadow flew in the direction of the boy, and then in the darkness, two yellow-brown beams of light condensed into a bone rod and poked straight at Musashi's wrist, directly interrupting the opponent's action of throwing the ball out.

"Ahh -

"Foul ! "

Musashi and Kojiro couldn't help but shout.

Who's a Pokemon Combat Attack Trainer!

"They say I don't really want to use force," the boy shrugged helplessly, and then looked down and was about to pick up the thing he had asked Lucario to buy, but suddenly found that the thing was not thrown as high as expected, and it didn't even reach the ............... of the branches

Wait a minute, that thing is obviously much bigger than bread or something! No wonder it's not high!

What Lucario had thrown—or shouldn't have been called a thing—the boy in blue and white, about his own age, screamed (apparently he had just screamed), holding something in his arms, and rushed straight in the direction of the trunk.

... Suffered!

The young man's pupils shrank, and without thinking about it, he stepped on the branch and rushed towards the figure of the young man in blue and white clothes, trying to catch the other party.

"Pok ! " Watching his trainer jump straight down from his side, Pokkiss shouted anxiously.




Although both of them grinned in pain, it seemed that there was no big deal.

"Pokke—" Pokkeis let out a sigh of relief when he saw that his trainer was okay, and then turned angrily to look at Lucario's battlefield.

On the battlefield over there, Lucario had already snatched the tin box from Meowmeow's hand. Despite holding a tin box in his hand, the well-trained Lucario was able to knock two Pokemon into a scream with a single bon.

Moreover, even if Lucario didn't notice it, a pichu following Lucario would be able to release an electric current in time to contain the fish that slipped through the net.

Pokkis, who was standing in the tree, flapped his wings and flew from the branch to the top of the battlefield, shouting loudly: "Pokke!


Lucario and Pichu heard the voice. They didn't even look up to confirm it, and immediately jumped two steps to the side in unison.

The four-man group who called themselves Team Rocket was still dizzy and swaying left and right in a daze for a while.

Meow Meow heard the shouts from above, and subconsciously took on the position of a translator: "Huh ? "Get out of the way" ? Suddenly what are you talking about meow..."

"Polk! Polk ! Pokkis screamed twice.

Meowth suddenly came to her senses, and she stared at the two teenagers who were struggling to get up—one of them was an unknown boy who had just directed Lucario to beat them up, and the other one they knew, it was Ash—and then turned to Porkieth and retorted in disbelief, "Wait a minute! It wasn't Lucali who threw the little imp's head over..."


Pokkiss didn't care about this, only to see its wings wave, and two sharp wind blades flew out of its wings and slammed straight into the front of Team Rocket.

With an explosion and a "I'll be back", Team Rocket and his party soared to the end of the world with their hot air balloon.

“... Eh, this time it wasn't actually blown away by 100,000 volts. Kojiro

, who was flying in the sky, still had the leisure to complain.


The moment the case is opened, Pikachu and Ash hug each other excitedly.

One person and one Pikachu were intimately pasted for a while, and then Ash turned his head and thanked sincerely: "Thank you!


Over there, the boy was taking Pokkiss and Lucario back to Poké Ball. Hearing Ash's thanks, an embarrassed smile appeared on the boy's face: "Ah... Thanks to Pichu and Lucario on it, I didn't do anything....

Ash shook his head, and then introduced himself to the boy: "My name is Ash, and this is Pikachu. We are from Shinshin Town in the Kanto area! What about you? "

Hello, I'm Vena... To be precise, it's the Akaza Dynasty in the Wiener Forest, and this is my Pichu. After saying that

, the young man called Chao stretched out his hand and held Pichu in front of Ash.

Pichu stood in the palm of Chao's hand and saluted in style.

"Ahh It's Pichu! Ash leaned forward excitedly, "Chao, could it be that this Pichu doesn't like to stay in the Poké Ball?"

Chao scratched his face and said embarrassedly, "Ah... Not really... Actually, I'm more dependent on my mates, and Pichu is smaller, so staying outside doesn't bother much. "

That's it!

Ash didn't think about anything—or rather, he did recall his past experience—and nodded.

Pikachu poked out most of Ash's shoulder and waved his paw at Pichu in greeting. But Asah's Pichu was taken aback - no, maybe not so scared? Pichu grabbed Asah's head three times and two times, jumped over Asah's head, and jumped on top of Ash's head to greet Pikachu.

"Pichu ! " Pichu's small paws are extra nimble, and he makes a big gesture to Pikachu.

"Crackling", after a burst of electrical exchange, two electric rats jumped around Ash's head.

"Pichu !! " Asahi tried to dissuade the two electric rats from changing the place of the fight to the ground, "In this case, Ash's shoulders will be very heavy..."

Ash, who was the person concerned, grinned, unlike Asah, he looked like he was happy to play with Pikachu on his shoulder, and he could wave his hand to comfort Asah: "It's okay,

Asah." I'm strong!.

Chao didn't let go of his mind because Ash didn't care, and still maintained a state of reaching out to grab Pichu but didn't dare to reach out: "But Pichu it-

" "Huh? "

Ash tilted his head dumbfounded.

said that it was too late, and that was fast, at the moment when Ash tilted his head. Pichu let out a "Pichu" sound, and then small electric sparks flashed from the electrical sacs on either side of his face. But Pichu himself doesn't know about it, and even plans to pounce on it and hug Pikachu...

At this time, the second half of the sentence slowly landed: "When I'm excited, I can't control the electricity... Yes. But

it was too late, and after a brain-numbing "crackling", Pikachu and Ash both spun around in a dizzy circle a few times before falling to the ground with a "clang".

The culprit, Pichu, jumped on Ash's head and jumped on Asah's head before he was taken and fell, looking at the two new friends who had lost their ability to fight, and even tugging at Asah's hair, "Pichu Pichu" asked what happened.

"Ahhh.........h Pichu, apologize quickly! With that

, he reached out and hugged Pichu to the two of them, who were still dazed.

Ash weakly stretched out a hand and weakly responded: "... I... It's okay......

" After speaking, Ash's hand fell with a "



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