The boy stood at the door of the Pokemon Center, handed Lucario the sticky notes in his pocket and the pocket money he had prepared, and then agreed with Lucario and Pichu to divide the troops for the time being.

"After all, Brother Lan is finally going home rarely. The young man said helplessly, "If we don't buy the mango and bagel that Brother Lan likes to eat, my mother will definitely give us a lecture." "

Luka. Lucario nodded in response, then turned and sped towards the nearest bakery.

After saying goodbye to Lucario, he pulled out another Poké Ball from his bag: "Pokkiss, can I trouble you?"

A burst of red light flashed, and a Porkis with an orange wind towel tied to his wings appeared in front of one person and one Pichu.

The boy half-crouched down, looked at Pokkis eye level, and patted it on the head: "Anyway, please take me and Pichu to the Wiener Forest. I just saw a lot of interesting guys in the Pokemon Center......... Well, Pokkiss, what do you think ? Since

Lucario knew what was going on outside, Pokkeis, who liked to worry about him the most, must have heard everything. And Pokemon, Pokkiss, can always keenly feel who is a "gentle" and "kind" person, so the boy suddenly wants to hear Pokkiss's opinion at this time.

Porkis shouted, then lowered his round body, signaling his trainer to say less and take advantage of himself quickly.

When the young man saw this, he smiled bitterly: "Hey... How can this be..."


on the other side.

After searching for the map for a long time, it was easy to reach the Vina Forest, and Ash and Pikachu were wandering around excitedly at this time.

"Pikachu! You see! Ash excitedly pointed to the insect Pokémon on the tree over there, "Thorntail insects and green caterpillars, they actually stay together!" There's a unicorn on the side! "

Pikachu! " Not to be outdone, Pikachu bounced up and down to Ash to see Bobo and the Mukels on the other side foraging for food.

The two visitors wandered around the forest, helping the baby worms to make leaves for the green caterpillars, and carrying the fallen iron chrysalis to the trees—and then they were chased by the needle bees for a long time.

Ash, who had managed to escape, was paralyzed on the grass panting, but he didn't have time to be depressed or anything, but he excitedly shared with Pikachu: "Eh! Pikachu, just now it was the big needle bee helping Ba Dadie's group to defend against the enemy! There is no place in Kanto to see such a scene! "

Pickup! " In the face of this strange phenomenon, Pikachu responds with the same excitement.

"The Asgard area... That's amazing! Ash couldn't help but sigh, "There are all kinds of Pokemon, and everyone gets together in a friendly way - it's amazing!"

After saying that, one person and one Pikachu invariably laughed silly with "hehe".

After sitting down and resting for a while, Ash, who had recovered his strength, had a carp jump up: "Pikachu, let's go on!"

"Skin!" Pikachu jumped too.

That being said, the forest is so big, and there are no signs, and although there is a map, the two of them don't know how to get there. - Especially just now in order to escape the pursuit of the big needle bee, they have fled so far, and they don't know where to go.

"Hmm... Is there any way ? Ash pondered as he looked left and right, suddenly caught the attention of something on the side.

"What's that?"


Not only Ash, but Pikachu also noticed this thing, and quickly jumped on Ash's shoulder, looking at it curiously together.

What caught their attention was something half human-tall, similar to a computer. Directly above the square cylinder, there is something like a display, which is emitting a glowing blue light.

Curiously, Ash reached out and poked at what was probably the display: "Now, what is this?"

When Ash's hand touched the display, the strange thing suddenly made a sound: "Hello, welcome to the dimension... Vena Navigation System, I'm a service robot specially set up for the lost, if you need to use it, please ask Pikachu to press the recognition button on it. "

Does this sound familiar? Puzzled, Ash repeats the machine's last strange idiosyncrasy of words: "Meow ?


"Leather ? " Pikachu also tilted his head cutely.

"Meow!" The robot screamed in a panic, and even the next words were a little strange, "This is... It's to make meow look less strange humane setting meow! Anyway, if you need to use it, please let Pikachu press the button on it! "

Is it humanized... ?" Although Ash was a little confused, he was quickly persuaded by this explanation, "It's really humane!" Right, Pikachu ? "

Pi ? " Pikachu also felt that something was wrong, but since Ash didn't think it was a big deal... Pikachu quickly dispelled his doubts and responded excitedly.

It turns out that Pikachu thinks so too! Ash patted the top of the machine with his hand, turned to Pikachu and proposed, "Now, that Pikachu, do you want to try to use it?"

Huh... ? When I was shooting it just now, did the machine feel a little rickety and unsteady?

Just when Ash was hesitating, Pikachu had already happily "picked" the truck, and then jumped on top of the machine and slapped the white button in the middle of the display with his small paw.

The moment Pikachu pressed the button, the machine made a "boom" sound. Under the panicked gaze of the two, the iron walls around the machine quickly moved upward, forming a towering wall that trapped Pikachu inside.

"Pikachu !



The first time it was trapped, Pikachu tried to climb up with his hands on the wall, but the smooth steel walls made it have no force point to scratch at all, and nothing happened after hearing a piercing scratching sound.

"Meow hahahaha! Little ghost, you're still the same, your brain is not bright! At

this time, the existence of a sound from inside the machine, or under the iron cage, revealed the true face of Lushan.

Ash looked down and immediately shouted: Pokemon who can stand on two legs and speak human words... The shiny gold coins on the top of the head, the long breath and the fluffy fuzz on the surface of the body - isn't this meow!

Ash only realized that something was wrong at this time, and he pounced forward, trying to grab the cage with Pikachu that was being carried by Meowmeow, but was dodged by Meowmeow's light jump.

"Meow haha, stupid little devil head!" Meowth sneered triumphantly.

"Give Pikachu back!" Ash shouted.

Meow Meow's eyes narrowed. It stretched out its claws and pressed the button on the side of the box, capping the box, before smiling and replying to Ash: "Stupid! Who's going to give it back to you! Meow is going to run, if you have the ability, come and chase it! With

that, a rope ladder descended from the sky. Meow Meow turned around and jumped up carrying the box, but because she had to hold the box with both hands, it was inconvenient to climb up for a while, so she could only hook on the rope ladder with two feet.

Without waiting for Meow Meow to climb up, the hot air balloon that hung down the rope ladder slowly accelerated.

"Meow, bear with me!" In the Pokemon Center, the man in the black hat and black clothes, who had already taken off all the camouflage clothes and was wearing some kind of white team uniform with a big "R" written on it, poked his head out of it and reassured Meow, "We'll pull you up as soon as we get out!"

Meowth struggled to hold the box in her hand - because Pikachu had been struggling restlessly inside, loudly responding to his partner above: "Why do you say so much! For the praise of the boss of the plank, Meow still endures such a trivial meow! "

Team Rocket, you guys wait for me!"

Ash single-handedly propped over the rocks that stood in his way and shouted at the hot air balloon in the air.

Meowth hangs upside down on the rope ladder with a golden hook and laughs at Ash: "Stupid! If there is no villain, I hear it say, "Wait a minute", and I really wait... sywbnxaiaikfjem..."

In the middle of speaking, Meow Meow was carried by a hot air balloon and scraped through a tree branch, letting out a bunch of very insignificant screams. But despite this, thinking about the glorious future after catching Pikachu, Meowth still held on.

Seeing that the hot air balloon was about to take to the sky, Ash suddenly regretted his behavior of "thinking about starting a new journey, so he only took Pikachu on his trip". ... If he had carved them, at least it would have been able to catch the balloon in the air.


On the other side, Meow Meow grinned and held through another batch of branches.

It soon left the forest, muttering to itself that it would complain to the other two companions as it rolled its gaze back to the front.

Suddenly, it saw the figure of a young man standing on the branch of a tree in front of it.

The young man's figure was against the light, making his whole silhouette a little blurred. But Meowth looked closely, and quickly recognized the boy with the orange scarf in front of her—the same boy they had stood up to stop her female companions from yelling at the Pokemon Center.

"Ahh I don't really want to fight. The young man smiled wryly and scratched his head, and said to Meow Meow, who was hanging on the rope ladder, "So, can you hand over the box in your hand?"

Meow meow impatiently "tsk": "Where did this little ghost come from, he dared to argue with us!


Seeing Meow Meow's attitude, it can only be said that it is very uncooperative, the young man sighed deeply, and then raised his hand and commanded: "... Pokkiss !

As the boy shouted, two of Meowmeow's companions suddenly screamed from above the forest—or in the hot air balloon above: "Where did this Pokkiss come from?

Before they could finish speaking, an explosion rang out. Meowth only felt the rope ladder shake, and then the traction from the direction of the hot air balloon disappeared.

Without the power to pull up, Meowth could only scream and fall to the ground.

It wasn't just Meow Meow who fell, but the hot air balloon also fell with the two people on it.

Completing the trainer's instructions, Pokkiss slowly descended and landed next to the teenager.

"Pokkiss, well done. The boy patted Porkis on the head.

After receiving the compliment, it rubbed the boy's cheek with its head intimately, and then looked at the trio below with the boy - the trio ? Duo ? Hey, why is there a sure man on the side... Could it be a foursome?

The boy couldn't help but think crankily.

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