"Speaking of which, why is the referee here a long-eared rabbit? The

game has reached the final 1v1 finale, and Xiao Yao finally couldn't hold back and asked the question he had been wanting to ask for a long time.

Looking at Pichu, who was excitedly watching the battle, he scratched his cheek and said embarrassedly [haha] twice: "... I guess it's the specialty of the Grace Dokan——。 Although the Grace Gym looks big, there are not many spectators, and the competition schedule is not very intense... In short, even if the referee's language is incomprehensible, the subboard behind the long-eared rabbit is enough to explain most of the information. "

Now the score on the field is 1:1.

"Hmm... If Haruka wants to participate in the Gorgeous Contest, she will also meet the graders of Pokemon. Asahi kindly added, "Especially in a sparsely populated town, you can also encounter a contest that is full of pokemon except for the contestants." "

Eh..."Being completely diverted by Chao's words, Xiao Yao pursed his lips and pondered for a while, and said in confusion, "But it's so absolute, has Chao ever encountered-" "Boom-"

Xiao Yao's words didn't fall, and a huge roar sounded from directly above everyone.

What b-movement ? Everyone looked up in unison, and saw that on the other side of the translucent frosted glass dome, three black shadows the size of a grain of rice were on the top of the huge dome, and they didn't know what they were doing.

“... How to say it. Xiao Yao suddenly felt something, and his expression became a little complicated, "I feel that something very familiar will happen next." "

“ ? " /"Leather ?

Asahi and Pichu turned their heads in confusion.

However, the puzzle was quickly solved. Standing on the playing field, Lance looked up suspiciously, and then at Ash, who was also confused, - after making sure that the other party was not one of the initiators of the riot, he let out a sigh of relief, and then he pulled out the hands he had been clasping and patted them.


"Meow, is your idea accurate!"

Musashi's patience had run out, and he was now playing the role of overseer with his hands on his hips, staring dissatisfiedly at the two [coolies] working in front of him.

Meow Meow, who was reprimanded, was lying on the huge glass at this time, trying to stab the glass knife in his hand into the huge dome with great effort. But no matter how hard he tried, the sharp end could not penetrate it completely. Meow Meow's mood was already irritable, and when he heard Musashi's rebuke, he was even more dissatisfied: "Musashi will only just say not meow..."

Musashi's eyes widened, angry at Meow's accusations.

The girl who was sitting on the side with Jiro's legs crossed stood up suddenly, and angrily slapped away Kojiro who was trying to be a peacemaker. She stood behind Meow Meow, whose hair stood erect, reached out and grabbed the glass knife in the other party's hand, and stabbed down in a heavy dantian -

"It's not like that!" Meowth screamed.

But Musashi hadn't bent down yet, and the [ground] under the feet of the three of them suddenly trembled. In the middle of the dome as far as the eye can see, with one point as the center, the crack that spreads out like a star, this indestructible glass dome is slowly opened, and the [piece of cake] under the feet of the three people also slowly shrinks inside.

"Wow, ahh - "

At the moment, whether it was a contradiction or something else, the team rocket trio immediately put it behind them, turned around and ran away with an unusual tacit understanding.

Running and running, looking at the border of the top floor gradually approaching them... Kojiro suddenly realized when, [ah] said: "... But weren't we going to fall from heaven here? Now that there is no ceiling, why not jump inside?


words make sense. The trio's pace slowed down, looking at each other quizzically - and not seeing any more opposition in each other's eyes.

"That's it!

The three hit it off, immediately reversed direction, and chose to jump down.


Thankfully, the above journey was not known to the four people in the gym, so when Lance, Ash, Haruka, and the three of them looked at the three of them in the middle of the playing field, the atmosphere did not change from awkward to embarrassing and funny.

The ground of the playing field was smashed into a shallow pit by the three people who fell from the sky, and the three people who came inside grinning and rubbing their buttocks - whether they were familiar with it or not, they were still alive and kicking from the sky like this, and for a while the lance unconsciously doubted that the human body was like this - is it strong?

Standing at one end of the playing field, when the smoke and dust in the middle of the field cleared, Ash, who recognized the three people inside, immediately became vigilant and asked loudly: "Team Rocket!" What bad things do you want to do! "

"Team Rocket ?" Lance's hand was hidden in the wide sleeve, and at this time he raised his hand and supported his chin suspiciously, "... What kind of organization is that ? "

Keyword triggering.

The three people who originally came to scream [oops, oops] were stunned on the spot, as if they had been pressed by some switch, the pain was forgotten, and a carp stood up from the ground - even the dust and dirt that were contaminated were patted away.

Musashi straightened up proudly, "I heard [what kind of organization is that]-" "

Pichu! Use 100,000 volts!

Asah's voice rang out from the audience, interrupting Team Rocket's opening chant along with the thunder that fell from the sky. And in the scolding voices of the three Team Rockets, Ash also seized the opportunity to make up a more simple and straightforward evaluation: "They are a group of bad guys who capture other people's pokemon!" "

“... Every time it comes to hinder our handsome opening remarks-" Musashi, who was still twittering at the court, turned the spearhead on the spot, turned his head and glared at the little ghost head No. 1 angrily, "It's not! Don't talk about us like the kind of sanitation workers who pick up garbage everywhere! We'll only grab the strong pokemon, okay!

Looking at the noisy gym, the lance with his hands around his hands sighed involuntarily, and his face showed a little loss: "I see... It's a shame, I thought I had found some new fun.

After speaking, Lance closed his eyes, his slender and white neck was raised, and his voice was slightly higher by half a degree: "Long-eared rabbit - super meow ——, send off guests."

As the words fell, the long-eared rabbit, which was taller than the ordinary long-eared rabbit as the referee, jumped forward nimbly, and the toned legs stepped on the ground, making a loud noise that made people panic. On the second floor of the entire competition venue, two voices, one black and one white, crossed like ghosts and fell above the central axis of the venue.

A large pink tail stood out of nowhere, jumped on the lance's shoulders three times and two times, like a scarf, and circled around the lance's neck.

"Cut! Do you think you can win with more people? Musashi snorted, expressed disdain for this encirclement, patted Meow Meow's head with his backhand, and said, "Meow Meow, let them see the strength of our Rocket Team!" Contrary

to the domineering Musashi, Meowmeow's beard trembled subtly twice, and the soft flesh pad trembled slightly as she held the button in her hand. Hearing Musashi's words, the cat-shaped pokemon's tail stood up in fright, and slowly drooped down for a while.

Not daring to look directly into Musashi's line of sight, Meow Meow looked at the floor on the side with a weak heart: "... When I fell down, the remote control was broken....


expression froze in place, and then he felt a strong wind blow in front of them, kicking the three of them into a ball and kicking them upward. And in the rapid rise and rapid change of the environment, the sudden telekinesis caught them again - but this was not a respite, followed by a more powerful toss.

The voice of "I'll be back—" disappeared through the air with its long tail in tow. And the black face only returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and put on that gentle smile again.

Seeing the super Miao Meow fly back to the second floor with telekinesis, Ash suddenly realized that there was an audience on the empty second floor.

"That's my other buddies. Lance covered his mouth and chuckled, "... I see a strong curiosity in your eyes. But I can only encourage you to go through each gym challenge and we'll meet again at the League Tournament. "

And before that. Lance straightened his posture, put his hand on the sleeping tail stand on his neck, and said with a smile, "I hope you remember that you are now standing in front of the first door of your alliance with Asgard." "

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